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In this project, I performed parameter estimation for a given dataset (which is a subset from the MNIST dataset) and did a classification task without using packages.(from scratch)


The total number of samples in the training set for digit 7 is 6265 and for digit 8 is 5851. The total number of samples for the testing set for digits 7 and 8 is 1028 and 974 respectively. Each MNIST image of a digitised picture of a single handwritten digit character .Each image is 28x28 in size.So,there are a total of 784 pixels per sample has 784 features.Just go to the original MNIST dataset (available here ) to extract the images for digit 7 and digit 8, to form the dataset for this project


Feature Extraction

For the ease of classification,we are extracting two features from the dataset, i.e,,I have reduced the feature dimension to 2.First one is the average of all pixel values in the image(Feature 1) and second one is the standard deviation of all pixel values in the image(Feature 2).


We assume that the 2 features extracted are independent and that each image is drawn from a 2-d normal distribution.

We need to calculate the prior probability of class and posterior probability of the sample in a given class from the training dataset.For calculating the posterior probability we need to estimate 8 different parameters,i.e. The mean and standard deviation of each feature with respect to each class.The values are shown in the table below .

Parameters Digit 7 Digit 8
MEAN FOR FEATURE 1 0.1145 0.1501
STD FOR FEATURE 1 0.0306 0.0386
MEAN FOR FEATURE 2 0.2877 0.3206
STD FOR FEATURE 2 0.0382 0.0399

We will be able to get a bi-variate gaussian distribution for each digit .Since the features are independent we can multiply the normal distribution of each feature to get the bi-variate distribution.The expression for calculating the bi-variate normal distribution is given below(y is class label ,x is the sample and $ x_{1},x_{2} $ are the two features for each sample x)

$$ p( x_{1},x_{2}|y=given class) = \frac{e^{-\frac{1}{2}[\frac{(x_{1}-\mu_{1})^2}{\sigma_{1}^2}+\frac{(x_{2}-\mu_{2})^2}{\sigma_{2}^2}]}}{2\pi\sigma_{1}\sigma_{2}} $$

Here for a given class we are finding the joint probability density of the two features. $\mu_{1},\mu_{2}$ are the mean of the two features of the given class and $\sigma_{1},\sigma_{2}$ are the standard deviation of the two features

We now use the testing data,which is also to reduced to 2d feature space, to calculate these joint probability w.r.t two classes and multiply it with the prior probability of the class i.e.𝑝(𝑦).By bayes theorem the posterior probability of class where the sample is given 𝑝(𝑦|𝑥) is proportional to the product of 𝑝(𝑥|𝑦) and 𝑝(𝑦).So we will get two probability of a given sample.The sample belong to the class which has the highest posterior probability 𝑝(𝑦|𝑥)


This is a linear classifier.We are using the original training dataset, which has 784 features,for training logistic regression(LG) model.We define a weight value for each feature and use the gradient ascent algorithm to update the weights by trying to maximise the likelihood.We are updating the weights independently.The expression for gradient ascent is given below

$$ w^{(k+1)} = w^{(k)}+\eta\nabla_{w^{(k)}}l(w) $$

The $l(w)$ is the log likelihood function and $\eta$ is the learning rate.We used 0.0001 as the learning rate .Total number of iteration,while training the model , for updating the weights is 10000 We need to append the value 1 in the first columns of all the rows in the training and test dataset .We will get the value of the weights by using the training dataset.Then we multiply the test data with the weights and check whether the value of the product of each sample point with weight is greater than 0.If it is true then the label of that particular sample point is 1(digit 8) else 0(digit 7)


For computing the prediction accuracy of the models I used the sklearn module and computed the accuracy and the confusion matrix for each of the models.The total prediction accuracy and accuracy for predicting each digit of each model is in the table given below.

DIGIT 7 69.08 98.93
DIGIT 8 68.65 99.27
TOTAL 68.88 99.10

As we can see, the prediction accuracy of logistic regression model is greater than Naive Bayes model.The logistic regression model perform well because of less strict assumptions made on the data compared to the NB model