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2020, ICN2, Barcelona, Spain

Related resources
Virtual Machine Quantum Mobile 20.06.1
python packages aiida-core 1.4.2, aiida-siesta 1.1.0,
codes Siesta v4.1-rc1

These are the notes of the tutorial delivered to the "Theory and Simulation group" at ICN2 (Barcelona) the 19th of October 2020. The tutorial was carried on using the Quantum Mobile Virtual Machine, however the steps described below can be replicated (with some small modifications pointed out along the way) on a local machine to obtain a working AiiDA (and aiida-siesta) installation. Tutors: Emanuele Bosoni, Pol Febrer.


Installation is through pip after moving to a new virual environment (we use virtualenvwrapper, but any alternative is valid, only make sure to select a python version 3.6 or above). We call the virtual environment tutorial.

mkvirtualenv tutorial
workon tutorial
pip install aiida-siesta==1.1.0

This will install an appropriate version of aiida-core (last release at the time of the tutorial is 1.4.2).


If you are not on the Quantum Mobile Virtual Machine, a preliminary step is required to install PostgreSQL and RabbitMQ, as described here.

Because we want to isolate the current AiiDA installation from other installations that might be present in the machine, we specify the aiida configuration directory in the virtual environment activation file:

echo 'export AIIDA_PATH=$VIRTUAL_ENV' >> $VIRTUAL_ENV/bin/postactivate
workon tutorial

The configuration directory is now ~/.virtualenvs/tutorial.

Moreover we can add in the same file a line to activate tab-completion:

echo 'eval "$(_VERDI_COMPLETE=source verdi)"' >> $VIRTUAL_ENV/bin/postactivate
workon tutorial

Check the status of the installation:

verdi status

This should show that the configuration directory is set, but no profile has been created yet.

Setting up the AiiDA profile

The aiida profile is set up with one single command:

verdi quicksetup

An interactive shell will ask some data and after that the creation of the profile starts. It concludes with the message "Success: database migration completed". Now is time to scan for plugins and start the daemon:

reentry scan
verdi daemon start

If all the steps have been successful, you should be able to see all green ticks when typing

verdi status

and also be able to see "siesta.siesta" among the available calculations plugins:

verdi plugin list aiida.calculations

We are ready to set up a code and computer.

Computer and code setup

The setup of a computer is done through:

verdi computer setup

and filling in the interactive shell requirements. For the Quantum Mobile they are:

Computer label: localhost
Hostname: localhost
Description []: This machine
Transport plugin: local
Scheduler plugin: slurm
Shebang line (first line of each script, starting with #!) [#!/bin/bash]:
Work directory on the computer [/scratch/{username}/aiida/]: /home/max/aiidarun
Mpirun command [mpirun -np {tot_num_mpiprocs}]:
Default number of CPUs per machine: 2

Then a file is automatically opened with "vi" editor. It allows to insert text to prepend/append to any submission script. We don't require it. Therefore just press Esc and type :wq.

Any remote computer can be set up in the exact same way, just making sure to have a password-less access to it (ssh key) and selecting "ssh" as "Transport plugin".

The computer must be configured, this allows to select some advanced features:

verdi computer configure local localhost

The default values are ok for the sake of this tutorial, therefore just press enter. The computer setup is over and the success of this action can be checked with:

verdi computer test localhost

The next step is the setup of a code.


This section covers the set up of the Siesta code already installed in the Quantum Mobile virtual machine. In case of local installation, make sure to include the right specifications for your Siesta code (that might be on a remote cluster).

The command is:

verdi code setup

and the interactive shell will facilitate the setting up of the code. For Quantum Mobile we insert:

Label: siesta-v4.1
Description []: siesta-v4.1-rc1
Default calculation input plugin: siesta.siesta
Installed on target computer? [True]: 
Computer: localhost
Remote absolute path: /usr/local/bin/siesta

Again a file is opened, asking to specify an optional text to prepend/append to the submission script. Typically here is where we include the calls to modules that are needed to run the code. In our case we insert "ulimit -s unlimited" as prepend text. The writing mode of "vi" is activated pressing i, after the insertion, Esc and :wq to save the file.

The code is set up.


It is also possible to set up computer and codes from a configuration file. See section Setting up the hpcq for an example.

Creating a pseudo family

Before starting to play with aiida-siesta, it can be useful to learn how to set up of a pseudopotential family. We download a set of pseudopotentials from PseudoDojo:

mkdir nc-sr-04_pbe_standard_psml
tar -xf nc-sr-04_pbe_standard_psml.tgz -C nc-sr-04_pbe_standard_psml

and store tham in the database under the name "nc-sr-04_pbe_standard_psml":

verdi data psml uploadfamily nc-sr-04_pbe_standard_psml nc-sr-04_pbe_standard_psml "Scalar-relativistic psml standard"

Same can be done for psf pseudopotentials, for instance:

tar -xf nc-sr-04_pbe_standard-psf.tgz
verdi data psf uploadfamily nc-sr-04_pbe_standard-psf nc-sr-04_pbe_standard-psf "Scalar Relativistic psf"


The presudopotentials sets used in this tutorial come with no guarantee!! Use with care!

