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File metadata and controls

34 lines (28 loc) · 980 Bytes


St George's University of London - Genetics Centre Bioinformatics

Scripts for QC, Alignemnt, Variant Calling and Joint Genotyping of Exome Sequence Data. Following the GATK Best Practices guidelines.

  • Directory/file structure:

    • Genetics_Centre_Bioinformatics/Exomes
      • ./Aligned
      • ./Unaligned
      • ./raw_FASTQ
      • ./tmp
      • ./UBAMs
      • ./VCF
      • ./FastQC
      • ./FastQC_before
  • Needs the following resources to run: For more information check

    • FastQC
    • MultiQC
    • python2.7. These scripts have been developed and tested using python2.7. Feel free to update them.
    • bwa
    • human_g1k_v37.fasta
    • samtools
    • java
    • picard-2.815
    • gatk-
    • Genome_reference_files/common_all.vcf
    • Mills_and_1000G_gold_standard.indels.hg19_modified.vcf
    • 1000G_phase1.snps.high_confidence.hg19.sites.vcf
    • BroadExACExomeIntervlas.bed (Exome Target, the this case the Broad definition)