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Technical Description of IEEE-CoG2023 MicroRTS Submission

Videos of the agent in action in README.

Agent Overview

RAISocketAI is a Java class that communicates with a Python process to determine actions. RAISocketAI launches the Python process and uses pipes for writing requests and read responses with the process.

The Python process loads up 7 different PyTorch models. During a match, only one model is used based on the map:

  • ppo-Microrts-finetuned-NoWhereToRun-S1-best: NoWhereToRun9x8
  • ppo-Microrts-A6000-finetuned-coac-mayari-S1-best: All other maps of size 16x16 and smaller
  • ppo-Microrts-finetuned-DoubleGame-shaped-S1-best: DoubleGame24x24
  • ppo-Microrts-finetuned-DistantResources-shaped-S1-best: BWDistantResources32x32 if believed to complete within 75 milliseconds per turn
  • ppo-Microrts-squnet-DistantResources-128ch-finetuned-S1-best: BWDistantResources32x32 if the other model takes over 75 milliseconds per turn
  • ppo-Microrts-squnet-map32-128ch-selfplay-S1-best: All other maps where the longest dimension is between 17-32
  • ppo-Microrts-squnet-map64-64ch-selfplay-S1-best: Maps where the longest dimension is over 32

The tournament in the README used ppo-Microrts-finetuned-DistantResources-shaped-S1-best instead of ppo-Microrts-squnet-DistantResources-128ch-finetuned-S1-best. The first 4 models (non-squnet) use the same model architecture. ppo-Microrts-A6000-finetuned-coac-mayari-S1-best (DoubleCone) was trained as a base model, and the other 3 models were finetuned from the base model on their specific maps (NoWhereToRun9x8, DoubleGame24x24, BWDistantResources32x32).

DNN Architecture

The DoubleCone model is a reimplementation of the LUX Season 2 4th place winner's model [1]:

  1. 4 residual blocks
  2. A block with a stride-4 convolution, 6 residual blocks, and 2 stride-2 transpose convolutions with a residual connection.
  3. 4 residual blocks
  4. Actor and critic heads.

DoubleCone(4,6,4) neural network architecture

Each residual block includes a SqueezeAndExcitation layer.

graph TD
  Input[/"Input, C×L×L"/]
	Split1((" "))
	Conv1["Conv 3×3, GELU, C"]
	Conv2["Conv 3×3, C"]
	subgraph SqueezeExcitation["SqueezeAndExcitation"]
		Split2((" "))
		Linear1["Linear, GELU, C/r"]
		Linear2["Linear, Sigmoid, C"]
	Output[/"Output, C×L×L"/]

	Input --> Split1
	Split1 --> Conv1
	Conv1 --> Conv2
	Conv2 --> Split2
	Split2 -- "AdaptiveAvgPool2d" --> Linear1
	Linear1 --> Linear2
	Linear2 --> Mult
	Split2 --> Mult
	Mult --> Add
	Split1 --> Add
	Add -- GELU --> Output

The "squnet" models are similar to DoubleCone in the use of residual blocks with squeeze-and-excitation and residual connections across convolution-deconvolution blocks. However, squnet more mimics a U-net architecture through nested strided convolution-deconvolution blocks to increase receptive field.

graph TD
	Obs[/"Observation, 74×64×64"/]
	InConv["Conv 3×3, GELU, 64"]
	EncRes1["ResBlock×1, 64"]
	Split1((" "))
	subgraph DC32["32×32"]
		Down1["Conv 2×2, stride=2, GELU, 64"]
		EncRes2["ResBlock×1, 64"]
		Split2((" "))
		subgraph DC8["8×8"]
			Down2["Conv 4×4, stride=4, GELU, 64"]
			EncRes3["ResBlock×1, 64"]
			Split3((" "))
			subgraph DC2["2×2"]
				Down3["Conv 4×4, stride=4, GELU, 64"]
				EncRes4["ResBlock×1, 64"]
				Up3["ConvTranspose 4×4, stride=4, GELU", 64]
			DecRes3["ResBlock×1, 64"]
			Up2["ConvTranspose 4×4, stride=4, GELU, 64"]
		DecRes2["ResBlock×1, 64"]
	Up1["ConvTranspose 2×2, stride=2, GELU, 64"]
	DecRes1["ResBlock×1, 64"]
	Heads["Actor Head, 3×Value Heads"]

