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36 lines (25 loc) · 937 Bytes

File metadata and controls

36 lines (25 loc) · 937 Bytes


Generates a script that will automatically open up a tmux session on every node passed to it


module "tmuxer" {
  source   = ""
  ssh-key  = "id_tester"
  user     = "ubuntu"
  ssh-args = "-o ForwardAgent=yes -o IdentitiesOnly=yes -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null"
  nodes    = module.mynodes.node-external-ips          # is a list eg: ["", "", ""]
  outpath  = "."
  name     = "mynodes" # defaults to ./cloud-tmux

After the terraform apply simply run


Note if you set the name above the script will appear as ./NAME

If you detach the session it should still be visible and re-running the script will re-attach your session

$ tmux ls
0: 3 windows (created Tue Jun 23 10:36:15 2020) (attached)
cloud-tmux: 5 windows (created Tue Jun 23 12:26:48 2020)