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Introduction to Nix

This tutorial illustrates some basic operation of Nix. We'll introduce some some concepts, terminology, and command-line utilities. That will provide some setup for building our own projects with Pkgs-make in later tutorials.

Motivation For Nix

Nix at its heart is a package manager that can build from source arbitrary packages written in a variety of languages, and also manage concurrent per-user installations.

Every programming language ecosystem has its particular set of tools for building and managing libraries (for instance, Python has PIP/Conda and Ruby has Gems). Reaching for a tool like the Nix package manager may at first seem redundant. For us, two central benefits of Nix are

  • ease to integrate artifacts from a variety of languages ecosystems
  • extreme build/deployment reproducibility.

Many languages use FFI wrapper libraries over native C libraries. Or they require oddly-compiled external dependencies for compilation or runtime. Furthermore, some domains like machine learning require the integration of different applications developed in languages like C/C++, R, or Python.

To maintain reproducibility while integrating such heterogeneous builds, we could use something like Docker. But most of these solutions involve opaque artifacts that are hard to trust. For instance, when we use a “debian:8.7” image from Docker Hub, it's not clear how to reproduce it if we have to. We just trust the community to have created a reasonable image which is then frozen with a version identifier “8.7” and published on Docker Hub. Furthermore, Docker makes no guarantee that two images created from the same Dockerfile will be equivalent.

The Nix package manager provides a better architecture for reproducible builds by treating the build process as a mathematical function. In Nix, these functions are written in a language also called Nix. And as in math, Nix expressions yield the same result, even when called at different times or on different machines (just as we trust 1 + 1 to evaluate to 2 on any machine at any time).

This allows us to reference and cache results with far more precision and resolution than we can with Docker's Dockerfiles. The Nix ecosystem even goes further by patching compilers to make compiled artifacts bit-for-bit reproducible. And because Nix is based on mathematical functions, there's lots of composition (as in f°g), which you can use to mix your C, R, Haskell, and so forth.

Central to Nix is a special Git repository hosted on GitHub called Nix Packages (Nixpkgs), which is a large tree of Nix expressions for all kinds of tools and libraries built from a variety of source languages/platforms (enough to support an entire operating system called NixOS).

So once we learn the language of Nix, we can build almost anything we want, using Nixpkgs as a starting point. Nix can be very hackable without abandoning a principled architecture.

Nix is not without its problems, as Gabriel Gonzalez points out. Nix could use more documentation and tools to ease adoption. Also it takes a lot of work to curate all of Nixpkgs, so you may occasionally find yourself writing your own Nix expressions, or contributing back to the Nix ecosystem. Fortunately, Nix expressions for a particular library or package can be compact.

For many of us the benefits of Nix outweigh the inconveniences. Hopefully, projects and tutorials like this can help tip the balance further.

Exploring a Fresh Nix Installation

By design, Nix sequesters almost all of its installation under /nix. This way, Nix has extremely few dependencies on the surrounding environment.

For non-NixOS installations of Nix, if you deleted /nix, you would be very close to a clean uninstallation. Beyond files in /nix an installation may also include:

  • a few symlinks in users' home directory

  • a “nix-daemon” service installed into systemd (Linux) or launchd (Mac).

And naturally, and if you run any programs, they might also leave behind application-specific data.

There are two directories under /nix:

  • /nix/store: where programs are installed

  • /nix/var: where mutable metadata, symlinks, caching, and indexing is managed.

Typically, you'll never manage files under /nix directly. Instead you'll use the Nix command-line tools. To get packages into /nix/store we first need a Nix expression. These expressions can either come from a third party like the central Nixpkgs GitHub repository. Or we can write our own.

The Nix Language

To better discuss the Nix command-line tools and also Nixpkgs, we'll introduce the Nix language a little. This is no substitute for the official Nix language documentation, which is surprisingly not that long for a programming language; Nix does not have much syntax relative to other general-purpose programming languages.

Numeric literals

We can play around with the Nix language with the nix eval command. As with many languages, we can use Nix as a simple calculator by passing Nix expressions to it:

nix eval '(1 + 1)'

Note, the parentheses are necessary with nix eval when passing expressions directly on the command-line. The single-quotes are to pass the whole parenthesized expression as one argument in a shell invocation. If you want less boilerplate, you can also use the nix repl command for an interactive session.

