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Verde Blocks

Verde Blocks in a blockchain powered energy marketplace to connect buyers and wholesale renewable energy sellers.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.


  • Node.js 8.X
  • PostgreSql ** not required for development. ** Developers may choose to do this for convenience only.

Database Setup

Create a user apn: createuser apn

Login into postgres as postgres user: sudo -i -u postgres psql

Set password for apn user: \password apn

Create Database: CREATE DATABASE vblocks;

Grant privileges to apn: GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE vblocks TO apn;

Go to verdeblocks folder and Run database migrations and seeds: npm run db-migrate

Go to verdeblocks folder and populate database seeds: npm run run-seeds

Go to verdeblocks folder and populate database seeds: npm run price-seed

After populating the seeds in the DB run following command in postgres terminal connected to vblocks(\c vblocks): ALTER SEQUENCE "Users_userId_seq" RESTART WITH 2;

Start Server

Start the development server: npm start Start the server in debug mode: npm run debug

Server is running at http://localhost:5000 For Swagger documentation, go to http://localhost:5000/api-docs

Running lint

Verifying code style and practices.

npm run lint

Fix Lint issues

npm run lint-fix

This will verify that all code matches the lint guidelines.


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