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A Guide to SHERPA


Hyperparameters are defined via sherpa.Parameter objects. Available are

  • sherpa.Continuous: Represents continuous parameters such as weight-decay multiplier. Can also be thought of as float.
  • sherpa.Discrete: Represents discrete parameters such as number of hidden units in a neural network. Can also be thought of as int.
  • sherpa.Ordinal: Represents categorical ordered parameters. For example minibatch size could be an ordinal parameter taking values 8, 16, 32, etc. Can also be thought of as list.
  • sherpa.Choice: Represents unordered categorical parameters such as activation function in a neural network. Can also be thought of as a set.

Every parameter takes a name and range argument. The name argument is simply the name of the hyperparameter. The range is either the lower and upper bound of the range, or the possible values in the case of sherpa.Ordinal and sherpa.Choice. The sherpa.Continuous and sherpa.Discrete parameters also take a scale argument which can take values linear or log. This describes whether values are sampled uniformly on a linear or a log scale.

Hyperparameters are defined as a list to be passed to the sherpa.Study down the line. For example:

parameters = [sherpa.Continuous(name='lr', range=[0.005, 0.1], scale='log'),
              sherpa.Continuous(name='dropout', range=[0., 0.4]),
              sherpa.Ordinal(name='batch_size', range=[16, 32, 64]),
              sherpa.Discrete(name='num_hidden_units', range=[100, 300]),
              sherpa.Choice(name='activation', range=['relu', 'elu', 'prelu'])]

Note that it is generally recommended not to represent continuous or discrete parameters as categorical. This is due to the fact that exploring a range of values rather than discrete options yields much more information to understand the relationship between the hyperparameter and the outcome.

The Algorithm

The algorithm refers to the procedure that determines how hyperparameter configurations are chosen and in some cases the resource they are assigned. All available algorithms can be found in sherpa.algorithms. The description in Available Algorithms <available-algorithms> gives an in-depth view of what algorithms are available, their arguments, and when one might chose one algorithm over another. The sherpa.algorithms module is also home to stopping rules. Those are procedures that define if a trial should be stopped before its completion. The initialization of the algorithm is simple. For example:

algorithm = sherpa.algorithms.RandomSearch(max_num_trials=150)

where max_num_trials stands for the number of trials after which the algorithm will finish.

The Study

In Sherpa a Study represents the hyperparameter optimization itself. It holds references to the parameter ranges, the algorithm, the results that have been gathered, and provides an interface to obtain a new trial, or add results from previously suggested trial. It also starts the dashboard in the background. When initializing the study it expects references to the parameter ranges, the algorithm, and at minimum a boolean variable on whether lower objective values are better. For a full list of the arguments see the Study-API reference <study-api>.

study = sherpa.Study(parameters=parameters,

In order to obtain a first trial one can either call Study.get_suggestion() or directly iterate over the Study object.

# To get a single trial
trial = study.get_suggestion()

# Or directly iterate over the study
for trial in study:

The Trial object has an id attribute and a parameters attribute. The latter contains a dictionary with a hyperparameter configuration from the previously specified ranges provides by the defined algorithm. The parameter configuration can be used to initialize, train, and evaluate a model.

model = init_model(train.parameters)

During training Study.add_observation can be used to add intermediate metric values from the model training.

for iteration in range(num_iterations):
    training_error =
    validation_error = model.evaluate()
                          context={'training_error': training_error})

Once the model has completed training Sherpa expects a call to the Study.finalize function.


This can be put together in a double for-loop of the form:

for trial in study:
    model = init_model(trial.parameters)
    for iteration in range(num_iterations):
        training_error =
        validation_error = model.evaluate()
                              context={'training_error': training_error})


Once the Study object is initialized it will output the following:

SHERPA Dashboard running on http://...

Following that link brings up the dashboard. The figure at the top of the dashboard is a parallel coordinates plot. It allows the user to brush over axes and thereby restrict ranges of the trials she wants to see. This is useful to find what objective values correspond to hyperparameters of a certain range. Similarly, one can brush over the objective value axis to find the best performing configurations. The table in the bottom left of the dashboard is linked to the plot. Therefore, it is easy to see what exact hyperparameters the filtered trials correspond to. One can also sort the table by any of its columns. Lastly, on the bottom right is a line plot that shows the progression of objective values for each trial. This is useful in analyzing how and if the training converges. Below is a screenshot of the dashboard towards the end of a study.