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File metadata and controls

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Brief description

Conductor is a simple task orchestration tool that allows you to describe your workflows in ubiquitous language and execute them in a defined order.

It enforces immutability and clear code design of your workflows by providing a set of interfaces and classes that you can easily reuse in other workflows/projects.

How to get started

  1. Define your Task classes

Task is an atomic unit of work that your distributed system should have done. It rather can be a simple function or a class with a complex logic. When Task is executed it returns a Result which can indicate whether the execution was successful or not.

  1. Define your WorkflowState class

You can think it as a shared context between your steps. It is a simple data class that should implement copy method to provide immutability.

  1. Define your Step classes

Step is a unit of work Workflow deals with. It is a wrapper around Task that allows you to define how to react on Task's Result.

  1. Compose your Steps into a Workflow

Workflow is a set of Steps that are executed in a particular order. The order is defined by Workflow's implementation. Currently, there are two implementations available: Linear and Graph.


Graph workflow example:

public class GraphWorkflowExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        private static record TestState(String name, int age) implements WorkflowState<TestState> {
            public TestState copy() {
                return new TestState(name, age);
        TestState initialState = new TestState("Amber", 34);
        var firstStep = Step.<TestState, TestStateProjection, String>forTask(payload -> Result.of("Jane"))
                .thatAccepts(state -> new TestStateProjection(
        var secondStep = Step.<TestState, Void, Integer>forTask(unused -> Result.of(5))
        var thirdStep = Step.<TestState, TestState, TestState>forTask(payload -> new TestState("Agnis", 16))
                .reducesState((state, value) -> {

        Workflow<TestState> workflow = Workflows.builder(firstStep)
                .addStep(thirdStep, thatDependsOn(firstStep, secondStep))
                .addStep(secondStep, thatDependsOn(firstStep))
        TestState result = workflow.execute(initialState);
        // Result: TestState{name='Agnis', age=16}