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Introduction:・This is an AI software as a service tool that provide services like conversation chatbot,code generation,image generation,music generation,and video generation.

・This project initially provides a max of 5 free generation tokens to use the service but after that it asks you to subscrbe and be a pro member by paying a certain amount using the Stripe payment gateway and its webhook events.

Tech stack used: Next js,typescript,shadcn-ui,tailwind css,prisma,sql,zustand.

Libraries/packages/API's used: ・OpenAI api's and replicate api's for different ai models. ・Shadcn-ui for the already builtin, beautiful and responsive user interface components which gives a great user experience. ・Clerk authentication for a seamless user auth functionallity. ・Zustand for state management. ・Prisma ,sql, planet scale used for writing the queries of the database and hosting the database respectively. ・For a seamless payment experience and getting the real time event updates Stripe payment gateway and its webhook events are used. ・Crisp chat for providing a great customer support experience. ・React hot toast for the beautification of the error management.

Test stripe card for fake payments: ・Card no: 4242 4242 4242 4242 ・CVV: any 3 digit no

Yup! That's it.... Thanks!