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Installation & Build

Vojtěch Šimko edited this page Jun 29, 2018 · 1 revision


Before the installation itself you should know what you're about to install. Here's a summary of which components the IMA.js consists of:

  • React for UI, which you should learn before you dive head-first into IMA.js
  • Express.js as the web server, but you don't need to know express to use IMA.js
  • ...and various little utilities you don't need to concern yourself with :)

The IMA.js is divided into the core library, which you'll use to build your application, and the application server build on top of Express.js, that brings your application to life.

You can find the core library at, while the server can be found at


To install the IMA.js application development stack, start by cloning this git repository:

git clone

# Optionally - name the folder of your application as you want
git clone my-project-name

Switch to the cloned directory (IMA.js-skeleton or my-project-name) and run the following commands to set-up your application:

npm install
npm run app:hello
npm run dev

# for older browser (IE11)
npm run dev --legacy-compat-mode

These commands install the dependencies locally, prepare the basic demo application and start the development server. Go ahead and open http://localhost:3001/ in your browser!

Running npm run dev builds ES6 version of your app. Transpiling to ES5 happens only when you append --legacy-compat-mode flag or when running npm run build command (see Production use).

You also may want to install the gulp tool globally in order to access all the available tools, examples and commands (you may need to use sudo on a UNIX-like system):

npm install -g gulp

You probably will have to install also node-gyp - follow the installation instructions for your operating system in the linked

You may also try other local demos by running either of the following commands:

npm run app:feed - Demo - Source code

npm run app:todos - Demo - Source code

Application structure

After you've cloned the skeleton and installed one of our examples, your application will be located in the app directory, so let's take a closer look at the contents of the application:

  • assets - files that are preprocessed and copied to our built application, usually as static resources.
    • less - Less CSS files defining common rules, overrides, macros, mixins and the basic UI layout.
    • static - any files that do not need preprocessing (3rd party JS files, images, ...)
  • base - base classes providing default implementation of some of the abstract APIs. We can use these to make our lives a little easier in some cases.
  • component - our React components for use in the view. Components are covered in part 3 of our tutorial.
  • config - configuration files. You don't need to worry about those right now. When the time comes you'll find more references on the Configuration page.
  • locale - localization files, providing localized phrases used in our application. This directory contains sub-directories for specific languages, each named after the ISO 639-1 two-character language code for the given language.
  • page - controllers, main views and page-specific Less CSS files for pages in our application. Usage of these is configured via routing.
    • error - the page shown when the application encounters an error that prevents it from working properly.
    • home - the index (home) page.
    • notFound - the page shown when the user navigates to a page that is not defined in our application.

The assets, config and locale directories are expected by the IMA.js application stack, the remaining directories can be renamed or moved and you are free to organize your files in any way you like (but you will have to update the configuration accordingly).

Production use

If you want to deploy your IMA.js application to production, the installation is similar to the dev enviroment.

To install the IMA.js application, start by cloning your application git repository on your production server:

git clone // use your application's repository

Switch to the cloned directory and run the following commands to set-up your application - same as in the development mode:

npm install
npm run build

Now your server is ready for running the built IMA.js application.

You can run your application using the following command:

npm run start

Your application is now running at http://localhost:3001/ (unless configured otherwise).

Building for SPA deployment

It is also possible to deploy your IMA.js application as an SPA (single-page application). To do that, run the following command to build your application:

npm run build:spa

Your built application will be in the build directory, ready for deployment to an HTTP server.