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Error running any algorithm #3

ViktorM opened this issue Jun 7, 2017 · 10 comments

Error running any algorithm #3

ViktorM opened this issue Jun 7, 2017 · 10 comments


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ViktorM commented Jun 7, 2017

With every algorithm I tried to run I get the same error:

rllabplusplus\sandbox\rocky\tf\launchers>python --algo_name=qprop --env=CartPole-v0 n_parallel=2
2017-06-06 19:09:57.032793 Pacific Daylight Time | Warning: skipping Gym environment monitoring since snapshot_dir not configured.
[2017-06-06 19:09:57,033] Making new env: CartPole-v0
2017-06-06 19:09:57.039383 Pacific Daylight Time | observation space: Box(4,)
2017-06-06 19:09:57.040060 Pacific Daylight Time | action space: Discrete(2)
Creating algo=qprop with n_itr=2000, max_path_length=200...
python D:\Stanford\Deep_RL\rllabplusplus\scripts/  --log_dir 'D:\Stanford\Deep_RL\rllabplusplus/data/local/default/CartPole-v0-5000--al-qprop--gl-0-97--qeo-ones--qhn-relu--qhs-100--qlr-0-001--qur-1-0--rps-1000000--sr-1-0--ss-0-01--s-1'  --args_data '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'  --seed '1'  --snapshot_mode 'last_best'  --n_parallel '1'  --use_cloudpickle 'False'  --exp_name 'CartPole-v0-5000--al-qprop--gl-0-97--qeo-ones--qhn-relu--qhs-100--qlr-0-001--qur-1-0--rps-1000000--sr-1-0--ss-0-01'
usage: [-h] [--n_parallel N_PARALLEL]
                              [--exp_name EXP_NAME] [--log_dir LOG_DIR]
                              [--snapshot_mode SNAPSHOT_MODE]
                              [--snapshot_gap SNAPSHOT_GAP]
                              [--tabular_log_file TABULAR_LOG_FILE]
                              [--text_log_file TEXT_LOG_FILE]
                              [--params_log_file PARAMS_LOG_FILE]
                              [--variant_log_file VARIANT_LOG_FILE]
                              [--resume_from RESUME_FROM] [--plot PLOT]
                              [--log_tabular_only LOG_TABULAR_ONLY]
                              [--seed SEED] [--args_data ARGS_DATA]
                              [--variant_data VARIANT_DATA]
                              [--use_cloudpickle USE_CLOUDPICKLE] error: argument --seed: invalid int value: "'1'"

Will be thankful for any advice how it can be fixed and how I can run DDPG and Q-prop experiments.

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rlbayes commented Jun 7, 2017 via email

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ViktorM commented Jun 7, 2017

I was testing on a Windows 10 in a forked branch: where I've done updates to the new gym env version and TensorFlow 1.1 and after testing planned to make pull request to the trunk. And then test and compare Q-prop vs DDPG vs TRPO vs TRPO Recurrent on my RL locomotion tasks.

Upgrade to TF 1.1 was succesfull -, and in sandbox/rocky/tf /are successfully working and training, but with slight modification similar to the rllab code - algo.train() call is used at the end instead of run_experiment_lite()

But any training script that involves calling run_experiment_lite() either TF or Theano ends up with the same error I've posted. above. So if it doesn't take a lot of time I'll be thankful for any hints how it can be fixed and I can make a local change to start experiments with Q-prop a bit earlier than in 2 weeks. In other case I'll wait for your updates, sounds like they are very cool and my changes - upgrading to the latest TF version and new gym are only a small subset of them :)

Can you also to make a quick test also on Windows 10? Installing for me was pretty straightforward using dependencies listed in environment.yml with some minor changes, for example there was no package 64-bit for pybox2d I should have taken it from here:

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ViktorM commented Jun 7, 2017

I suppose new code will be related to this paper: ? :)

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rlbayes commented Jun 7, 2017 via email

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ViktorM commented Jun 7, 2017

Rllab has totally the same problem. I opened an issue there too and have recieved couple of ideas to try.

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ViktorM commented Jul 15, 2017


Do you have any updates on when the new code will be released? Looking forward to test it for some locomotion problems and robotic control tasks.

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rlbayes commented Jul 17, 2017 via email

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ViktorM commented Jul 18, 2017

Thanks Shane!

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Is there any plan about releasing Q-prop source code? Also looking forward to test in my DDPG. It has been a long time since the publication of the paper :)


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rlbayes commented Sep 11, 2017 via email

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