Nix supports a variety of types you'd expect for a programming language, and we get some literal syntax for typical primitives:

nix eval '(builtins.typeOf 1)'
nix eval '(builtins.typeOf 1.0)'


As you may expect from other languages, Nix supports string literals with the conventional double quote syntax:

nix eval '(builtins.typeOf "hello")'

Nix also supports multi-line strings with two consecutive single quotes:

nix eval "(''
    line 1
      line 2
   line 3
" line 1\n   line 2\nline 3\n"

The left-most token in any line establishes a left margin. In the example above, this is “line 3”. Beyond these strings, Nix does not have syntactically significant whitespace.

We concatenate strings with the + operator:

nix eval '("a" + "b")'


For the most part, Nix is a lazily evaluated purely functional programming language. We don't imperatively run commands that change things, and in general, the language restricts us from doing so. There's not even syntax to do so. At the top-level, you can't bind values to variables as you may in other imperative languages. Instead, we are only ever working with a single Nix expression at a time, and we bind values to names locally with let-expressions:

nix eval '(let a = 1; b = 2; in a + b)'

Note that semicolons are mandatory in all Nix forms that have them, including let-expressions. Because of Nix's strict parsing you can neither elide semicolons, nor put extra ones.

String interpolation

Sometimes we build up small code snippets inline in a Nix expression, so it's useful to have string interpolation support. This is done with the following syntax:

nix eval '(
    let foo = "Foo";
	bar = "Bar";
    in "${foo + bar} is a terrible name")'
"FooBar is a terrible name"

String interpolation is supported by both normal and multi-line strings.

Note that unlike shell scripts, the curly braces are not optional for string interpolation in Nix. This works out in our favor if we're writing shell scripts inline in a Nix expression, because we can use $name for shell string interpolation and ${nix_expr} for Nix string interpolation. If this is not enough, though not covered in this tutorial, there is a syntax for suppressing interpolation in both normal and multi-line Nix string literals.


Nix has first class functions. Functions take in only one argument at a time, and use a colon to separate the parameter name from the body of the function. Furthermore, Nix uses whitespace for function application:

nix eval '(builtins.typeOf (a: a + 1))'
nix eval '((a: a + 1) 2)'

Since functions take only one argument at a time, they are naturally curried, and we encode functions taking multiple arguments with functions returning functions:

nix eval '((a: b: a + b) 1 2)'


Nix also has list literals which use square brackets and are whitespace-delimited:

nix eval '(builtins.typeOf [1 2 3 4 5])'

We can append lists together with the ++ operator:

nix eval '([1 2] ++ [3 4])'
[ 1 2 3 4 ]

Attribute sets

Very importantly, Nix has a kind of map called an attribute set that is specialized to have textual indices called attributes that index values of arbitrary types. It uses the following syntax:

nix eval '(builtins.typeOf { foo = 1; bar = 2; })'
nix eval '({ foo = 1; bar = 2; }.bar)'

Note, builtins is just an attribute set that is in scope by default. And typeOf is just an attribute that maps to a function that returns a string indicating the type of the argument.

Often used in Nix expressions, we can overlay sets on top of each other with the // operator:

nix eval '({ foo = 1; bar = 2; } // { bar = 3; baz = 4; })'
{ bar = 3; baz = 4; foo = 1; }

Additionally, we can prefix set literals with the rec keyword to get recursive sets. Recursive sets allow values in a set to reference attributes by name:

nix eval '(rec { foo = bar; bar = 2; }.foo)'

Without the rec keyword, we'd get an error:

nix eval '({ foo = bar; bar = 2; }.foo)' 2>&1 || true
error: undefined variable 'bar' at (string):1:10

If a function accepts an attribute set as an argument, we can have Nix destructure the set as a convenience with the following pattern syntax:

nix eval '(({ foo, bar }: foo + bar ) { foo = 1; bar = 2; })'

This basic pattern syntax is strict, and we can't pass in a attribute set with attributes that don't match the pattern:

nix eval '(({ foo }: foo + 2 ) { foo = 3; bar = 4; })' 2>&1 || true
error: anonymous function at (string):1:3 called with unexpected argument 'bar', at (string):1:2

If we want to accept sets with other attributes we can use a “…” form:

nix eval '(({ foo, ...}: foo + 2 ) { foo = 3; bar = 4; })'

When destructuring, we can still bind the whole set to a name if we want using a “@” form.

nix eval '((s@{ foo, bar }: foo + ) { foo = 2; bar = 3; })'

