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File metadata and controls

217 lines (143 loc) · 6.3 KB

Config management with :mod:`xoa.cfgm`


The :mod:`xoa.cfgm` module simplifies and extends the functionality provided by the excellent configobj configuration file reader and validator package. It makes global usage a little easier and adds support for plurals forms and for exporting the specifications to commandline options and rst declarations.

Loading and validating

Let's define the configuration specifications:

.. ipython:: python

    cfgspecs_lines = ["[logger] # logging system", "level=option(debug,info,error,default=info) # logging level", "name=string(default=root) # logger name", "[domain]", "xlim=floats(n=2, default=list(-20,0)) # min and max longitudes", "ylim=floats(n=2,default=list(40,50))"]


Note that the built-in float validation function has been used here in its plurals form.

Let's set the user configuration:

.. ipython:: python

    cfg_lines = ["[logger]", "name=xoa", "[domain]", "xminmax=-10,0"]

Now, initialize the config manager:

.. ipython:: python

    from xoa import cfgm
    CFGM = cfgm.ConfigManager(cfgspecs_lines)


To configure a library, the cfgspecs_lines argument is typically the name of a static file placed in the same directory as the module, which will initialize an instance of the :class:`~xoa.cfg.ConfigManager` class.

And finally, load and validate the user configuration:

.. ipython:: python

    cfg = CFGM.load(cfg_lines)

    from pprint import pprint

Get the default values:

.. ipython:: python


Extending the validation capabilities

One can add user validation fonctions to the default ones.

Use the :func:`~xoa.cfgm.print_validation_fonctions` function to print the list of validation functions. In the following example, only those matching *datetime* are printed:

.. ipython:: python

    cfgm.print_validation_functions("*time*") # use a pattern to restrict search

To define a new validation function, use the :func:`~xoa.cfgm.register_validation_fonctions` function. Here we define and register a validation function that converts an entry to an angle in degrees within [0, 360):

.. ipython:: python

    # Define
    from validate import VdtTypeError
    def is_angle(value, radians=False):
        """Validate an angle with optional convertion to radians"""
            value = float(value) % 360.
        except Exception:
            raise VdtTypeError("Invalid angle")
        value = float(value)
        if radians:
            value = np.radians(value)
        return value

    # Register

    # Check that it is registered

    # Check that it works
    validator = cfgm.get_validator()
    print(validator.check("angle(radians=True)", 180+360))

Using the :mod:`argparse` capabilities

The :class:`~xoa.cfgm.ConfigManager` has the capability to generate commandline options from the configuration specifications thanks to the :class:`~xoa.cfgm.ConfigManager.arg_parse` method. The goal is to add more control to the configuration for the user that use it from an executable script that parses the commandline:

  • Default values are internally defined in the config specifications.
  • The user optionally alter these value with its configuration file.
  • The user optionally alter its own configuration using the commandline options, which are set to None by default.

In other word, the commandline arguments take precedence over the user configuration, which takes precedence over the default internal configuration.

Taking advantage of the example above, we create a parser and add arguments that reflect the configuration specifications:

.. ipython:: python

    # Write the user config file
    with open("config.cfg", "w") as f:

    # Define our commandline options
    argv = ["--logger-level", "error", ""]

    # Init the parser
    from argparse import ArgumentParser
    parser = ArgumentParser(description="My script")
    parser.add_argument("ncfile", help="netcdf file")

    # Add options and parse
    cfg, args = CFGM.arg_parse(
        parser=parser, getargs=True, args=argv, cfgfile="config.cfg")

    # Args

    # Cfg

    # See the help like with the -h option

    # Long help

    # Very short help

The :class:`~xoa.cfgm.ConfigManager.arg_parse` method makes also available the --short-help and --long--help in addition to the --help option.


The previous example can be compacted using the :func:`~xoa.cfgm.cfgargparse` function:

cfg, args = cfgargparse(cfgspecsfile, parser=parser, getargs=True)

Converting to .rst format

The config manager instance is exportable to rst declaration for documentation purpose.

.. ipython:: python


The result is the following.

These above sphinx declarations need two objet types to be declared:

app.add_object_type('confopt', 'confopt',
                    objname='configuration option',
                    indextemplate='pair: %s; configuration option')
app.add_object_type('confsec', 'confsec',
                    objname='configuration section',
                    indextemplate='pair: %s; configuration section')

The name of these types are parameters of the :func:`~xoa.cfgm.cfg2rst` function (and :func:`xoa.cfgm.ConfigManager.get_rst` method).

Fortunately, the :mod:`xoa.cfgm` comes also as a Sphinx extension:

  • Add "xoa.cfgm" to the list of Sphinx extensions that are declared in the :file:`` file.

  • Declare the following Sphinx config variables in the :file:``:

    .. confval:: cfgm_get_cfgm_func
       Function that returns a :class:`xoa.cfgm.ConfigManager` instance.
    .. confval:: cfgm_rst_file
       Name of the outfile file in which rst declarations are written.