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122 lines (93 loc) · 4.34 KB

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122 lines (93 loc) · 4.34 KB

Shuimo-ui Contributing Guide

Hi! Welcome to contribute to Ink UI! Before submitting your contribution, please take a moment to read the following guidelines:

Commit Guidelines

I usually prefer to keep a whole meaningful commit history, so if you think the same, I suggest you follow the following conventions when committing:

  • We use emoji to identify the type of commit, which helps us understand the purpose of each commit better
    • You can refer to gitmoji for usage
    • Specifically, when upgrading a feature, we prefer to use 🚀 to indicate an upgrade feeling
  • We use [] to identify the specific scope of changes, such as [button], to better understand the scope of each commit

Here is an example:

🎉 [init] init project

Or you can look at the current commit history to learn more.

Of course, you can also keep your own commit style, then I will merge your commit history.

Pull Request Guidelines

  • Please make sure the content you changed has passed the test cases.
  • Please describe the changes in detail, considering the uniqueness of Shuimo UI, if it's not a bug fix, we prefer to have a prior issue discussion to determine the direction of the modification.
  • If it involves changes to the documentation, please modify the documentation content accordingly.

How to Develop

  • Fork the repository to your own account
  • Clone your repository to local
  • Use pnpm i to install dependencies
    • If you are willing to follow the commit specification of shuimo and want to use lint, then you can update the prepare command in package.json and reinstall the .husky dependency:
        "scripts": {
          "prepare": "jhlint install -u -p"
  • Then you can use playground for development
    pnpm run dev
  • After development, you need to build first
    pnpm run build
    Then check the components in doc and update the documentation.

Finally, thank you very much for your reading and contribution!

水墨UI 贡献指南

Hi! 欢迎你对水墨UI做出贡献!在提交你的贡献之前,请花一点时间阅读以下指南:


通常我更愿意留下一整段有意义的commit记录,因此我建议如果你也是这么想的, 那么希望你可以在commit时可以遵循以下规范:

  • 我们使用emoji来标识commit的类型,这样可以让我们更好的知道每次commit的目的
    • 你可以参照gitmoji来使用
    • 特别的,在升级某个功能的时候,我们会更倾向使用🚀来标识,给人一种升级的感觉
  • 我们会使用[]来标识具体更改了哪个范围的东西,比如[Button],这样可以让我们更好的知道每次commit的范围


🎉 [init] init project



Pull Request 指南

  • 请务必保证您改动的内容通过了测试用例。
  • 请尽量详细地描述改动内容,鉴于水墨ui的特殊性,如果不是bug修复,我们更希望有前置的issue讨论以确定修改方向。
  • 如果涉及到了文档的变动,请同步修改文档内容。


  • 将仓库fork到自己的账户下
  • clone自己的仓库到本地
  • 使用pnpm i安装依赖
    • 如果您愿意遵循shuimocommit规范,并且希望使用lint,那么您可以更新package.json中的prepare命令,重新安装.husky依赖:
        "scripts": {
          "prepare": "jhlint install -u -p"
  • 然后您可以使用playground来进行开发
    pnpm run dev
  • 开发完成后,您需要先build
    pnpm run build
