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UTSA CS 4733 Project

This was a Software Engineering course project. It implements a RESTful API for a mock bank system using Node, Express, and MongoDB. It's setup to run using Docker and Docker Compose.

Project Hierarchy

  • /bin/www inital startup script
  • /docs info for front-end teams
  • /misc miscellanous scripts and info
  • /modules javascript classes
  • /public folder for static resources, CSS, images, etc.
  • /routes logic to route and handle endpoints
  • /app.js express configuration
  • /docker-compose.yml for Docker, used to launch app
  • /Dockerfile for Docker, used to build node.js image
  • package.json install config for NPM modules

There a few directories named unused that contain code that wasn't in use by the running app by the end of the project.

UML class diagram

Assuming Bash on Linux or OS X. Idk what Windows is.

You need to create modify the email in this file to an gMail you can access. Create a file called .env with EMAIL_PASS=your_password in the root of the project directory. If you don't do this the app won't start.

To run the app on your own. Setup Docker as per these instructions and run docker-compose up -dfrom the root directory of the project.

You need to load the bank users into DB before testing.

To load the fake bank info into the DB run source misc/ from the root directory of the project.

Messaging was worked on in the testing branch but was not debugged in time for project submission.

We made a sample Android app to test the api.


RESTful CRUD API in node.







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