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Product Reviews

Product reviews module stores users’ ratings for products that were ordered by them.

Requirements to a review be visible in the storefront:

  • Users can only create reviews for completed orders.
  • The review should be approved by staff users.
  • Theme should be configured to show product rating on product card.
  • Xtheme plugin must be placed in placeholder inside the product detail view.

Creating a Review

After the user has placed his order and the order is in a completed status, the user can create the reviews in customer dashboard:


The user must select the star rating also add some comment and check whether he would recommend that product. After that the review will be available for visualization:


Once the review is sent, it should be approved by a staff user in `Admin > Products > Product Reviews`:


The staff must select all the reviews he wants to approve/disapprove and select the respective action in Mass Action dropdown:


Done. After the review is approved, it will be visible at the storefront.

Configuring the theme

The selected theme should allow showing the product review rating in product card. Go to your theme configuration and check the options. It should provide something like this:


Check that and save.

Configuring the plugins

The module provides a plugin to render the customer ratings in places where a product is available in context, like the Product Detail page. You must add the Product Review Rating plugin and configure it as needed:


After all these configurations, the product review module will be working as it should.