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Project 1


Peer Review

Create a Github Issue for your project
Fork & then clone your partner's project
Pair program to resolve the Github Issue & submit a Pull Request

Please keep track of time -- you should spend roughly an hour on each project

###1. Create an Issue (10m)

  • Discuss what your application does at a high level. This should be one or two sentences, an elevator pitch. (5m)
  • Discuss 1 minor issue in your project. Make sure it's a simple issue, like a small addition, that could be solved relatively quickly with the tools we already have - jQuery, express, etc.
  • On Github, create a new Issue. Be descriptive of what is wrong and how you'd like it fixed. Maybe give some rough steps you'd take to solve it.


###2. Setup the Project (30m)

  1. Fork your partner's project.
  2. Clone the fork you just made locally.
  3. Make a new branch named after the issue you're solving.
    • git checkout -b fix_signin_redirect
  • See if you can successfully setup your partner's project by following the instructions in their readme. Note any roadblocks you hit along the way (create github issues).


###3. Fix the problem (20m)

  1. Make sure you are on the new branch named after the issue you're solving, working on your fork of your partner's project.
    • git checkout -b fix_signin_redirect
  2. Pair to solve the problem. Make frequent commits.

###4. Resolve the Issue (15m) 3. Push your branch to the fork: - git push origin fix_signin_redirect 4. Navigate to your repo on and submit the branch fix_signin_redirect as a pull request. 5. The project owner should code review and merge the pull request. They can code review small changes on Github itself, or they can fetch the pull request and view it locally.


###5. Repeat Make sure you each get a chance to create and resolve a github issue. Try to split your time equally between each project.