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Releases: shieldproject/shield

SHIELD v8.0.4

05 Jan 00:29
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Bug Fixes

  • The v8 Web UI now properly renders target plugin forms, based
    on the metadata provided by the plugins themselves. Previously,
    only the fs plugin was working, due to the next bug we fixed.

  • The fs plugin was mistakenly reporting a store field, something
    that got missed when we removed its ability to act as a store

  • The swift plugin now features field metadata.

shield Release v8.0.3 (BETA)

03 Jan 20:14
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SHIELD 8.x is still beta software; not recommended for production deployment

New Features

  • SHIELD now supports Fixed Key encryption for disaster recovery
    of backups for SHIELD itself.


  • The s3 plugin now uses pathd buckets, so it should work better
    with S3-workalikes that don't support DNS-style buckets.

  • The fs plugin strips the base director from the files as they
    are archived, allowing archives to be portably replayed to
    different base directors on restore.

  • The mysql and xtrabackup plugins are better now.

  • buckler import works better now, no longer requiring a SHIELD
    core (via either --core or $SHIELD_CORE). It also now
    supports skipping TLS verification of the SHIELD Core.

Bug Fixes

  • Plugins now accept boolish strings and numbers in place of
    actual booleans.

  • Handle symlinks in the fs plugin

  • The S3 plugin now properly sets a multipart upload chunk size
    of 5 MEGABYTES, not 5 GIGABYTES, so we don't OOM on VMs. Oops.

  • The WebUI can now display OAuth provider configuration (again).

  • buckler create-policy now properly validates the expiry value
    as a number.

  • SHIELD Core no longer leaks file descriptors when talking to the
    sealed Vaults.

shield Release v8.0.1 (BETA)

08 Dec 14:41
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SHIELD 8.x is still beta software; not recommended for production deployment

New Features

  • The azure plugin now features a path_prefix setting to allow
    sharing of a single Azure Blobstore container amongst several
    jobs and/or SHIELDs.


  • The fs plugin no longer relies on the bsdtar executable to
    function; instead, all tarball creation / extraction is handled
    directly by the plugin code, making it easier to deploy.

  • The test-store and purge tasks that are scheduled in the
    slow loop are now skipped if the Vault is sealed. This keeps
    the task list from growing with lots of tasks that will not be
    scheduled until later. For purge tasks this wasn't a huge
    deal, but for test-store it meant that cloud storage would get
    slammed with test after test after test after test as soon as
    the SHIELD was unlocked.

Breaking Changes

  • The fs plugin no longer functions as a store plugin. This
    configuration was deemed to dangerous in the wild, given the
    locality constraints. If you need local-ish filesystem-backed
    storage, check out the webdav plugin.

Bug Fixes

  • WebSocket broadcast receivers are only registered after a
    successful upgrade from plain HTTP to WebSockets, to avoid
    stalling out the core on badly-behaved clients.

  • The CLI now honors -k everywhere it appears.

  • It is now possible to update a target / store that was created
    without any configuration (no --data on create-*).

  • CLI update-* commands now properly display the updated object
    attributes, instead of an empty report.

  • The create-auth-token CLI command now honors --json.

  • Fix javascript event handler stacking bugs in the web UI. In
    short, form submissions would "remember" their previous onsubmit
    handlers, leading to some very interesting errors on both
    client- and server-side.

shield Release v8.0.0 (BETA)

04 Dec 21:55
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SHIELD v8 is a marked improvement over previous version of SHIELD.

New Features

  • Multi-Tenancy - SHIELD now supports the notion of tenants, which allow
    site operators to group their users logically, and sequester teams from
    one another. Each tenant has its own set of jobs, tasks, archives,
    etc., and members of one tenant cannot interact with the resources of
    another. Users can be assigned to multiple tenants, concurrently.

  • Archive Encryption - SHIELD now leverages AES-256 encryption when
    storing backup archives in cloud storage, making sure that your data is
    secure, even at-rest.

  • Agent Registration - SHIELD Agents now register with the SHIELD Core,
    and provide metadata to assist operators in the configuration of backup
    targets, and cloud storage systems.

  • Improved Web UI - SHIELD's web-based user interface got a massive
    overhaul in this release, with a concerted focus on efficiency and
    ease-of-use for operators, and their immediate concerns.

  • New CLI - The SHIELD CLI has been rewritten from the ground-up to
    interface more cleanly with the SHIELD v8 API. It handles plugin
    configuration more naturally, without forcing you to write proper JSON.
    Yay. It also supports a new import function that makes it easy to
    ensure that your target and storage systems, jobs, retention policies,
    etc. are always correct.

  • Improved Scheduling - Backup Jobs can now be run every X hours, much
    to the delight of SHIELD users everywhere.

shield Release v0.10.9

11 Jul 15:32
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New Features

  • You can now pass arbitrary mongo options to the mongodump
    command-line utility in mongo plugin (Thanks @skburgart!)

  • New consul-snapshot plugin should allow you to backup a modern
    Consul via the snapshotting system, rather than a walk of the
    key-value tree.

  • New swift storage plugin for backing up to OpenStack Swift /
    Rackspace Cloud Files endpoints.

Bug Fixes

  • The SHIELD CLI got a new --update-if-exists flag to update
    matching things instead of creating new, identical ones.

shield Release v0.10.8

09 May 15:56
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New Features

  • Added Google Cloud Storage plugin

Developer Stuff

  • Added GetJobsStatus API function
  • Fixed API library leaking connections
  • Return an error instead of exiting when using the ShieldURI API function

shield Release v0.10.7

02 May 19:32
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  • An API endpoint v1/status/jobs was added to show the most recent success or failure of a job task. Intended for a monitoring/alerting application to scrape this information periodically
  • In GUI, under Jobs the status is now color coded
  • Also on the dashboard recently failed jobs will appear in a notification bar at the top

shield Release v0.10.6

07 Apr 22:43
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  • The consul plugin now supports SSL-based connections to Consul.
    Simply set your host to something beginning with https://.
    It also supports a new skip_ssl_validation plugin option, to ignore
    self-signed/invalid certs.

Minor Cleanup

Removed unimplemented elasticsearch plugin

shield Release v0.10.5

31 Mar 13:31
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New Features

  • Added a new azure store plugin, for storing data in the Azure Blobstore

shield Release v0.10.4

23 Mar 08:08
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  • Build all binaries with CGO_ENABLED=1 explicitly set. This will allow the patchelf tool to correctly rewrite the path to the interpreter when using an alternative glibc.