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how pytorch dispatch the Variable.index_select and the auto-grad

This post assumes readers have the basic concepts of the Function and Variable in pytorch.

pytorch is a deep learning framework that is famous for the simplicity of prototyping and debugging. There are no separate graph defining and actual computing parts in pytorch, instead, it builds the computation graph on-the-fly.

The C/C++ backend

For pytorch, or any other deep learning frameworks such as mxnet, tensorflow, the backend is usually written in C/C++ for best performance. It does no more than maintaining tensor information and doing tensor(matrix) math.

The backend of pytorch is somehow fragile because it re-uses many codes from project torch. Fortunately the pytorch community is working on a new unified tensor framework named ATen which is already used since version 0.3.0. At the current stage, lib ATen defines data structures such as Tensor, Storage, TensorInfo ..., with more and more native operations implemented independent of TH or THC library.

Currently the computation is dispatched from ATen to the corresponding methods defined in TH (CPU), THC (GPU) and perhaps THS (sparse matrix operation). Below the more complicated THC backend is used to clarify the function path from ATen to real computing kernels.

invoking CUDA kernels

  • kernel wrappers The wrappers perform some trivial tasks before and after kernel launching, such as error checking, data preparation and setting the kernel runtime parameters, e.g. the blockSize,gridSize, stream ID.
// pytorch/aten/src/THC/generic/
void THCTensor_(gather)(THCState* state, THCTensor *tensor,
                         THCTensor *src, int dim, THCudaLongTensor *index) {
  THCAssertSameGPU(THCTensor_(checkGPU)(state, 2, tensor, src));
  THCAssertSameGPU(THCudaLongTensor_checkGPU(state, 1, index));

  THArgCheck(THCudaLongTensor_nDimension(state, index) == THCTensor_(nDimension)(state, src), 4,
             "Index tensor must have same dimensions as input tensor");
  THLongStorage *indexSize = THCudaLongTensor_newSizeOf(state, index);
  THArgCheck(THCTensor_(isSize)(state, tensor, indexSize), 4,
             "Index tensor must have the same size as output tensor.");
  // to invoke CUDA kernel
  • CUDA kernels The CUDA kernels are codes running on CUDA-compatible GPUs, they are generally the critical part to optmize.
// pytorch/aten/src/THC/
template <typename IndexType, typename Real, int Dims>
__global__ void THCudaTensor_gatherKernel(
    TensorInfo<Real, IndexType> tensor,
    TensorInfo<Real, IndexType> src,
    TensorInfo<int64_t, IndexType> index,
    const int dim,
    const IndexType totalElements) {
  for (IndexType linearId = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
       linearId < totalElements;
       linearId += gridDim.x * blockDim.x) {
    IndexType tensorOffset = 0;
    IndexType srcOffset = 0;
    IndexType indexOffset = 0;

    IndexToScatterGatherOffsets<IndexType, Real, Dims>::compute(linearId, dim,
                                                          index, &indexOffset,
                                                          tensor, &tensorOffset,
                                                          src, &srcOffset);

    int64_t indexValue =[indexOffset] - TH_INDEX_BASE;
    assert(indexValue >= 0 && indexValue < src.sizes[dim]);
    srcOffset += indexValue * src.strides[dim];[tensorOffset] =[srcOffset];

Binding Python and C/C++ API

There are two code generation schemes in Pytorch, native methods and TH THC dependent methods. For native methods, you can open file aten/src/ATen/native/native_functions.yaml and it's pretty easy to understand. (variants: function, methods, backend: CPU, GPU) For methods related to TH THC libraries, Pytorch uses cwrap to declare the binding of python call and its' corresponding ATen backend. Simply searching .cwrap file in pytorch repo will give you some hints (there may be only one cwrap file now).

In detail, cwrap files are used to generate PyMethods for python type object torch.Tensor at building phase (when running python build). PyMethod is the inner mechanism of Cpython's object implementation, it enables python object to call native C functions, the ATEN function in Pytorch. After defining the proper PyMethod, the tensor_GPU.index_select call in Python finally invokes the corresponding C backend function THCTensor_(indexSelect), and tensor_CPU.index_select calls THTensor_(indexSelect).

how to read cwrap file

name: the method name of ATen and Python API cname: the backend name of library call, the same as name is not specified

The cname is important that you can search it in pytorch's directory to find the function definition/declaration. In case many unrelated search results show up, you'd better limit the search scope to .c/.cpp/.h files.

See docs: pytorch/aten/src/ATen/native/

And source codes: pytorch/aten/src/ATen/native/native_functions.yaml pytorch/aten/src/ATen/Declarations.cwrap

Defining the forward/backward pair

In early version, pytorch uses hand-written forward and backward methods in each Function class. But now a separate declaration file is employed to define the forward/backward pair for simplicity.

Like the Python/C binding, the declaration file is also used to generate Variable methods at building stage. e.g. for Variable.index_select, the gradient of self is obtained by calling the grad.type().zeros(self.sizes()).index_add_(dim, index, grad).

code snippets for forward/backward binding:

# pytorch/tools/autograd/derivatives.yaml
- name: index_select(Tensor self, int64_t dim, Tensor index)
  self: grad.type().zeros(self.sizes()).index_add_(dim, index, grad)

- name: kthvalue(Tensor self, int64_t k, int64_t dim, bool keepdim)
  self: select_backward(grad, dim, indices, self.sizes(), keepdim)

Here I extract some useful comments from the derivatives.yaml:

Each entry consists of:

  • A 'name', which specifies the ATen name of the function you are defining derivatives for, and an argument specification.
  • One or more gradients entries, mapping a differentiable input names to a formula specifying how to compute its gradient. Note that a single gradient entry can specify the gradient formula for multiple input names, by specifying a key "self, other" (see atan2 for an example). The values in this yaml file are standard C++ (C++11 exactly) statements without trailing semi-colons, which will be invoked by backward engine to apply chain rule. There are two approaches to defining the backward function, a simple one-liner or a more complex function defined in pytorch/tools/autograd/templates/Functions.cpp. For example, the backward function for kthvalue() is select_backward(),
// pytorch/tools/autograd/templates/Functions.cpp
Tensor sum_backward(const Tensor & grad, IntList sizes, int64_t dim, bool keepdim) {
  if (!keepdim && sizes.size() > 0) {
  if (!keepdim && sizes.size() > 1) {
    return grad.unsqueeze(dim).expand(sizes);
  } else {
    return grad.expand(sizes);

In the meanwhile, users can still write their own Function in Python by subclassing and defining their own forward and backward methods. See source code: pytorch/tools/autograd/derivatives.yaml pytorch/tools/autograd/templates/Functions.cpp