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Risk Analysis

1. Risk assessment method

The process of analysing risks to the project starts with identifying any and all risks which pose a threat to the development of the prototype. In order to determine these risks, a qualitative risk assessment strategy was applied. This was chosen in favour of a quantitative approach because the project did not have any monetary motivation i.e. there was no financial cost associated with delays or number of working hours like there would be for a real software development project. This means that all the risks identified impact on the quality of the prototype and the timeliness of it's development only. In addition, although a quantitative approach would make it easier to categorise and prioritise the mitigation of risks (as they can be easily ranked against each other), there are very few ways to assign a value to the different elements of this specific project, and so a qualitative, but detailed method is preferred. For every risk, the probability and impact were evaluated using categories shown below:

  • Probability of risk: Unlikely, Possible, Probable, Certain
  • Impact of risk: Negligible, Moderate, Severe, Catastrophic

After assessing the risk probability and impact, risk priority was determined using the risk matrix below:

2. Risk control method

In order to mitigate the risks, a structured response is required. The goal is to address the risks now so they don't happen (or we are at least prepared for them) as opposed to waiting for something to go wrong during the development stage when there is more to lose if time is spent solving problems that could be avoided or solved earlier. The 7 methods identified to control risk were:

  1. Avoid the risk by not accepting any situation that carry risk
  2. Transfer the risk from one part of a system to another to reduce the risk
  3. Buy information about the risk
  4. Eliminate the risk by removing any exposure
  5. Assume that the risk can happen and be ready to handle it
  6. Publicise the risk to customers to minimise the shock when it occurs
  7. Control the risk by altering the schedule to minimise its effect

3. Risk categories

Risks are categorised into 4 areas:

  1. Scheduling: risks associated with project planning, estimation and team performance
  2. Operational: risks associated with implementation of prototype
  3. Technical: risks associated with software performance and function
  4. Programmatic: risks from external sources

3.1 Scheduling Risks

Risk Probability of risk Impact Risk Priority Resolution Method Resolution Strategy
Uneven workload split between team members Possible Negligible - easily resolved and minimal impact on the final prototype's quality. Affects overall project, not task specific. Low Control Split workload broadly between sub teams so team members stay focussed on their area and from here split workload based on time as opposed to number of tasks
Individual falling behind on workload Probable Severe - can cause changes to the time and effort estimate for prototype development, resulting in unfinished prototype or submission. Affects overall project, not task specific. High Control Project Manager individually check in with team members. Internal deadlines set before final deadline. Collaborative sub-teams to encourage participation and help pick up slack if necessary
Lack of communication between different sub teams resulting in an incoherent prototype Unlikely Moderate - could result in a prototype which does not function properly because different areas have not been consolidated, Affects overall project, not task specific. Medium Control Regular (every 3-4 days) whole-team meetings to present progress and ask questions
Poor effort and time estimate for prototype development Possible Severe - fail to produce a functioning prototype in time. Tasks that depend on completion of other tasks are not accomplished. Affects overall project, not task specific. High Control Discuss the appropriate time and effort estimate for tasks familiar to team members. For unfamiliar tasks, consult with experts or obtain information from International Software Benchmarking Standards Group
Disputes among team members Unlikely Moderate - disputes on project decisions can be resolved by the group, personal disputes cause a bigger problem as it may impact on the quality and timeliness of the prototype. Affects overall project, not task specific. Low Avoid Democratic vote for disagreements on project decisions (since 5 members a majority rules), for personal disputes, have to prevent with open communication lines and honesty
Time difference in working hours Certain Negligible - the work will still get done, just with more asynchronous communication at times. Affects overall project, not task specific. Medium Control Ensure group meetings are at a social time for everyone in the group (10am - 2pm UK time)
Team member unable to continue Unlikely Moderate - would require a reallocation of the tasks with potentially minimal notice and would put a strain on the rest of the team. The prototype may be incomplete with components missing and low-quality. Affects overall project, not task specific. Low Assume It is out of our control, but would require fast action to ensure all areas required for the project can still be completed

