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File metadata and controls

200 lines (163 loc) · 10.6 KB

SNAP Release Notes

New in SNAP 6.0.9

SNAP-1086 Link to changelog not correct in plugin description for SNAP

New in SNAP 6.0.8

[SNAP-1084] DateTimeUtils does not consider UTC
[SNAP-1083] Error while adjusting mosaic bounds to input products
[SNAP-1082] Angle too high when opening DIMAP product (multi-size)
[SNAP-1078] Module updates shall come with release notes / changelog
[SNAP-1079] Saved NetCDF files can not be read by ncdump
[SNAP-1061] Update performance parameters help

New in SNAP 6.0.7

[SNAP-1008] ResamplingOp fails if downsampling method is different from default value 'First'
[SNAP-1060] Downsampling fails with ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
[SNAP-1065] Consider alignment of grids when resampling
[SNAP-1064] Handling of no-data-values during aggregation is not correct
[SNAP-1077] Performance improvements to geo2xyzWGS84 for improved terrain flattening

New in SNAP 6.0.6

Error in version of snap-engine and snap-desktop. Unfortunately only snap-engine has been set to version 6.0.6. The version of snap-desktop is still 6.0.5. But this version glitch does not affect the functionality of SNAP.

[SNAP-1067] Fix SRTM 3sec remote url

New in SNAP 6.0.5

[SNAP-934] No products considered when they don't have time informatin
[SNAP-931] NPE when using products without time information in StatisticsOp
[SNAP-929] Modules not loaded when snappy is not started from the system drive
[SNAP-925] GLCM performance goes down if scene contains NaN values
[SNAP-924] GLCM operator does not check for cancelation request
[SNAP-900] NPE in GLCM

New in SNAP 6.0.4

[SNAP-921] Setting snap.jai.tileCacheSize to higher value than 2000 leads to 0 sized cache
[SNAP-919] To many approximations created for some products
[SNAP-918] When writing out statistics to a csv file, entries will be written multiple times
[SNAP-868] Using LAT and LON in BandMaths operator leads to wrong results

New in SNAP 6.0.3

[SNAP-911] Scatterplot can not be computed
[SNAP-910] Merge operator shows internal parameter in help
[SNAP-908] It shall be possible to turn off temporal aggregation in the StatisticsOp  
[SNAP-907] Statistics Op shall be able to retrieve categoric statistics for integer bands
[SNAP-905] Property for controlling the creation of MERIS pixel-based Geo-Coding not correctly read
[SNAP-880] Update WMS URLs in Layer Manager

New in SNAP 6.0.2

[SNAP-901] XMLSupport leaves stream open
[SNAP-897] Resampling yields different results in desktop and gpt
[SNAP-893] Land/Sea Mask operator is not working when using a vector with some space in the name
[SNAP-892] Number of approximation tiles should not depend on degrees spanned on globe
[SNAP-891] Export of pins to shapefile does not work with certain CRS

New in SNAP 6.0.1

[SNAP-878] Operator Import-Vector fails with products which have a pixel-based GeoCoding
[SNAP-874] Allow to switch between INCLUDE and INTERSECT with bbox when searching for products
[SNAP-867] Classify by raster issues

New in SNAP 6.0

More than 100 bugs and improvements have been solved or implemented for SNAP 6.0. Beside these general improvements also each Toolbox has got it's own improvements.

Some of the noteworthy improvements are:
[SNAP-227] - GPT memory configuration
[SNAP-371] - Smart installer does not allow execution of user-defined graphs
[SNAP-650] - Provide progress on the command line
[SNAP-671] - My keyboard stops working with SNAP 5.0
[SNAP-683] - Add AAFC 2014-2016 land cover
[SNAP-695] - Implement exclude for Merge operator
[SNAP-736] - Unchecked 'Save As' functionality not working in graph builder
[SNAP-743] - Support plotting of metadata values
|SNAP-783] - Module updates are not correctly considered by snappy
[SNAP-807] - Export of pins to Google Earth KMZ format

A comprehensive list of all issues resolved in this version of SNAP can be found in our issue tracking system

New in SNAP v5.0

The SNAP release concentrates on bug fixes and improvements. New features are mainly implemented in the Toolboxes.

