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馃摉 PageControllerView

PageControllerView is a Swift library that provides tab view like support for macOS applications using SwiftUI. It primarily solves the issue of swiping left and right for macOS onboarding.


  • Data Source: Define any properties needed for your NSPageController. Replace with your data source.
  • Current Page: This should change page from the caller. Use this to get callbacks when page changes, and also use it to set pages.
  • MakeView: Callback to make content for each page. Here we make a callback, that takes index and returns View for the NSHostingController to use. The idea is to make this more like swiftui tabview api.

Example Usage

Here is an example of how to use the PageControllerView in a SwiftUI view:


Swiping does not work properly in Xcode preview canvas. To see the swipe effect, build and run the app target for macOS.

#if os(macOS)

struct MacApp: App {
   @State var curPageIndex: Int = 0
   var body: some Scene {
      WindowGroup {
         PageControllerView(dataSource: ["green", "blue", "red"], currentPage: $curPageIndex ) { identifier in
             var rootView: Color
             switch identifier {
             case "green":
                 rootView = .green
             case "red":
                 rootView = .red
                 rootView = .blue
             return AnyView(rootView)
         .onChange(of: curPageIndex) { _, _ in // debugging to see that we get callbacks from the binding
             Swift.print("curPageIndex: \(curPageIndex)")
      .windowStyle(.hiddenTitleBar) // Hides the top bar
      .windowToolbarStyle(.unifiedCompact(showsTitle: false)) // Hides the top bar text and more compact vertical sizing than .unified



  • Add dedicated UITests