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1. Features List & MVP

Cheryn Shin edited this page Sep 15, 2023 · 9 revisions

Cheritea Drinks (Admin Feature)

  • Users should be able to view all drinks.
  • Admin should be able to view all drinks.
  • Admin should be able to upload/create a new drink.
  • Admin should be able to update each drink detail.
  • Admin should be able to delete the drink item.

Cheritea Toppings (Admin Feature)

  • Users should be able to view all toppings when adding to drink order.
  • Admin should be able to view all toppings.
  • Admin should be able to upload/create a new topping.
  • Admin should be able to update each topping detail.
  • Admin should be able to delete the topping item.

Your Cheritea Orders

  • Users should be able to add drinks or drinks with toppings to cart.
  • Users should be able to see their "Order History" page update with their most recent order after checkout.
  • Users should be able to see a "Order History" page.
  • Users should be able to see their previous orders in their "Order History" page.
  • Users should be able to reorder the same order from the "Order History" page.

Leave a Review for Your Favorite Cheriteas

  • Logged in users should be able to view all reviews for each of their orders.
  • Logged in users should be able to create a review and leave a star rating for their order.
  • Logged in users should be able to see their review and rating posted under the drink they chose for their order and in their "Order History" page.
  • Logged in users should be able to delete their reviews.

Upcoming Features