Attribute sets also support an additional syntactic convenience when pulling in locally bound values as attributes, which comes up a lot in Nix. For example, consider the way we're using a = a here:

nix eval '(let a = 3; in { a = a; })'
{ a = 3; }

Rather than worrying about spelling the same name correctly both sides of the ‘=’ for an attribute setting, we can use the inherit key word:

nix eval '(let a = 3; in { inherit a; })'
{ a = 3; }


Because the Nix language is domain-specific for building packages, it also has a path type, which is indicated by an identifier with a slash:

nix eval '(builtins.typeOf some/path)'
nix eval '(some/path)'

As part of a standard Nix installation, there's a special environment variable NIX_PATH that makes paths dynamically available to Nix expressions:

env | grep NIX_PATH

The setting of NIX_PATH shown above maps the user local path ~/.nix-defexpr/channels/nixpkgs to the identifier nixpkgs, which can be accessed in a Nix expression using an angle bracket syntax:

nix eval '(<nixpkgs>)'

Remember that a major motivation for using Nix is for deterministic builds. We have to be extremely careful when using angle brackets to access NIX_PATH because this can make the same Nix expression evaluate differently on different systems.

If you inspect ~/.nix-defexpr/channels/nixpkgs you'll notice it's a symlink pointing to a snapshot of Nixpkgs in /nix/store. This symlink is set up during Nix installation, and can be upgraded with a call to nix-channel --update.


We can import paths. If the path is a file, it's loaded as a Nix expression. If it's a directory, a file called “default.nix” is loaded within it. A snapshot of Nixpkgs, for example, has a default.nix file at its root, so we can import the path directly:

nix eval '(builtins.typeOf (import <nixpkgs>))'

We see here that Nixpkgs is a function. We'll talk more about the nature of the Nixpkgs function next.

Nixpkgs and Building

Nixpkgs is a function that takes an attribute set as configuration and returns a nested attribute set containing thousands of packages and functions. An empty attribute set passed to the Nixpkgs function configures it with defaults:

nix eval '(builtins.typeOf (import <nixpkgs> {}))'

One of the packages in Nixpkgs is the GNU Hello program, mapped to the attribute hello:

nix eval '(builtins.typeOf (import <nixpkgs> {}).hello)'

At this point, packages in Nixpkgs appear to just be attribute sets, but there's a special schema for attributes in a set that allow various Nix command-line utilities to recognize the set as a derivation for a package.

For instance, we can use the nix show-derivation to view some metadata about how Hello will be built:

nix show-derivation '((import <nixpkgs> {}).hello)'
  "/nix/store/v2l3ncp0ypdssjf7b8rxyppn3kyq3w87-hello-2.10.drv": {
    "outputs": {
      "out": {
        "path": "/nix/store/58r35bqb4f3lxbnbabq718svq9i2pda3-hello-2.10"
      "system": "x86_64-linux",
      "version": "2.10"

We've cropped the details of the derivation above, but you can get a sense that the derivation when evaluated is cached into /nix/store as a “*.drv” file, and when the application is actually built it's put in another output path, also in /nix/store.

Also important to know, when we interpolate a derivation into a string, we inject as a string the path of the derivation's output:

nix eval '("our value is ${(import <nixpkgs> {}).hello}")'
"our value is /nix/store/58r35bqb4f3lxbnbabq718svq9i2pda3-hello-2.10"

Note, that it may not exist there yet. We can build it with a call to nix build:

nix build --verbose '((import <nixpkgs> {}).hello)' 2>&1
copying path '/nix/store/58r35bqb4f3lxbnbabq718svq9i2pda3-hello-2.10' from ''...

If we were to dig into the Nixpkgs repository, we'd find code for building Hello from source. But notice that we didn't end up fetching the Hello released tarball, unpacking it, and building it. Instead, we got a cached version of it from

The Nix community builds and caches packages from Nixpkgs in a service called Hydra, which fronts. If Hydra has the build you're trying to build, it's pulled down and cached locally in /nix/store. Otherwise, everything is built from source and cached in /nix/store.