  Obs --> InConv
	InConv --> EncRes1
	EncRes1 --> Split1
		Split1 --> Down1
		Down1 --> EncRes2
		EncRes2 --> Split2
			Split2 --> Down2
			Down2 --> EncRes3
			EncRes3 --> Split3
				Split3 --> Down3
				Down3 --> EncRes4
				EncRes4 --> Up3
				Up3 --> Add3
				Split3 --> Add3
				Add3 --> DecRes3
			DecRes3 --> Up2
			Up2 --> Add2
			Split2 --> Add2
			Add2 --> DecRes2
			DecRes2 --> Up1
			Up1 --> Add1
			Split1 ---> Add1
		Add1 --> DecRes1
	DecRes1 --> Heads

The table below shows the number of levels, residual blocks, strides, and other statistics between the DoubleCone and squnet models:

DoubleCone squnet-map32 squnet-map64
Levels 2 4 4
Encoder residual blocks/level [4, 6] [1, 1, 1, 1] [1, 1, 1, 1]
Decoder residual blocks/level [4] [1, 1, 1] [1, 1, 1]
Stride/level [4] [2, 2, 4] [2, 4, 4]
Deconvolution strides/level [[2, 2]*] [2, 2, 4] [2, 4, 4]
Channels/level [128, 128] [128, 128, 128, 128] [64, 64, 64, 64]
Trainable parameters 5,014,865 3,584,657 1,420,625
MACs 0.70B (16x16)
0.40B (12x12)§
1.58B (24x24)
2.81B (32x32)
1.16B (32x32) 1.41B (64x64)

Used by ppo-Microrts-squnet-DistantResources-128ch-finetuned-S1-best and ppo-Microrts-squnet-map32-128ch-selfplay-S1-best. *2 stride-2 transpose convolutions to match the 1 stride-4 convolution. Multiply-Accumulates for computing actions for a single observation. All maps smaller than 16x16 (except NoWhereToRun9x8) are padded with walls up to 16x16. §NoWhereToRun9x8 is padded with walls up to 12x12.

All models have one actor head, which outputs an action for every location (GridNet in [2]). Invalid action masking sets logits to a very large negative number (thus zeroing probabilities) for actions that are illegal or would accomplish nothing. All models have 3 value heads for 3 different value functions:

  1. Dense reward similar to [2], except reward for building combat units is split by combat unit type scaled by build-time. Identity activation.
  2. Win-loss sparse reward at end of game. +1 for win, -1 for loss, 0 for draw. Tanh activation.
  3. Difference in units based on cost, similar to [3]. Identity activation.

These 3 value heads are used to mix-and-match rewards over the course of training, generally starting with dense rewards using 1 and 3 and finishing with only win-loss sparse rewards by the end. The value heads are strided convolutions (the number and strides differ between DoubleCone and the squnet models) followed by a global average pool and a couple of densely connected layers:

graph TD
	subgraph squnet64Value["squnet64 Value Head"]
		Backbone_64[/"Backbone, 64×L×L"/]
		Conv1_64["Conv 3×3, stride=2, GELU, 64"]
		Conv2_64["Conv 4×4, stride=4, GELU, 64"]
		Conv3_64["Conv 4×4, stride=4, GELU, 64"]
		Linear1_64["Linear, GELU, 64×64"]
		Linear2_64["Linear, 64×1"]
		Value_64[/"Value prediction, Scalar"/]

