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Shinken email notification plugin

Tired of brut text email notification, want to add more details to them and even make them readable for the common mortals. Then you can use the plugin shipped with Shinken. It can notify as usual in text and also in html in a table with all details needed from the service or host object.


Here it is the command you can use to have a basic html notification. You have to specify usual shinken macros in option. If not specified then it will try to get them from environment variable if you have set option enable_environment_macros in shinken.cfg. It isn't recommended to use them for large environment. You better use option -c, -o and -s or -h depending upon which object you'll notify. Each macros is separated by double comma.

Here is commands examples ready to use:

define command {
    command_name    host-by-email
    command_line    $PLUGINSDIR$/ -n host -S localhost -r $CONTACTEMAIL$ -f html -c "$NOTIFICATIONTYPE$,,$HOSTNAME$,,$HOSTADDRESS$,,$LONGDATETIME$"" -o ""$HOSTSTATE$,,$HOSTDURATION$"

define command {
    command_name    service-by-email

Text mail

Despite the nice HTML formatting, you still prefer to use plain old text mail, use the `` -f text`` parameter instead of if html.

Mail sender

Default mail sender is built automatically with current server name and current Shinken user.

If you want to specif the mail sender, use the -s (--sender). For example: -s

Add an header logo

Let's say that you want to deliver mail to a customer and integrate host logo into the mail, you only have to get a logo, name it customer_logo.png and paste it into /var/lib/shinken/share/images/.

If WebUI2 is installed, then the script will try to find the company logo that can be defined in the WebUI2. The WebUI2 company logo is PNG file located in /var/lib/shinken/share/photos/ and which name is defined in /etc/shinken/modules/webui2.cfg, property company_logo.

Add a WebUI link

The host or service Web UI link can be included in the mail body. Simply use -w (--webui) option and you will get a direct link to the host or service page in the Web UI.

The link is built using the current server name and the port defined in the Web UI configuration file.

If WebUI2 is installed, the script will try to find the port number defined in /etc/shinken/modules/webui2.cfg, property port. If WebUI1 is installed, the script will try to find the port number defined in /etc/shinken/modules/webui.cfg, property port. If both of them are installed, priority is WebUI2.

If neither WebUI2 nor WebUI are installed on your server, there will be no link in the mail even if this option is used.

If you want to define the root part of the URL, use option -u (--url). For example: -u http://webui.myserver:8080/shinken will be used as root part instead of http://shinken:7767.

Detailled Notifications

Detailled notifications is a way to customize and add useful informations in email notification send to your contacts. To do so, use 3 objects macros, services or hosts :

  • _DETAILLEDESC : Complete and add a more detailled description of service or host.
  • _IMPACT : Specify what will be the impact
  • _FIXACTIONS : And what is the recommended actions to do when there is an alert about it.


For example, you can have the below configuration: our service :

define service {
    service_description   Cpu
    use                   20min_long,linux-service
    register              0
    host_name             linux-snmp
    check_command         check_linux_cpu

    _DETAILLEDESC         Detect abnormal CPU usage
    _IMPACT               Slow down applications hosted by the system
    _FIXACTIONS           If recurrent situation then make performance audit

Define our detailled notifications commands adding the detailled informations and used with Shinken plugin so you will have an html email :

## Notify Host by Email with detailled informations
# Service have appropriate macros.
define command {
    command_name    detailled-host-by-email

## Notify Service by Email with detailled informations
# Service have appropriate macros.
define command {
    command_name    detailled-service-by-email

And now define our notification ways:

define notificationway{
   notificationway_name            detailled-email
   service_notification_period     24x7
   host_notification_period        24x7
   service_notification_options    c,w,r
   host_notification_options       d,u,r,f,s
   service_notification_commands   detailled-service-by-email ; send service notifications via email
   host_notification_commands      detailled-host-by-email    ; send host notifications via email

Then you'll receive a nice html mail giving all your details in a table.