You've probably also noticed the hashes in names of /nix/store's contents. Nix meticulously hashes the contents of all the inputs for any package's derivation. If a single bit of the input changes, then the resultant hash will be different. This is what gives us confidence that the artifacts built by Hydra are more or less the same as what we'd have built locally.

nix build leaves behind a “result” symlink in the current directory for our convenience so we don't have to figure out how to find our build in /nix/store:

result -> /nix/store/58r35bqb4f3lxbnbabq718svq9i2pda3-hello-2.10
├── bin
│   └── hello
└── share
    ├── info
    ├── locale
    └── man

5 directories, 1 file

nix build also supports a --no-link switch if we want to build without leaving behind this “result” symlink.

Calling nix

We've shown thus far that Nix expressions can be passed to the nix utility but must be surrounded by parentheses.

When we call nix with an argument not parenthesized, the argument is interpreted as an attribute of an attribute set, which is by default built from NIX_PATH.

Consider the following setting of the NIX_PATH environment variable:


With this setting of NIX_PATH, the set that nix would choose an attribute from would be:

    nixpkgs = import /home/shajra/.nix-defexpr/channels/nixpkgs {};

Note that nix automatically applies the empty set to any function that's detected when imported.

So we instead of building GNU Hello with this invocation:

nix build '((import <nixpkgs> {}).hello)'

we could just invoke nix with:

nix build nixpkgs.hello

Additionally, if we don't want the attribute set built implicitly from NIX_PATH, we can use the --file switch for nix to specify explicitly a path to be imported and select attributes from.

Finding Packages

We took for granted above that Nixpkgs had a package on the hello attribute.

We can find programs in Nix with a nix search invocation:

nix search hello
Attribute name: nixpkgs.gnome3.iagno
Package name: iagno
Version: 3.28.0
Description: Computer version of the game Reversi, more popularly called Othello

Attribute name: nixpkgs.javaPackages.mavenHello_1_0
Package name: maven-hello
Version: 1.0
Description: Maven Hello World

Attribute name: nixpkgs.javaPackages.mavenHello_1_1
Package name: maven-hello
Version: 1.1
Description: Maven Hello World

Attribute name: nixpkgs.hello
Package name: hello
Version: 2.10
Description: A program that produces a familiar, friendly greeting

Attribute name: nixpkgs.hello-unfree
Package name: example-unfree-package
Version: 1.0
Description: An example package with unfree license (for testing)


If you've never run the GNU Hello program, it's not too interesting. It's just a small C program useful for tutorials like this. We can run it using the “result” symlink left behind by an invocation of nix build:

Hello, world!

Or we can also run it directly without the symlink using nix run:

nix run nixpkgs.hello --command hello
Hello, world!

This invocation makes an environment in which we have the nixpkgs.hello package on our path (we can put other packages as well), and then we run the command after the --command switch. See nix run --help for more information.


~/.nix-profile is a symlink that follows to a profile under /nix/var/nix/profiles managed by nix-env. The profile furthermore points to an aggregated symlink tree of various programs installed into the profile by nix-env, often called an environment (though a very overloaded term). Programs installed by nix-env are made available to us by putting ~/.nix-profile/bin on our PATH.

For example, with our PATH set up the following invocation of nix-env installs the Hello application so we can call it directly, rather than calling it via a “result” symlink or a nix run invocation:

nix-env --install --attr nixpkgs.hello 2>&1
installing 'hello-2.10'
building '/nix/store/lwf6zfhyvaxw7g5zjpnbv8rcrq2rvdqn-user-environment.drv'...
created 307 symlinks in user environment
which hello

We can query with nix-env to see what's in our profile:

nix-env --query | grep hello

Every time we install an application with nix-env a new environment symlink tree is created in /nix/store. For posterity, nix-env keeps references to old versions under /nix/var/nix/profiles. You can use switches like --rollback with nix-env to revert back to previous states. See nix-env --help for more.


If you no longer want an installed application in your profile, you can uninstall it with nix-env as well:

nix-env --uninstall hello 2>&1
uninstalling 'hello-2.10'
which hello || true
hello not found

Inspecting Dependencies

To find dependencies of a built package, Nix literally scans all files in a package (text and even binary) looking for textual references to “/nix/store/…”.

This makes it easy for Nix to find exactly what's needed for any compiled artifact to run. These references are often automated by Nix's tooling and library support, and it is generally considered a defect if a required runtime dependency is missing a reference point back to /nix/store.

This is important, because it allows for different compilations to rely on different versions of dependencies without conflicts. Our application shouldn't break if we do something like upgrade our host operating system.

Also, without this clear and reliable method to detect dependencies, garbage collection wouldn't know how to keep needed dependencies around.

