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Twitter Bounty - A Ethereum Based Twitter Bounty

A ConsenSys Academy 2018 Developer Program Final Project - by Shawn Tabrizi

In short, this dApp is a bounty service which allows users to pay and get paid to post specific messages on Twitter.

Twitter Bounty Screenshot


Install prerequisites

  1. Install the Truffle framework:

    npm install -g truffle
  2. Install the Ganache CLI:

    npm install -g ganache-cli
  3. Install Lite Server

    npm install -g lite-server
  4. Install the MetaMask plugin for your web browser

Running Twitter Bounty Locally

  1. Clone this repository

  2. Initialize and install the ethereum-bridge submodule

    git submodule init
    git submodule update
  3. You will need to open 4 separate console windows to set up the environment. Some of these windows may need admin or sudo privileges:

    1. Use one to initialize the Ganache CLI


      Make sure to save your 12-word mnemonic and use it when you initialize MetaMask in Step 4 below.

    2. Use one to initialize the ethereum-bridge

      cd /path/to/ethereum-bridge
      npm install
      node bridge -a 9 -H -p 8545 --dev

      Make sure the Oracle Address Resolver is deployed to 0x6f485c8bf6fc43ea212e93bbf8ce046c7f1cb475

    3. Use one to migrate the contracts using Truffle.

      cd /path/to/twitter-bounty
      npm run migrate

      Note that truffle compile does raise some warnings, but they are only with libraries and imported contracts

    4. Finally, use one to start the lite-server

      cd /path/to/twitter-bounty
      npm run server

      Your browser should automatically open up the Twitter Bounty webpage.

  4. Configure MetaMask to use the 12-word mnemonic you saved earlier by clicking "Import using account seed phrase"

  5. Change your MetaMask network to use Localhost 8545, and then you should be good to go!

    You can confirm your browser has been set up correctly if you see a balance of ~ 100 ETH in MetaMask

Interacting with the contract

View the guided walkthrough to see an example of how to test this contract.

Find project grading details below.

How does it work?

Twitter Bounty Architecture

Twitter Bounty is broken up into two Ethereum smart contracts:


The Twitter Oracle smart contract uses's oraclize-api library to retrieve the message text of posts on Twitter via URL. These messages are stored on the Ethereum blockchain within this smart contract and is publicly accessible by any other smart contract.

Any user or contract can call this contract to store a new Twitter message. Storing the data from Oraclize callback requires this contract also has balance of Ether to function, and anyone can contribute ether to keep the oracle running.


The main Twitter Bounty smart contract is similar to Bounties Network's StandardBounties.sol. Using the data on the Twitter Oracle smart contract, users are able to open new bounties or claim fulfillment rewards on existing ones.

Completing a bounty requires that a user prove that a new tweet that has not been used in the past contains the same text as the original Twitter post for the bounty. Because this proof can be done programmatically, bounty verification and reward resolution can happen all at once, and without the need of the bounty creator to verify or accept fulfillments.

Bounty creators have control over their bounties and can edit the fulfillment rewards or close open bounties. Anyone can contribute to existing bounties to continue to fund them and encourage others to keep fulfilling the bounty.

How is this useful?

Twitter Bounty enables a decentralized and simple way for people to advertise or spread messages in an organic way. Imagine that you just released a new product, and you want others to share your product. Rather than paying for an ad, you can harness a community of Twitter users to share your product with their networks. For their efforts, you can automatically pay them using this bounty system.

For example, the original bounty creator can make a post like:

Hey, have you heard about @TwitterBountyETH?

Then using the Twitter Bounty website and smart contracts, they can have others make the same post, and claim rewards for doing so.

Project Grading Details

Consensys Academy Grading Rubric

User Interface Requirements

  • Run the app on a dev server locally for testing/grading
  • You should be able to visit a URL and interact with the application
  • App recognizes current account
  • Sign transactions using MetaMask
  • Contract state is updated
  • Updates reflected in the UI

Test Requirements

  • Write at least 5 tests for each contract with descriptions (see below)
  • Tests are properly structured
  • Tests provide adequate coverage for the contracts
  • All tests pass

Design Pattern Requirements

Security Tools / Common Attacks


Additional Requirements

  • Smart contract code commented using NatSpec

Stretch Goals

Truffle Tests

cd /path/to/twitter-bounty
truffle test

Note that these tests are all written in JavaScript due to the fact that these contracts are strongly dependent on the asynchronous Oraclize process.

Contract: TwitterOracle.sol
    Testing functionality of the Twitter Oracle Contract
    √ Contract should be owned by contract creator (account[9])
    √ Should have logged a new Oraclize query (1132ms)
    √ Callback should have logged an update event (7561ms)
    √ Text should be stored from twitter post
    √ Text should match what is expected from twitter
    √ Contract should be pauseable (779ms)
    √ Contract should not work when paused (62ms)
    √ Contract should be destructible (594ms)

Contract: TwitterBounty.sol
    Testing functionality of the Twitter Bounty Contract (requires TwitterOracle)
    √ Contract should be owned by contract creator (account[0]) (63ms)
    √ Contract should be connected to Twitter Oracle
    √ [1] Contract should be able to oraclize tweet through Twitter Oracle (1658ms)
    √ [1] Twitter Oracle should have logged an update event for tweet (7657ms)
    √ [1] Text should match what is expected from twitter (62ms)
    √ [2] Contract should be able to oraclize tweet through Twitter Oracle (1459ms)
    √ [2] Twitter Oracle should have logged an update event for tweet (7642ms)
    √ [2] Text should match what is expected from twitter (38ms)
    √ [3] Contract should be able to oraclize tweet through Twitter Oracle (1529ms)
    √ [3] Twitter Oracle should have logged an update event for tweet (7104ms)
    √ [3] Text should match what is expected from twitter
    √ Contract should be able to create bounties (117ms)
    √ Any user should be able to contribute to bounty (81ms)
    √ Bounty should reject an already used tweet (38ms)
    √ Bounty should reject a mismatched tweet
    √ Bounty should accept a different, yet matching tweet (64ms)
    √ Bounty should pay out when fulfilled (142ms)
    √ Bounty cannot be modified by non-owner (48ms)
    √ Bounty can be closed by owner (67ms)
    √ Contract should be pauseable (871ms)
    √ Contract should not work when paused (87ms)
    √ Contract should be destructible (581ms)

30 passing (40s)

Known Issues

Check out a list of known issues here.


An Ethereum bounty contract for making posts on Twitter







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