		Backbone_64 --> Conv1_64
		Conv1_64 --> Conv2_64
		Conv2_64 --> Conv3_64
		Conv3_64 -- "AdaptiveAvgPool2d, Flatten" --> Linear1_64
		Linear1_64 --> Linear2_64
		Linear2_64 -- Activation Function --> Value_64

	subgraph squnet32Value["squnet32 Value Head"]
		Backbone_32[/"Backbone, 128×L×L"/]
		Conv1_32["Conv 3×3, stride=2, GELU, 64"]
		Conv2_32["Conv 3×3, stride=2, GELU, 64"]
		Conv3_32["Conv 4×4, stride=4, GELU, 64"]
		Linear1_32["Linear, GELU, 64×64"]
		Linear2_32["Linear, 64×1"]
		Value_32[/"Value prediction, Scalar"/]

		Backbone_32 --> Conv1_32
		Conv1_32 --> Conv2_32
		Conv2_32 --> Conv3_32
		Conv3_32 -- "AdaptiveAvgPool2d, Flatten" --> Linear1_32
		Linear1_32 --> Linear2_32
		Linear2_32 -- Activation Function --> Value_32

	subgraph DoubleConeValue["Double Cone Value Head"]
		Backbone[/"Backbone, 128×L×L"/]
		Conv1["Conv 3×3, stride=2, GELU, 64"]
		Conv2["Conv 3×3, stride=2, GELU, 64"]
		Linear1["Linear, GELU, 64×64"]
		Linear2["Linear, 64×1"]
		Value[/"Value prediction, Scalar"/]

		Backbone --> Conv1
		Conv1 --> Conv2
		Conv2 -- "AdaptiveAvgPool2d, Flatten" --> Linear1
		Linear1 --> Linear2
		Linear2 -- Activation Function --> Value

PPO training

The Gym-μRTS paper [2] was used as a starting point, using GridNet and self-play. The major differences from the paper:

  • DoubleCone and squnet neural networks;
  • using the sparse win-loss reward at the end of training;
  • schedule to control reward and value weights, entropy, and learning rate;
  • trained on multiple maps in a single training run;
  • support training on different map sizes by padding with walls;
  • various fixes for player 2 handling (critical for self-play);
  • self-play could include training against older versions of own model;
  • mask out additional actions caused by position being "reserved" by another unit either moving into or being created at the position;
  • fine-tuning on other maps.

While training starts with the dense reward function, a sparse win-loss reward is used by the end of training. The weights of rewards, value head weighing, entropy, and learning rate was controlled through a schedule. The schedule specified phases where these values are set. Transitions between phases occur linearly over a number of steps

The DoubleCone model used by ppo-Microrts-A6000-finetuned-coac-mayari-S1-best was trained once and then fine-tuned repeatedly as improvements and fixes were made to the model, environment representation, and training:

Parameter Initial Training Shaped Fine-Tuning Sparse Fine-Tuning
Steps 300M 100M 100M
n_envs 24
Rollout Steps Per Env 512
Minibatch Size 4096
Epochs Per Rollout 2
Gamma [0.99, 0.999, 0.999]
gae_lambda [0.95, 0.99, 0.99]
Clip Range 0.1
Clip Range VF 0.1
VF Coef Halving True
Max Grad Norm 0.5
Latest Selfplay Envs 12
Old Selfplay Envs 12 0
Bots none coacAI: 6
mayari: 6
coacAI: 6
mayari: 6
Maps basesWorkers16x16A

″ Same value as cell to left. Value per value head (shaped, win-loss, cost-based). Multiply vloss by 0.5, as done in CleanRL. * Map not used in competition.

The initial training started from a randomly initialized model and trained with the following schedule:

Phase 1 Transition 1→2* Phase 2 Transition 2→3* Phase 3
Steps 90M 60M 30M 60M 60M
reward_weights [0.8, 0.01, 0.19] [0, 0.5, 0.5] [0, 0.99, 0.01]
vf_coef [0.5, 0.1, 0.2] [0, 0.4, 0.4] [0, 0.5, 0.1]
ent_coef 0.01 0.01 0.001
learning_rate 1e-4 1e-4 5e-5

* Values are linearly interpolated between phases based on step count. Value per value head (shaped, win-loss, cost-based).

