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File metadata and controls

79 lines (59 loc) · 2.95 KB


Network Interface

The C++ interface for handling networks is as follows:

/// Network
///   This class holds network data.
///     * Loads specification files
///     * Outputs Graphviz visualizations
///     * Provides an interface to networks
class Network {
  /// load
  ///   load from network specification file
  load ( const char* filename );

  /// size
  ///   Return the number of nodes in the network
  size ( void ) const;

  /// index
  ///   Return index of node given name string
  index ( std::string const& name ) const;

  /// name
  ///   Return name of node (given by index)
  std::string const&
  name ( int index ) const;

  /// inputs
  ///   Return a list of inputs to a node
  std::vector<int> const&
  inputs ( int index ) const;

  /// outputs
  ///   Return a list of outputs to a node
  std::vector<int> const&
  outputs ( int index ) const;

  /// logic
  ///   Return the logic of a node (given by index)
  std::vector<std::vector<int>> const&
  logic ( int index ) const;

  /// interaction
  ///   Return the interaction type of an edge
  ///   False for repression, true for activation
  interaction ( int source, int target ) const;

  /// graphviz
  ///   Return a graphviz string (dot language)
  graphviz ( std::vector<std::string> const& theme =
  { "aliceblue", // background color
    "beige",     // node color
    "black", "darkgoldenrod", "blue", "orange", "red", "yellow" // edge group colors
  } ) const;

This is more-or-less self-documenting. The methods name and index provide inverse look-up tables that give either the name of a node or its index given the other piece of information. Edges may be queried via interaction to see if they are activating or repressing; a query on a non-existent edge results in undefined behavior (likely a segmentation fault). The logic of a network node can be obtained through the method logic and the return type is

std::vector<std::vector<int>> const&

The inner std::vector<int> represents a logic factor as an array of node indices, and the outer std::vector stores a logic as an array of logic factors.

The graphviz method returns a dot language representation of the network (see <<NetworkSpecFile>> for an example). The color theme is an array of color names starting with the background color, followed by node color, and then input factor colors (i.e. input edges are colored according to which factor they belong to in the target node's logic). If there are more factors for some node than colors specified, then it rotates back to the first (and some groups become indistinguishable). This behavior can be used to disable the coloring of edges according to group by only giving three colors in the theme, which would then be background color, node color, and edge color.