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Content Types
Developer Guides
General Resources

Content Types allows users to create own simple entities with a crud, own api and frontend controller.


Content Types can be created using an interface in the administration in "Settings" => "Content Types" or with a 'contenttypes.xml' in the Resources folder of your Plugin. If a Content Type is created using a plugin, it can't be modified in the administration. In this guide we will create a Content Type using a plugin.

Creating a Content Type

A plugin Content Type can be created with a 'Resources/contenttypes.xml' in your plugin directory. A XML file can contain multiple Content Types.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<contentTypes xmlns:xsi=""


Now we add a Content Type in the types tag.

A Content Type needs as a requirement a typeName (technical name, will be used for the controllers, table, etc. with the Prefix 'Custom'), a name for the Menu and Storefront if enabled.

In this example we will create a Content Type with the technical name 'AwesomeRecipeContentType', display name 'My most favorite recipes by name' with a single field 'name' as textfield.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<contentTypes xmlns:xsi=""
            <name>My most favorite recipes by name</name>
                    <field name="name" type="text">

After the plugin installation and activation, will be a new menu entry in the 'Content' section. Alternatively, this command can be used to update the configuration for an installed plugin: bin/console sw:content:type:sync

Default elements

Name DBAL Type ExtJs Type
textarea text Ext.form.field.TextArea
text string Ext.form.field.Text
aceeditor text Shopware.form.field.AceEditor
integer int Ext.form.field.Number
tinymce text Shopware.form.field.TinyMCE
media int Shopware.form.field.Media
combobox string Ext.form.field.Combobox
checkbox int Ext.form.field.Checkbox
date date Ext.form.field.Date
media-grid string Shopware.form.field.MediaGrid
product-field int Shopware.form.field.ProductSingleSelection
product-grid string Shopware.form.field.ProductGrid
shop-field int Shopware.form.field.SingleSelection
shop-grid string Shopware.form.field.ShopGrid

Dynamic elements

Content types can also reference each other. For this reason we have dynamic elements.

With '[technicalName]-field' can you create an association to a single selection of content type 'technicalName'

With '[technicalName]-grid' can you create an association to a multi selection of content type 'technicalName'

Possible tags in the '<type>' tag

Name Description
typeName Technical name of the content type
name Display name
showInFrontend Create a frontend controller, allow usage of emotion element. Requires viewTitleFieldName, viewDescriptionFieldName, viewImageFieldName
menuIcon Menu icon
menuPosition Menu position
menuParent Parent controller name
viewTitleFieldName Fieldname for title fields in storefront
viewDescriptionFieldName Fieldname for description fields in storefront
viewImageFieldName Fieldname for image fields in storefront
seoUrlTemplate SEO URL template for the URL generation
sortField Fieldname to sort on
sortDirection Sorting direction

Possible tags in '<field>'

Name Description
name Technical fieldname in table
label Label for the user
type Field type
helpText Field helpText
description Field description
translateable Field is translatable?
required Field is required?
options Can be used to pass variables to extjs
custom Can be used to store custom variables
store Options for combobox selection
showListing Show the field in the extjs listing window
searchAble Field should be searchable in the extjs listing window search

Access using the API

All Content Types have an API endpoint generated automatically. It will be accessible using the route '/api/Custom[TechnicalName]' (e.g '/api/CustomAwesomeRecipeContentType') and follows the default Shopware API schema.

In default, it reads the data in raw format, without resolving the associated data and translation.

To resolve the associations, you can pass a GET parameter '?resolve=1'. To load the translations, can you pass a GET parameter '?loadTranslations=1' to the list and get one call.

The data being passed to create or update an entity has to be in the raw format. Multi selection fields values have to been split by pipe (e.g '|1|2|').

Usage internal in PHP

Getting the Content Type configuration

The Content Type configuration will be saved as struct of type 'Shopware\Bundle\ContentTypeBundle\Structs\Type'. To get the configuration of your Content Type you can use the service 'shopware.bundle.content_type.type_provider' and call the method 'getType' with your technical name.

Fetching the Content Type data

Every Content Types has an own Repository which implements the interface 'Shopware\Bundle\ContentTypeBundle\Services\RepositoryInterface'. These repositories are registered dynamically in the DI with following naming scheme 'shopware.bundle.content_type.[technicalName]'.