The model outputted by initial training won 91% of games on basesWorkers16x16A against the same collection of opponents as [2]. However, it only beat CoacAI in less than 20% of games.

Additional trainings were done with each model using the prior model as the starting point:

  1. Fine-tune against CoacAI using the following schedule that included cost-based rewards
Start Transition →1* Phase 1 Transition 1→2* Phase 2
Steps 5M 30M 20M 45M
reward_weights [0, 0.99, 0.01] [0, 0.5, 0.5] [0, 0.99, 0.01]
vf_coef [0, 0.4, 0.2] [0, 0.4, 0.4] [0, 0.5, 0.1]
ent_coef 0.01 0.01 0.001
learning_rate 1e-5 5e-5 5e-5
  1. Fine-tune against CoacAI and Mayari using only sparse rewards
Phase 1 Transition 1→2* Phase 2
Steps 30M 40M 30M
reward_weights [0, 0.99, 0.01] [0, 0.99, 0.01]
vf_coef [0, 0.5, 0.1] [0, 0.5, 0.1]
ent_coef 0.001 0.0001
learning_rate 5e-5 1e-5
  1. Fine-tune against CoacAI and Mayari to capture action mask improvements and adding a GELU activation after the stride-4 convolution. Used same schedule as above.

By the end of the fine-tuning, the model would win 98% of games on basesWorkers16x16A including about 90% against each of CoacAI and Mayari.

Map-specific fine-tuning

Using the ppo-Microrts-A6000-finetuned-coac-mayari-S1-best model as a starting point, 3 additional model weights were fine-tuned for 3 maps:

  • NoWhereToRun9x8 (shaped followed by fine-tuning): Was one of the training maps, but the model performed poorly on this map against advanced scripts like CoacAI and Mayari. The resources in the middle created a wall separating opponents, which the original model wasn't able to figure out.
  • DoubleGame24x24: Larger map with a vertical wall through the middle, though a base for each player is on each side of the wall.
  • BWDistantResources32x32: Even larger map where resources are located far from the bases.

These would only train on the one map. Minibatch size was adjusted to fill available GPU memory. The schedule was similar to the shaped reward schedule with more emphasis on the original shaped reward vs the cost-based difference in units because cost-based difference in units did not appear to be as effective a reward function. NoWhereToRun9x8 had an additional fine-tuning run using sparse rewards.

Start Transition →1* Phase 1 Transition 1→2* Phase 2
Steps 5M 30M 20M 45M
reward_weights [0, 0.99, 0.01] [0.4, 0.5, 0.1] [0, 0.99, 0.01]
vf_coef [0.2, 0.4, 0.2] [0.3, 0.4, 0.1] [0, 0.5, 0.1]
ent_coef 0.01 0.01 0.0001
learning_rate 5e-5 7e-5 1e-5

The resulting models exceeded 90% win-rate: Screenshot 2023-07-16 at 6 06 25 PM

squnet PPO training

The squnet models were trained because I was afraid DoubleCone would be too slow on larger maps. For the submission, separate models were trained on maps up to 32 length (squnet-map32) and up to 64 length (squnet-map64). The squnet-DistantResources model was a fine-tuning of the best model from squnet-map32:

map32 map32-DistantResources map64
steps 200M 100M 200M
n_envs 24
rollout steps per env 512 512 256
minibatch size 2048 2048 258
clip_range 0.1
clip_range_vf none
latest selfplay envs 12
old selfplay envs 6 6 4
bots coacAI: 3
mayari: 3
coacAI: 3
mayari: 3
coacAI: 4
mayari: 4
maps DoubleGame24x24
BWDistantResources32x32 BloodBath.scmB

map32 and map64 used a simplified training schedule to meet the competition deadline and because the middle phase didn't seem helpful.

Phase 1 Transition 1→2* Phase 2
Steps 100M 60M 40M
reward_weights [0.8, 0.01, 0.19] [0, 0.99, 0.01]
vf_coef [0.5, 0.1, 0.2] [0, 0.5, 0.1]
ent_coef 0.01 0.001
learning_rate 1e-4 5e-5

squnet-DistantResources used the same schedule as map-specific fine-tuning.

