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44 lines (34 loc) · 2.11 KB

File metadata and controls

44 lines (34 loc) · 2.11 KB
title author hauthor instructor course date bibliography header-includes nocite
Paper Title
Author Name
Header Author
Professor Name
Course Title

Most humanities departments in the US require that submitted papers be in MLA format. This repository gathers the tools needed for producing MLA-formatted PDFs (or ODTs, or DOCXs) from text files written in Markdown.


In order to automatically generate the nicely-formatted PDFs I've promised you, you will need

  • Pandoc,
  • LaTeX, and
  • Make (GNU or otherwise---should be present by default).


  • the document itself.
  • src/mla8.csl: citation style information for MLA from
  • src/hanging_indent_bib.latex: centers the "Works Cited" header and sets indentation for bibliographic entries.
  • src/mla8_pandoc_template.latex, src/mla8_pandoc_template.opendocument, and src/mla8_pandoc_reference.docx: MLA styling for the body of the document.
  • references.bib: references (in BibTeX format) go here.
  • Makefile: build rules.


  1. Write your paper in this README file, using Pandoc's Markdown flavor.
    • Change or delete the values in the YAML header as you see fit; the hauthor variable determines the author name shown in the running header.
    • Add references in BibTeX format to references.bib.
    • Include references in your "Works Cited" without citing them in the body of your paper by adding them, one per line, immediately below nocite: | in the YAML header, as with the reference to @2016pow (@2016pow) in this example document.
  2. Execute make pdf.
  3. Open output.pdf and regard your work with a measure of sadness as you wonder whether you could have done better.

The lib directory is a handy place to tuck away any extra materials.

If you must, which you may, you can generate an MLA-formatted ODT or DOCX with make odt or make docx.