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Implement StateMachine Replication (Key-Value Store) using RAFT

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The project is an implementation of RAFT consensus algorithm from raft-extended paper and learnings from MIT Lecture on Distributed Systems. The project involves development of a reliable distributed key-value pair storage system by achieving fault-tolerance and automatic crash recoverability. The system is strongly consistent and supports high availability by synchronization between N quorum replicas tested on docker containers where N is configurable odd number to achieve consensus.


Distributed Systems

Collection of autonomous computers that appear to the user as one integrated system. Overall these connected computers give an abstraction to the end user but inside they are much more. E:g A Distributed File Systems such as GFS is a file system for a user or an application but internally it distributes the file data into chunks to provide high performance for R/W tasks

In this project, the distributed system developed provides a fuctionality of a key-Value store with a Get/Put key values functions while it abstracts the non-functional feature of consistency, reliablity and high availability.


RAFT is a replica consensus protocol, a modified version of paxos consensus algorithm. RAFT replicates the state Machine (Key-Value pair system in this case) onto multiple machines by using logs. The logs are generated as well as propogated to all the replicas whenever an event occures such as R/W requests. Raft implements consensus by first electing a distinguished leader, then giving the leader complete responsibility for managing the replicated log to all the followers. If the logs are replicated and are consistent, the state machines also become consistent. A leader can fail or be- come disconnected from the other servers, in which case a new leader is elected.

Given the leader approach, Raft decomposes the consensus problem into three relatively independent subproblems

  • Leader election: a new leader must be chosen when an existing leader fails
  • Log replication: the leader must accept log entries from clients and replicate them across the cluster, forcing the other logs to agree with its own
  • Safety: the key safety property for Raft is the State Machine Safety Property - if any server has applied a particular log entry to its state machine, then no other server may apply a different command for the same log index

How does RAFT work ?

  • Time Synchronization For any distributed system, one of the most important challenge is time sync. Different DS architecture have different time sync implementation such as two-time scheme using lamport's global clock in SPANNER. However, the RAFT uses "term" for the syncing time. For any request response sent by one raft system to another "term" is shared to verify if the request is valid and also to synchronize time to achieve consensus.

Internal State of RAFT replicated server All machines/server in a RAFT maintains some state of their own.

  • Persistent States

    • CurrentTerm : Every server maintains a current state or type of global clock that each server updates if its lagging behind
    • Logs : All request received by the leader is persistently stored first by the leader in its database and leader sends RPCs in parallel to follower so that they commit the logs in their state. A typical data structure for log is logIndex,LogTerm,LogData(commands,key and values)
    • votedFor : All servers maintain a votedFor information persistently to remember which candidate they voted in any given term
  • Volatile States

    • PrevLogIndex : Index of last log request send by leader
    • PrevLogTerm : Term for last term
    • CommitIndex : Index at which server has saved the state into State Machine
    • Server current State : All server can take any given role a Leader,worker, and Follower. Based on the state, the server does following tasks like sending RPCs or certain type of RPCs.
      • Leader : To maintain consistency, raft follows master-worker or leader-follower approach and only leader decide the course of action for any command. All client request are either received by leader or redirected to leader from followers. On reception of request leader appends logs to all followers and waits until majority(more than half) of them responds. Once majority response is received, leader responds to the client. For any given term, it is guaranteed that only one leader will be elected. In case, leader crashes re-election happens and some candidate which was follower is chosen as a leader.

      • Follower Only receives request from the leader and if the requests are valid would respond to requests of the leader Initially all server start with a follower state.

