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The 42 school module of C++ piscine is about polymorphism by subtyping abstract class Interface

42's subject in french

Some helpful links to start with:

Runtime polymorphism

Copy constructor - deep and shallow copy


Executables test the behavior of the respective classes according to the subject requirements. All classes comply to Coplean canonical form.


Head-up to the directory and make for an executable: cd ex00 && make


For ex00 through ex02 : ./a.out

For ex03 : ./a.out verbose

Memory management

make leaks for valgrind tests.


Animals with brain

Exercise 00 to 02 are about building an abstract class AAnimal. - Cat and Dog classes inherit from Animal - each possesses a brain that can hold up to 100 ideas.

My idea was to represent each idea as an emoji to make tests more explicit and visual.

🔧 (AAnimal parametric constructor): a new AAnimal was created. it is a Cat ! 
💭 (Brain default constructor): a Brain was created. 
🐱 (Cat default constructor): created a Cat 🐈

🔧 (AAnimal default constructor): a default AAnimal was created. it is a type undefined
💭 (Brain default constructor): a Brain was created. 
🐱 (Cat copy assignment operator):  Cat was updated to another Cat's attributes
💭 (Brain destructor)
💭(Brain copy constructor): brain cloned 
🐱 (Cat copy constructor): a clone of Cat type was created.

🔧 (AAnimal parametric constructor): a new AAnimal was created. it is a Cat ! 
💭 (Brain default constructor): a Brain was created. 
🐱 (Cat default constructor): created a Cat 🐈

kitten1 : 📖  0x7ffe70b70030 : Cat
              0x1ae9300 : 💭 Brain   🐈🐀🔧💥🍴🍖⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
kitten2 : 📖  0x7ffe70b6ff78 : Cat
              0x1ae9fd0 : 💭 Brain   🐈🐀🔧⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
kitten3 : 📖  0x1ae9f90 : Cat
              0x1aeac60 : 💭 Brain   ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

🐱 (Cat copy assignment operator):  Cat was updated to another Cat's attributes
💭 (Brain destructor)
💭(Brain copy constructor): brain cloned 
kitten3 : 📖  0x1ae9f90 : Cat
              0x1aeac60 : 💭 Brain   🐈🐀🔧💥🍴🍖⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

kitten1 : 📖  0x7ffe70b70030 : Cat
              0x1ae9300 : 💭 Brain   ⭐🐀🔧💥🍴⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
kitten2 : 📖  0x7ffe70b6ff78 : Cat
              0x1ae9fd0 : 💭 Brain   🐈🐀⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
kitten3 : 📖  0x1ae9f90 : Cat
              0x1aeac60 : 💭 Brain   🐈⭐🔧⭐🍴🍖⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
💭 (Brain destructor)
🐱 (Cat destructor): RIP little Cat ! 
➖ (AAnimal destructor): RIP little Cat ! 
💭 (Brain destructor)
🐱 (Cat destructor): RIP little Cat ! 
➖ (AAnimal destructor): RIP little Cat ! 
💭 (Brain destructor)
🐱 (Cat destructor): RIP little Cat ! 
➖ (AAnimal destructor): RIP little Cat ! 


Exercise 03 consists of a character that can equip or unequip or use Materias from his backpack. These materias are of two kinds : Cure and Ice that are produced by a materia source. The latest can learn new Materia and becomes a source of eithe Ice or Cure.

Spoiler : The caracter can use these materia without unequiping or destroying it.

Character derives from an interface ICharacter. Ice and Cure derive from an abstract class AMateria. MateriaSource also derives from an interface.

 MSource default constr. 
🔧 AMat. param. 💠 def.          MSource[0] learned ice
🔧 AMat. param. 💖 def.          MSource[1] learned cure
🙅 Param. me

🕵        me  🆓 🆓 🆓 🆓 

 MSource[0] = ice 
💠 ice clone 🔧 AMat. def. 💠 copy  = ice 
equip :  + 1 ice to backpack[0]
 MSource[1] = cure 
💖 cure clone 🔧 AMat. def. 💖 copy  = cure 
equip :  + 1 cure to backpack[1]

🕵        me  💠 💖 🆓 🆓 

🙅 Param. bob

* shoots an ice bolt at bob *

🕵        me  💠 💖 🆓 🆓 

* Heals bob's wounds *

🕵        me  💠 💖 🆓 🆓 

➖ 🙅 bob
➖ ice ➖
➖ cure ➖
➖ 🙅 me
➖ ice ➖
➖ cure ➖
➖ MSource destruction


Emojis were used. The ANSI unicode was obtained from the following repo Unicode Emoji.


42-zip cpp module 04






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