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File metadata and controls

218 lines (173 loc) · 6.49 KB

Jest Setup

The simplest setup is to use jest's setupTestFrameworkScriptFile config.

Make sure your package.json includes the following:

// package.json
"jest": {
  "setupTestFrameworkScriptFile": "./node_modules/aws-testing-library/lib/jest/index.js",

Usage with TypeScript

When using aws-testing-library with TypeScript and ts-jest, you'll need to add a setupFrameworks.ts file to your app that explicitly imports aws-testing-library, and point the setupTestFrameworkScriptFile field in your package.json file towards it:

// src/setupFrameworks.ts
import 'aws-testing-library/lib/jest';
// package.json
"jest": {
 "setupTestFrameworkScriptFile": "./src/setupFrameworks.ts",



  • The matchers use aws-sdk under the hood, thus they are all asynchronous and require using async/await


Asserts existence/equality of a DynamoDb item

expect.assertions(1); // makes sure the assertion was called
await expect({
  region: 'us-east-1',
  table: 'dynamo-db-table',
  timeout: 0 /* optional (defaults to 2500) */,
  pollEvery: 0 /* optional (defaults to 500) */,
    id: 'itemId',
  } /* dynamoDb key object ( */,
    id: 'itemId',
    createdAt: new Date().getTime(),
    text: 'some content',
  } /* optional, if exists will check equality in addition to existence */,
  true /* optional, strict mode comparison, defaults to true */,

See complete example


Asserts existence/equality of a S3 object

expect.assertions(1); // makes sure the assertion was called
await expect({
  region: 'us-east-1',
  bucket: 's3-bucket',
  timeout: 0 /* optional (defaults to 2500) */,
  pollEvery: 0 /* optional (defaults to 500) */,
  'someFileInTheBucket' /* a string representing the object key in the bucket */,
    'a buffer of the file content',
  ) /* optional, if exists will check equality in addition to existence */,

See complete example


Asserts log message of a lambda function

expect.assertions(1); // makes sure the assertion was called
await expect({
  region: 'us-east-1',
  function: 'functionName',
  startTime: 0 /* optional (millis since epoch in UTC, defaults to now-1 hour) */,
  timeout: 0 /* optional (defaults to 2500) */,
  pollEvery: 0 /* optional (defaults to 500) */,
  'some message written to log by the lambda' /* a pattern to match against log messages */,

See complete example


Asserts a state machine current state

expect.assertions(1); // makes sure the assertion was called
await expect({
  pollEvery: 5000 /* optional (defaults to 500) */,
  region: 'us-east-1',
  stateMachineArn: 'stateMachineArn',
  timeout: 30 * 1000 /* optional (defaults to 2500) */,

See complete example


Asserts that a state machine has been at a state

expect.assertions(1); // makes sure the assertion was called
await expect({
  pollEvery: 5000 /* optional (defaults to 500) */,
  region: 'us-east-1',
  stateMachineArn: 'stateMachineArn',
  timeout: 30 * 1000 /* optional (defaults to 2500) */,

See complete example


Asserts that an api returns a specific response

expect.assertions(1); // makes sure the assertion was called
await expect({
  url: '',
  method: 'POST',
  params: { urlParam: 'value' } /* optional URL parameters */,
  data: { bodyParam: 'value' } /* optional body parameters */,
  headers: { Authorization: 'Bearer token_value' } /* optional headers */,
  data: {
    message: 'Unauthorized',
  statusCode: 401,

See complete example


Asserts existence/equality of a Kinesis record

expect.assertions(1); // makes sure the assertion was called
await expect({
  region: 'us-east-1',
  stream: 'kinesis-stream',
  timeout: 0 /* optional (defaults to 10000) */,
  pollEvery: 0 /* optional (defaults to 500) */,
  item => === 'someId' /* predicate to match with the stream data */,

See complete example


Asserts existence/equality of a message in an SQS queue

const {
} = require('aws-testing-library/lib/utils/sqs');

let [subscriptionArn, queueUrl] = ['', ''];
try {
  // create an SQS queue and subscribe to SNS topic
  ({ subscriptionArn, queueUrl } = await subscribeToTopic(region, topicArn));

  // run some code that will publish a message to the SNS topic

  expect.assertions(1); // makes sure the assertion was called
  await expect({
    timeout: 10000 /* optional (defaults to 2500) */,
    pollEvery: 2500 /* optional (defaults to 500) */,
    /* predicate to match with the messages in the queue */
    message =>
      message.Subject === 'Some Subject' && message.Message === 'Some Message',
} finally {
  // unsubscribe from SNS topic and delete SQS queue
  await unsubscribeFromTopic(region, subscriptionArn, queueUrl);

See complete example