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File metadata and controls

99 lines (63 loc) · 2.23 KB

Contribute to Wildebeest

Getting started


npm install

Running tests

Run the API (backend) unit tests:

npm run test

Run the UI (frontend) integration tests:

npm run database:create-mock # this initializes a local test database
npm run test:ui

Debugging locally

npm run database:create-mock # this initializes a local test database
npm run dev

If only working on the REST API endpoints this is sufficient. Any changes to the functions directory and the files it imports will re-run the Pages build.

Changes to the UI code will not trigger a rebuild automatically. To do so, run the following in second terminal:

npm --prefix frontend run watch


This is a Cloudflare Pages project and can be deployed directly from the command line using Wrangler.

First you must create and configure the Pages project and bindings (D1 database, KV namespace, etc).


Run the following command to create the Pages project and the D1 database in your account.

npm run deploy:init

You should see output like:

✅ Successfully created DB 'wildebeest'!

Add the following to your wrangler.toml to connect to it from a Worker:

[[ d1_databases ]]
binding = "DB" # i.e. available in your Worker on env.DB
database_name = "wildebeest"
database_id = "ddce04a1-fd51-40cb-be21-e899d70fb9f3"

Grab the database_id from the command line output and add it to the wrangler.toml file. Don't change the binding name in the wrangler.toml. It should stay as DATABASE.

Next go to the Pages dashboard and add the D1 database to the newly created Pages project. This can be found at

wildebeest->Settings->Functions->D1 database bindings->Add binding

Enter DATABASE for the variable name and select the wildebeest database from the dropdown.

Environment variables

wildebeest expectes the Pages project to inject the following environment variables.

Secret used to encrypt user private key in the database:


API token for integration with Cloudflare services (Cloudflare Images for example):



Run the following command to deploy the current working directory to Cloudflare Pages:

npm run deploy