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This repository has been archived by the owner on Jul 25, 2020. It is now read-only.


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This project is now obsolete and has been replaced by

Does not add any references but rather adds the assemblies to the Tools NuGet package folder.

This assembly contains the following MSBuild tasks that are used by Shuttle components:


Prompts the user for input that is saved in the given output parameter.

Parameter Required Description
Text yes The text to display on the console.
UserInput output The value entered on the console.
<Prompt Text="Enter semantic version:" Condition="$(SemanticVersion) == ''">
	<Output TaskParameter="UserInput" PropertyName="SemanticVersion" />


Performs a regular expression find/replace on the given files.

Parameter Required Description
Files yes The files that the find/replace operation should be performed on.
FindExpression yes The Regex that should be used to find the text to be replaced.
ReplacementText no The text to replace the located expression with.
IgnoreCase no Defaults to false.
Multiline no Defaults to false.
Singleline no Defaults to false.
<RegexFindAndReplace Files="@(Files)" FindExpression="regex" ReplacementText="new-text" />


Retrieves the package names and version from the given package folder and replaces all tags with the relevant version number. A tag has to be in the format {OpenTag}{PackageName}-version{ClosingTag}.

Parameter Required Description
Files yes The files that contain package version tags.
PackageFolder yes The folder that contains all the packages.
OpenTag no Defaults to {.
CloseTag no Defaults to }.
<SetNugetPackageVersions Files="@(Files)" PackageFolder="nuget-package-folder" />


Creates an archive that contains the given files.

Parameter Required Description
Files yes The files that should be added to the zip archive.
RelativeFolder yes The 'base' folder that the zip entries should be created from. e.g. if there is a file c:\folder\another\file.txt and the RelativeFolder is c:\folder\ then the entry in the zip archive will be another\file.txt.
ZipFilePath yes The path to the zip archive that will be created. Any existing file will be overwritten.
<Zip Files="@(Files)" RelativeFolder="$(OutputPath)" ZipFilePath="$(OutputPath).zip" />