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CoreData serializer extension for SLazeKit

Models example Object.swift Advance Model.swift

🔧 Installation


Add the line pod "SLazeCoreData" to your Podfile


Add the line github "shial4/SLazeCoreData" to your Cartfile


Clone the repo and drag the folder SLazeCoreData into your Xcode project.

Swift Package Manager:

Add the line .package(url: "", from: "0.1.2"), to your Package.swift

Swift Package Manager in your iOS Project: This project demonstrates a working method for using Swift Package Manager (SPM) to manage the dependencies of an iOS project.

Example of how to use SPM v4 to manage iOS dependencies

💊 Usage

Use it with SLazeKit. Under you API configuration with synchronize handler. Run

EntityMapping.synchronize(_ obj: Any, context: NSManagedObjectContext) throws

⭐ Contributing

Be welcome to contribute to this project! :)

❓ Questions

Just create an issue on GitHub.

📝 License

This project was released under the MIT license.