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Planning and Scheduling

1. The Development Model

Based on the main purpose of this mission, we chose Evolutionary Prototyping development model. In the entire development process, first determine the overall architecture of the system and the specific technologies to be used in each part. Effectively dock the interface between the front and back ends and the interface between the back end and the database. Then develop the project prototype according to the UI design -> development mode. The development sequence is: main interface, login interface, community interface, game management interface, rules interface, comment interface, developer interface. After the development of each component is completed, add it to the project prototype, and then continue the development of the next component.

2. Work Break Structure

As we already have the architecture in submission 1, we can split the whole task to small tasks (Product Hierarchy).

There are three main parts when we develop the system:

  • UI. Simple interface

    UI design is singled out as a large subtask, and then classified according to the different components designed, mainly divided into 6 categories. Because the development model of our choice is Evolutionary Prototyping, we take the completion of small components as the primary goal. On the basis of the smooth operation of the small components, all the components are spliced together to complete the development of the entire prototype. In the UI design part, first design the layout of each page, as well as the main buttons to be included and their corresponding functions. On this basis, front-end developers implement the entire layout and button functions.

  • Operation & Maintenance

    • Database

      In this task, we will compare different kinds of databases (such as relational model, graph like model and document model) and select the suitable one. The evaluation conditions include relationships between objects (such one-to-many, many-to-one and many-to-many), read and write rate (such as the rate of querying and updating), reliability, scalability and maintainability.

    • Version Control & Recall(unnecessary)

      Version Control will be throughout the whole process of software development. The prototype, risk analysis, software structure and requirements engineering all need version control. Because software usually needs to roll back to old versions. Also, a software commonly provides several versions to users, such as a stable version (or long time support version LTS) and a preview version.

    • Release Product

    After the entire system design is completed, how to publish the system to a suitable platform will be the next key issue. The platform on which this system relies must have sufficient bandwidth and storage space, while at the same time satisfying data security and system robustness

  • Development

    For Web software development, the client-server is commonly used. In this model, the program runing on the server is often called the back-end, and the program running on clients is often called the front-end. It is straight forward to break the software into these two parts.

    • The front end

      The responsibility of front end is accepting inputs from users, converting them to "valid" commands and sending them to the back-end server. Then the server returns some message to front-end, and the front-end renders the message so that users can see software's reponse on their screens. The program of the front-end should handle events occuring on GUI. For example, if a user clicks a button using the mouse or does a gesture on their smart phone, the front-end should start using corresponded control-flow.

      Sub-tasks of the front-end are based on both the GUI design and the control flow.

    • The back end

      The program deployed on back-end (or server) involves all functionality implementations of the software. Some frameworks (such as Spring Boot and Flask) can be used here to make the software structure more clear. Also, the interface between back-end and front-end is very important.

      Sub-tasks in back-end are based on the software's functionality and control flow.

      There are more details about the little tasks of the three main parts.

3. Tasks Dependencies

Before writing the prototype, all team members should get familiar with the software architecture and learn the techniques which will be used, including Python, Flask, CSS and so on. At the same time, the GUI designing can start, because there is not so much technical demand for this task.

At the second stage, functionalities of the software will be implemented one by one, which includes login/logout, player's homepage, game community, publisher's homepage, game rules and reviews. For each sub-task, we should firstly design the GUI and then implement the frontend and backend. At the same time, database designing can start.

At the third stage, after all GUIs have been implemented, we can start the GUI optimization. Also, components optimization will start after all tasks of frontend/backend have been finished.

At the final stage, the software will be deployed and released.

Also, software testing runs through all stages because we will use Test Driven Development (TDD).

4. Gantt Chart

5. Team Structure Submission 2

Project Manager: Milly Kinghorn

  • Responsibilities as previous
  • Allocated due to past experience as the project manager of this team from the previous assignment

Risk Analysis Team: Sera Choi, Milly Kinghorn, Gregor Rowley

  • Responsible for choosing risk analysis and mitigation methods/strategies
  • Responsible for ensuring all risks are identified and attributed to the correct subsection
  • Responsible for applying risk mitigation strategies within the development plan
  • Allocated as previous assignment highlighted effective teamwork between Sera, Milly and Gregor

Planning and Scheduling Team: Hao Yang, Xiaoyu Wei

  • Responsible for choosing development model for the creation of the prototype
  • Responsible for identifying specific tasks required to complete prototype development and creating a schedule to complete these
  • Allocated due to knowledge of inner workings of the software from the previous assignment and from personal experiences
  • Allocated as Hao and Xiaoyu are familiar with working together as they were responsible for the software architecture in the previous assignment

6. Task Assignment for Submission 3

According to the actual needs of the next stage and the different skills mastered by each member of the team, a new group structure and task assignment are designed

  • Architecture Design: Milly, Yao, Xiaoyu
  • GUI Design: Sera, Gregor
  • Database Design: Gregor
  • Homepage & login page GUI Design: Sera
  • Homepage & login page front/back end: Milly, Yao, Xiaoyu
  • Community page GUI Design: Sera
  • Community front/back end: Milly, Yao, Xiaoyu
  • Game & publisher page GUI Design: Sera
  • Game & publisher page front/back end: Milly, Yao, Xiaoyu
  • Rules and Reviews page GUI Design; Sera
  • Rules and Reviews page front/back end: Milly, Yao, Xiaoyu
  • GUI optimization: Sera
  • Components optimization: Milly, Yao, Xiaoyu
  • Testing: Gregor
  • Release Product: Milly, Yao, Xiaoyu