      • Candidate : On expiration of election time, a follower would change its state to candidate and send RPCs by increasing its currentterm by 1. If the candidate gets majority votes, election is won and candidate becomes a leader and handles all client requests

    • NextLogIndex : An array to store indexes for each follower its next logIndex to be send to that follower. In ideal case, all nextLogIndex for all follower remain same but they occasionally defer if some follower is lagging behind due to crash or drop in message. (initialized to leader log index + 1)
    • MatchIndex : An array to store indexes for each follower its commitIndex or logIndex which the leader knows has been added to the state Machine. (initialized to zero, increases monotonically)
  • ElectionTime To ensure RAFT system works, there should be a leader for each term to respond to client request and ensure replication on followers. In the events of crash or network down or packets drop from/of leader the followers cannot receive the RPCs. In that event every server maintains a Election timer that would expire if leader does not send any request. Such a follower whose timer gets expired first would change its state from follower to candidate, vote itelf, and send voting request by using an RPC and wait for majority response. If majority votes are received the candidate becomes a leader and all client request are handled by the newly elected leader. If majority votes are not received the candidate changes it's state back to follower and some other follower whose timer is expired next will start an election by following same method.

  • Message passing : Any distributed system need to get request/response for any event that needs to informed to peer systems. This allows the systems to proceed in a safe manner, while the system move forward by servicing the client request. RAFT uses rpc for message passing In this project, google protocol buffer is used which is fast compared to REST. RPCs are mode of message passing from one machine to another using Internet protocols like TCP/IP or other RPC enable one system to run a procedure on other system remotely.

    • ClientRequestRPC : Clients use this RPC to use distributed key-value store service. Clients send commands like Get or Put with values (for put calls) and expect a return for Get calls (most recent writes).

    • RequestAppendRPC : This RPC is used by leader to get majority response from all followers for any client request. This helps leader ensure to maintain an order of all events that are received from clients to maintain consistency and drive the system forward. Leader sends logs "entries", "prevLogIndex","PrevLogTerm", "leaderCommit", and "leaderId" to all its followers in AE RPC. Upon reception of request, follower validates each request. For a valid request log entries are committed by the follower and positive response is sent. For an invalid request, a negative response is sent.

    • RequestVoteRPC : This RPC is used by a candidate to elect itself as leader upon getting majority vote response. All servers maintain a persistent information about votedFor for any given term and ensure that they do not vote to two different candidate in the same term

    For all RPCs send by leader or candidate, has previousLogIndex and previousLogTerm. This ensures that the request is valid if the both of the parameters match.

  • WorkFlow of how raft handles client request

    Time                  Leader                    Follower1               Follower2
     | Client |----CR----->|
     |                              |(LC)|------AE1----->|---------AE2------->|
     |                              |<--------RAE2--------|(LC)
     |                              |<---------------------RAE2-------------------|(LC)
     | Client |<---RCR---|

  • Acronyms :

    • CR : ClientRequestRPC
    • AE : AppendEntryRPC
    • RAE : Response for AppendEntryRPC
    • RCR : Response for Client Request RPC
    • LC : Log commit by that server
  • ClientRequestRPC(CR) send by a certain client, is either received by leader or redirected by a follower to the leader Upon receiving request, leader commits logs(LC) into its database and sends AppendEntry(RAE) request in parallel to all followers(See data structure in Request RPC section ). Upon receiving the request follower validates the request, if the request is valid commit log(s) and responds to the leader (RAE). Upon reception of majority of response leader responds to the client that the request is complete.
    Note : Majority is at least 1 more than half, for the timing chart shown above majority is 2. Leader always count itself while counting majority

RAFT features and explanation

  • RAFT ensures consistency as leader consults majority of replicas before responding to client, which means by the time of responding to the client a majority of the replicas have most recent piece of writes
  • In an event of crash upto certain failure, raft system stills works as it is not dependent on responses from all replicas but majority. It is this a highly available system
  • RAFT implementation ensures that any server lagging due to crash or network issues gets as updated as leader over the period of time. Thus, raft based systems automatically recover in the event of crash or lag


  • To Run RAFT based Key-Value store system

    • A Docker environment has been developed. If 3 REPLICAS are required in configFile use NUMREPLICAS=3
      use command :docker-compose up --build
  • To test go inside test folder(s) and run
    go test -v (assuming go installed in the machine)


Implement StateMachine Replication (Key-Value Store) using RAFT






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