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This repository contains material related to Udacity's Deep Learning Nanodegree program. It consists of a bunch of tutorial notebooks for various deep learning topics.

Table Of Contents


Introduction to Neural Networks

Convolutional Neural Networks

  • Convolutional Neural Networks: Visualize the output of layers that make up a CNN. Learn how to define and train a CNN for classifying MNIST data, a handwritten digit database that is notorious in the fields of machine and deep learning. Also, define and train a CNN for classifying images in the CIFAR10 dataset.

  • Transfer Learning. In practice, most people don't train their own networks on huge datasets; they use pre-trained networks such as VGGnet. Here you'll use VGGnet to help classify images of flowers without training an end-to-end network from scratch.

  • Weight Initialization: Explore how initializing network weights affects performance.

  • Autoencoders: Build models for image compression and de-noising, using feedforward and convolutional networks in PyTorch.

  • Style Transfer: Extract style and content features from images, using a pre-trained network. Implement style transfer according to the paper, Image Style Transfer Using Convolutional Neural Networks by Gatys et. al. Define appropriate losses for iteratively creating a target, style-transferred image of your own design!

Recurrent Neural Networks

  • Intro to Recurrent Networks (Time series & Character-level RNN): Recurrent neural networks are able to use information about the sequence of data, such as the sequence of characters in text; learn how to implement these in PyTorch for a variety of tasks.

  • Embeddings (Word2Vec): Implement the Word2Vec model to find semantic representations of words for use in natural language processing.

  • Sentiment Analysis RNN: Implement a recurrent neural network that can predict if the text of a moview review is positive or negative.

  • Attention: Implement attention and apply it to annotation vectors.

Generative Adversarial Networks

  • Generative Adversarial Network on MNIST: Train a simple generative adversarial network on the MNIST dataset.

  • Batch Normalization: Learn how to improve training rates and network stability with batch normalizations.

  • Deep Convolutional GAN (DCGAN): Implement a DCGAN to generate new images based on the Street View House Numbers (SVHN) dataset.

  • CycleGAN: Implement a CycleGAN that is designed to learn from unpaired and unlabeled data; use trained generators to transform images from summer to winter and vice versa.



  • Miniflow: Building a small version of TensorFlow.

  • TensorFlow: Starting building neural networks with TensorFlow.

Deploying a Model (with AWS SageMaker)

  • AWS SageMaker Tutorials for the lessons on model deployment can be found in the linked, Github repo. Learn to deploy pre-trained models using AWS SageMaker.