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Give your collection view the infinite scrolling behavior.

Sponsor Version Author Swift Swift

Table of Contents

  1. Requirements
  2. Installation
  3. How to Use
  • iOS 9.0+
  • Xcode 9.4+
  • Swift 4.1+


CocoaPods is a dependency manager for Cocoa projects. You can install it with the following command:

$ gem install cocoapods

To integrate GABiometricAuthentication into your Xcode project using CocoaPods, specify it in your Podfile:

source ''
platform :ios, '10.0'

target '<Your Target Name>' do
  pod 'GABiometricAuthentication'

Then, run the following command:

$ pod install

Open Registertion Popup:

Option 1 Use Default Size:

import "GABiometricAuthentication", then create GAFullScreenConfiguration and call to the function openRegisterForBiometricAuthentication with type "fullScrrenUI" in the GABiometricAuthentication class

import GABiometricAuthentication

let uiconfiguration = GAFullScreenUIConfiguration(titleText: NSAttributedString(string: "title"), descriptionText: NSAttributedString(string: "description"), backgroundColor: .white, centerImage: UIImage(named: "touch-id"), allowButtonConfiguration: GAFullScreenButtonConfiguration(backgroundColor: .black, textColor: .white, text: "Allow"), dontAllowButtonConfiguration: GAFullScreenButtonConfiguration(backgroundColor: .black, textColor: .white, text: "Do not Allow"))
let configuration = GAFullScreenConfiguration(uiConfiguration: uiconfiguration, localizedReason: "enter for password") { (result) in
GABiometricAuthentication.openRegisterForBiometricAuthentication(usingRegisterType: .fullScrrenUI(configuration), inViewController: self)

Option 2 Custom UI:

Create object/view that implement CustomPopupUI

import GABiometricAuthentication

class MyCustomPopupView: UIView,CustomPopupUI
 var continerView: UIView
        return self
    // MARK: - IBOutlet
    @IBOutlet weak var allowButton      : UIButton! // subview of continerView
    @IBOutlet weak var doNotAllowButton : UIButton! // subview of continerView

Then create GACustomPopupConfiguration and pass the CustomPopupUI object using "GACustomPopupUIConfiguration".

let customPopupUI = MyCustomPopupView(frame:
let uiconfiguration = GACustomPopupUIConfiguration(customPopupUI: customPopupUI, popupSize: CGSize(width: 309.0, height: 284.0))
let configuration = GACustomPopupConfiguration(uiConfiguration: uiconfiguration, localizedReason: "enter for password") { (result) in


To show the registration popup call to the function openRegisterForBiometricAuthentication with type customUI in the GABiometricAuthentication class

GABiometricAuthentication.openRegisterForBiometricAuthentication(usingRegisterType: .customUI(configuration), inViewController: self)

Toggle Enter Biometric Local Authentication:

call to evaluateBiometricLocalAuthentication in GABiometricAuthentication. pass to the function the localizedReason for using the biometric authentication and the results block

GABiometricAuthentication.evaluateBiometricLocalAuthentication(localizedReason: "showPassword") { [weak self] (result) in

   guard let strongSelf = self else { return }
   switch result
   case .success   : strongSelf.resultLabel.text = "success"
   default         : strongSelf.resultLabel.text = "failed"

Unlock Biometric Local Authentication:

if the user try more then the available number of tries the system will lock the biometric local authentication, to unlock it call to unlockBiometricLocalAuthentication in GABiometricAuthentication

GABiometricAuthentication.unlockBiometricLocalAuthentication(byLocalizedReason: "Access your password") { [weak self] (result) in
   guard let strongSelf = self else { return }
   switch result
   case true   : strongSelf.resultLabel.text = "success"
   case false  : strongSelf.resultLabel.text = ""

Check if Biometric Local Authentication Available:

to check if user can use biometric local authentication

let canUseBiometric = GABiometricAuthentication.canEvaluatePolicyDeviceOwnerAuthenticationWithBiometrics()


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