Some of the noteworthy improvements are:
[SNAP-373] - Export Sentinel-1 data to HDF5 is not working
[SNAP-396] - Cannot open multiple products if progress dialog is shown
[SNAP-398] - Names of operators shall be handeled case insensitive by gpt
[SNAP-549] - Resampling operator does not preserve time information of the source product
[SNAP-551] - Geo-locations are sometimes not correclty shown in status bar
[SNAP-555] - GPF should load operator SPIs automatically
[SNAP-559] - Can not open multiple products at once
[SNAP-591] - Resample and Reprojection are not user friendly in GraphBuilder
[SNAP-634] - Scene View should create default layers automatically

A comprehensive list of all issues resolved in this version of SNAP can be found in our issue tracking system

New in SNAP v4.0

New Features and Important Changes

  • Supervised Classification - Random Forest, KNN, Maximum Likelihood, Minimum Distance
  • Fractional Land/Water Mask operator has been integrated into SNAP
  • It is now possible to import multiple shape files at once

Solved issues


[SNAP-186] - Metadata Table View incorrectly renders UTC attributes
[SNAP-357] - Message needed: source product not found and operator finished
[SNAP-358] - Sen2Cor operator is disapearing when restarting SNAP
[SNAP-401] - Adapter suppressed when error occures
[SNAP-408] - Problems with field content being edited
[SNAP-420] - External Tool adapter deleted on startup
[SNAP-438] - Resampling operator duplicates masks
[SNAP-439] - STA: System variables are not working
[SNAP-442] - STA: Error is not displayed
[SNAP-443] - STA: No popup window if operator terminated ok
[SNAP-444] - STA: Sytem parameters are not visible
[SNAP-446] - STA: Product does not open or opens with blank images
[SNAP-447] - STA: Execution output window hidden
[SNAP-448] - STA: execution output window does not display output
[SNAP-449] - STA: Source product and source product file looks editable
[SNAP-451] - STA: target product name tag is not right
[SNAP-456] - Netcdf check if Conventions is empty and not just null
[SNAP-459] - SubsetOp throws exception if no intersection with region
[SNAP-461] - Generated executables suppress log output
[SNAP-462] - Updated modules are not considered by gpt
[SNAP-470] - Time information is not correctly shown
[SNAP-473] - STA: Error pattern not saved
[SNAP-478] - No help content shown for some entries
[SNAP-483] - DateTime is not considered in measurement files in Pixel Extraction Tool
[SNAP-485] - Pixel size is not preserved for rectified products when exporting to ENVI file format
[SNAP-486] - Writing NetCDF4-BEAM file fails if metadata has very long attributes
[SNAP-504] - Error when reading processor parameters
[SNAP-508] - All source product selectors are initialised with the selected product
[SNAP-512] - Sen2Cor adapter crashes at startup with latest STA
[SNAP-513] - Sen2Cor adapter does not open the output product
[SNAP-514] - STA: new operator parameters are blank
[SNAP-516] - Subset broken from Graphs
[SNAP-517] - NullPointerException occurs when when using PixelGeoCoding with OLCI data
[SNAP-519] - Graph builder does not remember the name of the current graph when saving a graph.
[SNAP-524] - Pixel Extraction writes only the lower 16 bit of a flag band


[SNAP-489] - Integrate Fractional Land/Water Mask operator into SNAP


[SNAP-404] - There is no easy way to have optional parameters on an adapter
[SNAP-450] - NodeId should be included in exception message
[SNAP-452] - STA: external tools menu appears even if there are no tools
[SNAP-453] - STA: Target product is displayed even if there are no target product to open
[SNAP-457] - Duplicate lat lon bands in readOp if source product has pixel geocoding
[SNAP-460] - Allow selection of mulitple shape files to be imported at once
[SNAP-471] - SRTM 3 sec cannot download due to site down
[SNAP-479] - Allow dragging view when pressing space bar
[SNAP-487] - Assembly of snap-engine should contain scripts to start gpt
[SNAP-490] - Allow merging of scenes without geographic boundary check
[SNAP-515] - STA: folders are not supported as processor parameters
[SNAP-523] - STA: processors with no input and no output declared show an "almost" empty I/O Pannel

A comprehensive list of all issues resolved in this version of SNAP can be found in our issue tracking system

New in SNAP v3.0

New Features and Important Changes

  • A new Resampling Operator has been introduced. Its main purpose is to make the bands of a multi-size product equal in size. It is possible to choose for the resampling different aggregation and interpolation methods. If a user invokes an action which can not handle multi-size products the user is asked to resample the product.
  • New function bit_set(bandName, bitNumber) in Band Maths available. The method tests if the bit at the specified number is set or not.
  • GPF operators can now compute multi-size target products. To do so the computeTile(band, tile) must be implemented. In order to reflect a dynamic state created in the initialize() method (the source and therefore the target is single-size) the methods boolean canComputeTile() and boolean canComputeTileStack() can be overridden.
  • GPF operators can now access a product manager Operator.getProductManager(). This is useful to provide auxiliary products to other operators in the graph.
  • Support for quicklooks have been integrated in Products Explorer and Product Library
  • Operations to perform land masking have been added.
  • The operator LinearTodB has been renamed to LinearToFromdB

A comprehensive list of all issues resolved in this version of SNAP can be found in our issue tracking system

#Release notes of former versions