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SEO & MetaManager

Vojtěch Šimko edited this page Aug 6, 2018 · 10 revisions

If you've read the Controller lifecycle page you've probably come along the setMetaParams method. This method is dedicated to set meta information for a specific page and you are provided with everything you need (current state, MetaManager, router, dictionary and settings).

MetaManager is then used in DocumentView to set <title/>, <meta/> and <link/> tags.

Setting and obtaining information from the MetaManager

setTitle() - getTitle()

Sets the page title...

// app/page/order/OrderController.js

setMetaParams(loadedResources, metaManager, router, dictionary, settings) {
    const { order } = loadedResources;
    const title = `Order #${} - ${settings.general.appTitle}`

...and displays it.

// app/component/document/DocumentView.jsx

render() {
    return (
                {/* ... */}

setMetaName() - getMetaName() - getMetaNames()

Sets the information to be used in <meta name="..." content="..."/>.

// app/page/BaseController.js

setMetaParams(loadedResources, metaManager, router, dictionary, settings) {
        'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.'
// app/component/document/DocumentView.jsx

<meta name="description" content={this.props.metaManager.getMetaName('description')} />

Note: The name attribute of the <meta/> tag should match the 1st argument of the setMetaName() method otherwise the contents won't be updated.

setMetaProperty() - getMetaProperty() - setMetaProperties()

These methods are similar to the two above except that these are used for <meta property="..." content="..."/>.

// app/page/ArticleController.js

setMetaParams(loadedResources, metaManager, router, dictionary, settings) {
    const { article } = loadedResources;
    metaManager.setMetaProperty('og:image', article.thumbnailUrl);
// app/component/document/DocumentView.jsx

<meta property="og:image" content={this.props.metaManager.getMetaProperty('og:image')} />

Note: Again, the property attribute of the <meta> tag should match the 1st argument of the setMetaProperty() method otherwise the contents won't be updated.

setLink() - getLink() - getLinks()

Adds information to the MetaManager to be later used in <link rel="..." href="..." /> tag.

// app/page/order/OrderController.js

setMetaParams(loadedResources, metaManager, router, dictionary, settings) {
    const { order } = loadedResources;
    const orderDetailLink ='order-detail', {
        sortItems: null // doesn't have to be here, just explicitly null-ing query params

    metaManager.setLink('canonical', orderDetailLink);
// app/component/document/DocumentView.jsx

<link rel="canonical" href={this.props.metaManager.getLink('canonical')} />

Automatically displaying all information

If you don't want to bother with displaying each <meta/> or <link/> tag separately use the getMetaNames(), getMetaProperties() and getLinks() methods.

// app/component/document/DocumentView.jsx`

// in the beginning of render() method
const { metaManager } = this.props;

// ...
    {metaManager.getMetaNames().map(name => (
        <meta key={name} name={name} content={metaManager.getMetaName(name)} />
    {metaManager.getMetaProperties().map(property => (
        <meta key={property} property={property} content={metaManager.getMetaProperty(property)} />
    {metaManager.getLinks().map(relation => (
        <link key={relation} rel={relation} href={metaManager.getLink(relation)} />