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Send admin messages in a group channel

This sample with UI components demonstrates how to handle Admin messages in a group channel on Sendbird Chat SDK for Android. Admin messages can be sent through Sendbird Dashboard or a Platform API request, not on the SDK.



  • Android Studio
    • Android Studio Electric Eel | 2022.1.1
  • Android SDK
    • compileSdk: 34
    • minSdk: 26
    • targetSdk: 34
  • Gradle Version
    • gradle: 7.5
    • android gradle plugin: 7.4.2

How it works

GroupChannelChatActivity is an Activity that manages messages sent by channel members and displays the chat view. To perform these functions, it utilizes an object called messageCollection.

The messageCollection object collects new messages sent by users, and helps to sequentially sort and process these messages. These collected and sorted messages are then handled through the GroupChannelChatAdapter.

private fun initRecyclerView() {
  // When the message is added to the collection, the message is added to the adapter.
  adapter = GroupChannelChatAdapter({ baseMessage, view ->        
  }, {

GroupChannelChatAdapter operates as a RecyclerView adapter. It creates a distinct view for each message type and binds the message data to the corresponding view. This adapter is designed to handle various types of messages, including text messages, file messages, and admin messages. Among these, admin messages are handled by the GroupChatAdminViewHolder through the onCreateViewHolder method. By using different ViewHolders by message type, it can dynamically apply the appropriate layout for each message type.


override fun onCreateViewHolder(parent: ViewGroup, viewType: Int): RecyclerView.ViewHolder {
  when (viewType) {
    // When the message is an admin message, return GroupChatAdminViewHolder.
    VIEW_TYPE_ADMIN -> return GroupChatAdminViewHolder(

override fun onBindViewHolder(holder: RecyclerView.ViewHolder, position: Int) {
  when (holder) {
    is GroupChatAdminViewHolder -> {
      holder.bind(getItem(position), showDate)

override fun getItemViewType(position: Int): Int {
  return if (getItem(position) is AdminMessage) {
  } else {

inner class GroupChatAdminViewHolder(private val binding: ListItemChatAdminBinding) :
  BaseViewHolder(binding) {
  fun bind(
    message: BaseMessage,
    showDate: Boolean
  ) {
    if (showDate) {
      binding.dateTagView.visibility = View.VISIBLE
    } else {
      binding.dateTagView.visibility = View.GONE

How to run

Copy and paste the following code into Terminal or run it on an emulator to see what the sample looks like.

./gradlew :app:installDebug
adb shell am start -n "" -a android.intent.action.MAIN -c android.intent.category.LAUNCHER --splashscreen-show-icon