3.2 Operational Risks

Risk Probability of risk Impact Risk Priority Resolution Method Resolution Strategy
Technology required to develop prototype is not available on all team members' personal machines e.g. mixture of windows and mac Probable Moderate - may cause uneven distribution of tasks as only those with compatible PC can complete the tasks. If this is the case for majority of tasks, it may result in unfinished prototype with partially completed tasks. Affects tasks involving interface as the formatting may be different. Medium Control Discuss personal computer models before technology is chosen and research technology compatible with all if they are different
No team member has sufficient skills in implementing a specific area of the prototype Possible Severe - If the component is core to the software, the product may not address the core functionalities. Else, the quality may be poor. Affects the specific tasks for which we are lacking in skill. High Eliminate Remove this specific area from the prototype as there is not sufficient time to train individuals within the schedule
Faulty development tools Possible Severe - If the development tool breaks down in the midst of development, moderate-to-severe changes could be made to the prototype to finish in time. Fixing the issue or switching to a different tool may take time, causing changes to the time and effort estimate. Affects overall project, not task specific. High Avoid Assess the reliability of development tools before choosing
Version control system breaks down Unlikely Moderate - Unable to track changes and work together on the prototype. May cause disruptions to time and effort estimate as switching to a different version control system takes time. Affects project as a whole- specifically tasks which are split between team members. Low Assume Be aware of the possibility and have an alternative version control system in mind to switch to when this happens. Communicate through other methods to notify team members about changes made to the code
Usability testing failure Possible Severe - unable to evaluate the prototype and identify issues with the design. The quality of final product is low and difficult to use. Affects overall project, encompassed in the "Testing" task which runs throughout. High Eliminate Careful testing design, taking account of the current pandemic

3.3 Technical Risks

Risk Probability of risk Impact Risk Priority Resolution Method Resolution Strategy
Unexpected changes to design Unlikely Severe - causes major changes to architecture, UI, and prototype. Impacts all tasks associated with the UI, Operation & Maintenance and Development components. High Avoid If the changes are severe and cannot be implemented in time, reject the change. If achievable, re-evaluate the time and effort estimate and follow swiftly
Adding in extra functionality Unlikely Moderate - If the functionality is core to the software, it may cause severe changes to the architecture, UI and prototype. All core components (UI, Operation/Maintenance and Development) are affected. If the functionality is trivial, may have local impacts on the components Low Eliminate Assess the requirements of the new functionality and remove if the task is unfamiliar and time consuming
Final product fails to perform core functionalities Possible Catastrophic - project failure High Eliminate Prioritise tasks to ensure core functionalities are addressed and tested first. Use prototypes to identify potential issues that may rise during the final product development
Low quality of final product Possible Moderate - Non-functional requirements are not addressed and customers are dissatisfied with the product. Affects overall project, not task specific Low Avoid Good project planning and estimation to ensure non-functional requirements are also addressed in the time given

3.4 Programmatic Risks

Risk Probability of risk Impact Risk Priority Resolution Method Resolution Strategy
Changes to data protection policy Possible Moderate - may impact tasks associated with the Operation & Maintenance component Low Assume Changes in data protection policy cannot be predicted, but if changes are required, the team is prepared to modify the design and architecture
New functionality suggestion from customer Unlikely Moderate - may cause moderate-to-severe changes to the architecture and design. Depending on the functionality, all core components are affected Low Avoid Dependent on the new functionality. If the risk is too high, remove. If moderate, renegotiate with the customer
Competitor software grows rapidly to threaten our userbase Possible Moderate - may cause some users to leave but most will stay with the software they are used to and comfortable with. More likely to impact new user sign-ups. Affects database as the potential capacity for users will not be used and may need to be scaled down Low Buy Obtain more information about the competitor in question and investigate the reason for their relative success in order to improve our own software
Deadline for assignment is changed/brought forward Unlikely Severe - the entire schedule will have to be restructured to accommodate the new end date. Affects all core components of the system, but particularly tasks scheduled towards the end e.g.Component optimisation, GUI optimisation, and database design High Assume Stay vigilant and up-to-date with the course announcements and be ready to adjust the schedule if it needs to be