If we're curious about all the dependencies, we can use nix path-info to list them out.

nix path-info --recursive --closure-size nixpkgs.hello \
    | sort --numeric-sort --key 2
/nix/store/fg4yq8i8wd08xg3fy58l6q73cjy8hjr2-glibc-2.27	   25010512
/nix/store/58r35bqb4f3lxbnbabq718svq9i2pda3-hello-2.10	   25208040

Hello doesn't rely on much, just the standard glibc library. In real-world programs the dependencies can add up.

Cleaning Up

Every time you build a new version of your code, it's stored in /nix/store. There is a command called nix-collect-garbage that purges unneeded packages. What keeps a package from being reclaimed by nix-collect-garbage are symlinks under /nix/var/nix/gcroots. These come in a few flavors including:

  • indirect links to the “result*” links invocations like nix build may leave on our system

  • links to the currently active nix-env environment, as well as all previous generations saved away for posterity under /nix/var/nix/profiles.

If you delete a “result*” link and call nix-collect-garbage, though some garbage may be reclaimed, you may find that an old nix-env environment is keeping the program alive. We can illustrate this here:

First, we'll do two nix-collect-garbage calls to show that we've reclaimed as much space as we can:

nix-collect-garbage; nix-collect-garbage
0 store paths deleted, 0.00 MiB freed
0 store paths deleted, 0.00 MiB freed

Then we can try to delete our symlink, but another garbage collection doesn't doesn't reclaim anything more:

rm result
nix-collect-garbage 2>&1
finding garbage collector roots...
removing stale link from '/nix/var/nix/gcroots/auto/3zvhwd2faawz9xbnnr2p4b20q1z86z81' to '/home/shajra/src/shajra/example-nix/tutorials/0-nix-intro/result'
deleting garbage...
deleting '/nix/store/trash'
deleting unused links...
note: currently hard linking saves -17.39 MiB
0 store paths deleted, 0.00 MiB freed

Now with the --delete-generations switch of nix-env we can delete old generations of our environment:

nix-env --delete-generations old 2>&1
removing generation 251
removing generation 252

And then then garbage collection works as you'd expect:

rm result
nix-collect-garbage 2>&1
finding garbage collector roots...
deleting garbage...
deleting '/nix/store/gb2kq41xf2rv8gy3cx0fkwz49yv5gcsl-user-environment'
deleting '/nix/store/lwf6zfhyvaxw7g5zjpnbv8rcrq2rvdqn-user-environment.drv'
deleting '/nix/store/arqc85rvysw5yjlb9gbvi1pwvap9a95f-env-manifest.nix'
deleting '/nix/store/58r35bqb4f3lxbnbabq718svq9i2pda3-hello-2.10'
deleting '/nix/store/v2l3ncp0ypdssjf7b8rxyppn3kyq3w87-hello-2.10.drv'
deleting '/nix/store/13jqqk547i2hn3899zf2nq9nnn94b7sy-hello-2.10.tar.gz.drv'
deleting '/nix/store/trash'
deleting unused links...
note: currently hard linking saves -17.39 MiB
6 store paths deleted, 1.43 MiB freed

Developing with nix-shell

When Nix builds a derivation, it sets up a clean and controlled environment in which to do the build. Thus far, we've not inspected how nix build works. Nix comes with a nix-shell utility that allows us to get the environment variables that would be set up for a build. For instance, to get into the environment used to build Hello, we could use nix-shell as follows:

nix-shell --expr 'import <nixpkgs> {}' --attr hello

This drops us into a bash shell we can use interactively. We can also use nix-shell with a --run switch to run a single command non-interactively Additionally, we can use the --pure switch to throw away the previous environment variables rather than overlay changes on top of them.

Here's a small example:

nix-shell --pure --expr 'import <nixpkgs> {}' --attr hello --run 'env'

We're using --expr to pass expressions directly to the command line. Without this switch, nix-shell looks for a shell.nix file to import in the current working directory. If that's not found, it looks for default.nix. Otherwise, a file can be passed as a positional parameter.

nix-shell is great for the following two scenarios, which we'll explore in later tutorials:

  • debugging a Nix build/derivation

  • entering into a development environment for a project.

In our derivations we can include as build dependencies not only things like compilers that we absolutely need for a build, but also optional tools for developer conveniences. This means that with nix-shell, we have different tools installed per-project, rather than worrying about having the right tool installed at a system- or user-level.