Discussion: Large Maps

Given the 100 ms time limit and uncertainty of available hardware, I trained the squnet models as smaller, quicker neural networks than DoubleCone. On limited hardware, such as 2 threads at 2.2 GHz (Google Colab), DoubleCone took ~50 ms on a 16×16 map and ~450 ms on a 64×64 map. squnet-map32 has 30% fewer parameters and makes 60% fewer multiply-accumulates on 32×32 maps compared to DoubleCone. squnet-map64 has 60% fewer parameters and makes 90% fewer mulitply-accumulates on 64×64 maps. squnet-map64 averages 70 ms per turn on Google Colab CPUs.

These speed gains came at the cost of model capacity. DoubleCone has 18 convolutional layers at full map resolution (8 residual blocks plus input and output convolutional layers). squnet has 6 full-resolution convolutional layers (2 residual blocks). In total, DoubleCone has 16 residual blocks. squnet has 7. squnet-64 uses only 64 channels instead of 128 used by DoubleCone and squnet-32.

While squnet-16 (not used in the competition) did learn to beat advanced scripts with 200 million steps of training, squnet-32 and squnet-64 managed only a 40% win-rate, never beating CoacAI or Mayari.

squnet-DistantResources was able to learn better by fine-tuning from squnet-32's best model and training on only one map. It achieved 85% win-rate, beating Mayari half the time. It never beat CoacAI. In a single-player round-robin tournament tournament playing each of WorkerRush, LightRush, CoacAI, and Mayari 20 times on BWDistantResources32x32, the squnet model beat WorkerRush, LightRush, and Mayari better than even, but not CoacAI:

Architecture POWorkerRush POLightRush CoacAI Mayari Map Total
DoubleCone 1 0.85 0.95 1 0.95
squnet-32 0.85 0.45 -0.55 0.15 0.22

On the largest 64x64 map, DoubleCone also couldn't win. One issue is that DoubleCone has a 48×48 receptive field (DoubleConeBlock has 12 3×3 convolutions at 4x down-scaled resolution).

Given the above, my next model architecture has more residual blocks than DoubleCone, but does a second 4x down-scaling to get a 128×128 receptive field:

Levels 3
Encoder residual blocks/level [3, 2, 4]
Decoder residual blocks/level [3, 2]
Stride per level [4, 4]
Deconvolution strides per level [[2, 2], [2, 2]*<\sup>]
Channels per level [128, 128, 128]
Trainable parameters 5,691,089
MACs (16x16) 0.52B
MACs (64x64) 8.40B

*2 stride-2 transpose convolutions to match the 1 stride-4 convolution. Multiply-Accumulates for computing actions for a single observation.

Despite 8.40B MACs being 25% less than DoubleCone, this is 6x squnet-64, which itself was borderline performance-wise. However, this is an ideal testbed to see if PPO can reasonably train on 64×64 (and possibly 128×128) maps.

Since DoubleCone successfully fine-tuned on DistantResources32x32 from 16×16 training, my plan is to first train a model on 16×16 maps, where it can learn tactical small-scale strategies. Next, fine-tuning on larger maps where it can transfer the micro to then focus on learning long-distance strategies. So far, training with the above 200M step schedule on 16×16 maps has over 90% win-rate with over 80% win-rates against CoacAI and Mayari.


[1] FLG. (2023). FLG's Approach - Deep Reinforcement Learning with a Focus on Performance - 4th place. Kaggle. Retrieved from

[2] Huang, S., Ontañón, S., Bamford, C., & Grela, L. (2021). Gym-μRTS: Toward Affordable Full Game Real-time Strategy Games Research with Deep Reinforcement Learning. arXiv preprint arXiv:2105.13807

[3] Winter, C. (2021, March 24). Mastering Real-Time Strategy Games with Deep Reinforcement Learning: Mere Mortal Edition. Clemens' Blog. Retrieved from