Example usages

/** @var \Shopware\Bundle\ContentTypeBundle\Services\RepositoryInterface $repository */
$repository = $this->container->get('');

$criteria = new \Shopware\Bundle\ContentTypeBundle\Structs\Criteria();
$criteria->limit = 5;
$criteria->loadTranslations = true;
$criteria->loadAssociations = true;
$criteria->calculateTotal = true;

/** @var \Shopware\Bundle\ContentTypeBundle\Structs\SearchResult $result */
$result = $repository->findAll($criteria);

var_dump($result->total); // 5
var_dump($result->type); // Type struct
var_dump($result->items); // Fetched data

// Delete a record

// If an id is passed in $data, it will be updated, otherwise it will create a new record

Displaying in Frontend

To enable the Frontend controller, you have to set 'showInFrontend' in the 'type' to 'true' and fill the fields 'viewTitleFieldName', 'viewDescriptionFieldName', 'viewImageFieldName'.

These view fields will be used for SEO information in the '<head>'-tag, as well as in the listing of the contents and in the emotion world.

The controller name is generated, like in the API, with the same schema 'Custom[TechnicalName]'. By default the controller tries to load the template in the default directory structure (frontend/controller/action.tpl) and if that template is missing, it will fall back to the folder frontend/content_type/action.tpl).

In the default template, only fields are visible in the frontend, which implements the interface 'Shopware\Bundle\ContentTypeBundle\Field\TemplateProvidingFieldInterface'

Translation in Backend

To translate the extjs field names can you create a new snippet file in namespace 'backend/custom[technicalName]/main'.

Snippet-Name Description
name content type name in backend
[fieldName]_label field label for the frontend and backend
[fieldName]_helpText field helpText for the backend
[fieldName]_description field description for the backend

Translation in Frontend

To translate the extjs field names can you create a new snippet file in namespace 'frontend/custom[technicalName]/index'.

Snippet-Name Description
IndexMetaDescription meta description in '<head>'
IndexMetaImage meta image in '<head>'
IndexMetaTitle meta title in '<head>'

Creating a new Field

To create a new field, you have to create a new class which implements the 'Shopware\Bundle\ContentTypeBundle\Field\FieldInterface'.

Here we have an example field MediaField.

use Doctrine\DBAL\Types\Type;
use Shopware\Bundle\ContentTypeBundle\Structs\Field;

class MediaField implements FieldInterface
public static function getDbalType(): string
return Type::INTEGER;

public static function getExtjsField(): string
return 'shopware-media-field';

public static function getExtjsType(): string
return 'int';

public static function getExtjsOptions(Field $field): array
return [];

public static function isMultiple(): bool
return false;

Overview of the methods

Method Description
getDbalType Returns the DBAL Type for the column
getExtjsField Returns the extjs xtype for the field
getExtjsType Returns the extjs model type
getExtjsOptions Returns an array of options for the extjs configuration
isMultiple Returns that this field holds multiple values

After the creating of the class, we have to register our new field in the 'services.xml' with the tag 'shopware.bundle.content_type.field' and a 'fieldName'.

<service id="Shopware\Bundle\ContentTypeBundle\Field\MediaField" class="Shopware\Bundle\ContentTypeBundle\Field\MediaField">
<tag name="shopware.bundle.content_type.field" fieldName="media"/>

The 'fieldName' is the unique identifier of your new field and can be used in the 'contenttypes.xml'. This also extends the selection in the extjs interface for the creation of a Content Type.


If you want to populate the data after it has been read from the database, can you implement the interface 'Shopware\Bundle\ContentTypeBundle\Field\ResolveableFieldInterface' in your field .

This interface requires that you have to implement the method getResolver. In the getResolver method have you to return a service id of your resolver. The resolver will handle the processing of the saved data.

public static function getResolver(): string
return MediaResolver::class;


A resolver has to extend 'Shopware\Bundle\ContentTypeBundle\FieldResolver\AbstractResolver' and needs to be registered in the DI container. The abstract class requires that you implement the method 'resolve'. The Content Type's repository reads all information from the database and then adds all fields that have to be resolved in the resolver using the 'add' method, defined in the 'AbstractResolver'. After all IDs are added, it will call the 'resolve()' method where the Resolver should fetch and store the data by the added IDs.

Here we have an example for the 'MediaField':

public function resolve(): void
$medias = $this->mediaService->getList($this->resolveIds, $this->contextService->getShopContext());

foreach ($medias as $id => $media) {
$this->storage[$id] = $this->structConverter->convertMediaStruct($media);

$this->resolveIds = [];

The 'resolveIds' property contains all requested IDs of the values. After fetching these, we write the data back into the 'storage' property with the keys we had in 'propertyIds'. In the last step the Repository loads the values back from the 'get' method implemented by the 'AbstractResolver' with the values in the 'storage' property. This concept also has a simple cache inside, if the requested ID is already in the 'storage' proeprty, it won't be added to the 'resolveIds' property.


With the 'TemplateProvidingFieldInterface' interface can you mark your field as frontend ready with a specific template. This template will be loaded with the default template of the detail page.