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Q&A: Sessions data storage location; How to migrate sessions data to another profile

sienori edited this page Sep 6, 2018 · 1 revision

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This page explains how to restore sessions data from the HDD when the PC fails and can not start firefox.
Normally, use TSM default import / export function for session migration / backup.

Sessions data storage location

The sessions data is stored in the following sqlite file.
[root directory]\storage\default\moz-extension+++de50ed3a-7f77-40bc-af2e-c5953d30edbb\idb\1782160246ssensosi.sqlite

  • [root directory] is the directory of the firefox profile. It can be opened from about:profiles. about:profiles In windows, the default root directory is C:\Users\user\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\v3xlq8r5.default etc.

  • de50ed3a-7f77-40bc-af2e-c5953d30edbb is the Internal UUID of TSM. It can be confirmed from about:debugging. about:debugging

  • TSM directory includes idb\1782160246ssensosi.sqlite file (ssensosi is an anagram of sessions).

How to migrate sessions data to another profile

If you want to migrate sessions file to another firefox profile, please follow the steps below.
If Firefox can be launched, please use TSM import / export function.
Caution: Incorrect operation of the file may damage firefox's profile. Please execute at your own risk.

  1. Copy the sqlite file (1782160246ssensosi.sqlite) of the previous profile obtained by the above method to the desktop etc.

  2. Install TSM in the destination profile.
    (If you are already using it, export saved sessions.)

  3. Open the TSM directory of the distination profile.
    (In this case: [distination root directory]\storage\default\moz-extension+++ae28caf2-9857-4b99-bee9-9e2cfdd3b28c)

  4. Exit Firefox and replace idb\1782160246ssensosi.sqlite with the previous sqlite file.

  5. Open the replaced sqlite file with editing software.
    Here, use DB Browser for SQLite.

  6. Open Browse Data tab.
    edit sqlite The value of origin is the TSM directory name of the previous profile. (In this case: moz-extension+++de50ed3a-7f77-40bc-af2e-c5953d30edbb)
    Change this value to the TSM directory name of the current profile. (In this case: moz-extension+++ae28caf2-9857-4b99-bee9-9e2cfdd3b28c)

  7. Start up Firefox and check if it has been successfully migrated.
    If an IndexedDB error has occurred or the session list is not displayed, exit Firefox and delete the TSM directory ([root directory]\storage\default\moz-extension+++ae28caf2-9857-4b99-bee9-9e2cfdd3b28c).