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Job Scheduler

1. PriorityQueue Interface

  • Priority queue node which stores the object entered, T value – object, int priority – the priority value

    HeapNode<T extends Comparable> implements Comparable<HeapNode<T>>
  • Return 0,1,-1 depending on the priority of the value entered and then comparing the insertion order

    int compareTo(HeapNode<T> node)

2. MaxHeap Class

Class MaxHeap extends PriorityQueue interface

2.1 Methods:

  • Inserting the object based on the priority

    void insert(T element)
  • Number of elements stored in the priority queue

    int count()
  • Return the highest priority element in the max-heap

    T extractMax()

3. Student Class

Class Student implements comparable

3.1 Methods:

  • Return the name of the student
    String getName()
  • Return the to be printed stuff as per the assignment requirement
    String toString()

4. Person class:

  • Constructor

    Person person = new Person(String name,String phone_number)
  • Return the name of the student

    String getName()
  • Return a string as per the assignment requirement

    String toString()

5. Trie Class

Class Trie<T> implements TrieInterface<T>

5.1 Methods:

  • Delete the element stored with the given string and returns true if got deleted else, returns false

    boolean delete(String word)
  • Return the TrieNode with the given String as key

    TrieNode search(String word)
  • Return a new node with all properties set to null if the key is not found else return 1 node which can follow up on the given string

    TrieNode<T> startsWith(String prefix)
  • Print the trienode with sorted outputs

    void printTrie(TrieNode trienode)-
  • Insert the given value with the given key and returns a Boolean verifying the insertion to be true or false

    Boolean insert(String word,T value)-
  • Print all the items present at a particular level in a Trie

    void printLevel(int Level)-
  • Print the entire tree with all the levels separately marked

    void print()

6. RedBlackTree Class

Class RBTree<T extends Comparable, E implements RBTreeInterface<T,E>
  • Constructor
    RBTree<T,E> constructor = new RBTree()
  • Insert the given element with the given key
    void insert(T key, E value)-
  • Print the required node stored with the given key
    RedBlackNode<T,E> search(T key)