Submit a single siesta calculation

Open the file <data_icn2_2020/> and explore the setting up of the various inputs. Run the script with:

runaiida --dont-send

The option --dont-send has been added in order to activate the "dry_run" option that every aiida process has. This option allows to create all the inputs of the calculation, but do not submit it. You can explore in the folder submit_test how AiiDA prepared all the inputs of a siesta calculation for you.

Now run:

runaiida --send

AiiDA took charge of your script, created the inputs and submitted the calculation. Look at the state of the process with the command verdi process show <pk> as suggested in the shell. The <pk> number uniquely identify your calculation and it will be used later on.

In few seconds the calculation is finished. You will relized that when verdi process show <pk> shows "Finished" status and reports the oututs. We explore the outputs. This can be done from command line, for instance:

verdi data array show <PK_forces_and_stress>

however it is worth exploring the shell provided by AiiDA:

verdi shell

Inside the shell:


and explore all the methods making use of tab completion. For instance:

l.outputs.bands.export(path="Si_bands", fileformat="gnuplot", y_max_lim=10)

The command above creates a file that can be plot with gnuplot in order to visualize the bands. Open a new shell and type:

gnuplot --persist Si_bands

Take the chance to explore in the verdi shell some methods and attributes of data types associated to the inputs and outputs of a SiestaCalculation. Use tab complition of l.inputs, l.outputs, l.attributes, ..

The submission script can be modified very easily in order to run a SiestaBaseWorkChain instead of a SiestaCalculation. Look at the commented part of the script in order to understand the differences. The "dry_run" option is not available for the SiestaBaseWorkChain. A SiestaBaseWorkChain automatically takes care of fixing some common errors of a siesta calculation, therefore it adds robustness in running siesta calculations.


Go back to the verdi shell and look at the following:

from aiida_siesta.workflows.base import SiestaBaseWorkChain

You just imported the inputs generator for the SiestaBaseWorkChain. We can explore its functionality:


And many more... Use tab complition to explore them. These methods allows you to understand which options you can pass to get_filled_builder, as will be explained in a second.

The main feature of the input generator is the possibility to obtain a builder (a tool that helps you build the inputs for the specific process) that is ready to be submitted:

struct = l.inputs.structure
calc_engines = {
    'siesta': {
        'code': "siesta-v4.1@localhost",
        'options': {'resources': {'num_machines': 1, "num_mpiprocs_per_machine": 1},"max_wallclock_seconds": 3600}
builder = inp_gen.get_filled_builder(struct,calc_engines,"standard_psml")

The calc_engines is a dictionary with fixed keys, whose aim is to pass the computational resourses for the calculation.

Explore the builder:


We can add spin polarization to the calculation with:

builder = inp_gen.get_filled_builder(struct,calc_engines,"standard_psml",spin="polarized")

Try again builder.parameters.attributes, what are the differences compared to before?

We could run the builder straight away, however:


remind us that the protocol we are using does not support siesta-4.1 because it uses psml pseudopotentials.

Close the shell and look at the file my_protocols_registry.yaml <data_icn2_2020/my_protocols_registry.yaml>. It contains a new set of inputs and the psf pseudos. This file can be modified at will and its content will become a new protocol. Simply do:

export AIIDA_SIESTA_PROTOCOLS="/home/max/abs_path_to/my_protocols_registry.yaml"

taking care of passing the correct absolute path where you have my_protocols_registry.yaml.

Now open the shell and:

from aiida_siesta.workflows.base import SiestaBaseWorkChain

The new protocol is on the list and we can use it to run a calculation:

struct = l.inputs.structure
calc_engines = {
    'siesta': {
        'code': "siesta-v4.1@localhost",
        'options': {'resources': {'num_machines': 1, "num_mpiprocs_per_machine": 1},"max_wallclock_seconds": 3600}
builder = inp_gen.get_filled_builder(struct,calc_engines,"my_protocol")

from aiida.engine import run

The command run send the calcualation in the shell in interactive mode (does not submit to the builder as submit would do). Our set up will occupy the shell for a minute or so and at the end it will return the outputs of the calculation.

Using jupyter in the Quantum Mobile VM

For the next sections, we are going to use jupyter notebooks to make it more interactive. Installing jupyter in Quantum Mobile is quite easy. Since jupyter has some incompatibilities with aiida (to be solved with aiidateam/aiida-core#4317), we are going to install it in the base python, which will make it accessible globally. So, if you are inside a virtual environment, just leave:


And proceed to install jupyter:

pip3 install jupyter

Now, we just need to tell jupyter that our environment exists. For this, you need to activate the environment:

workon tutorial

And then use ipykernel to inform jupyter:

pip install ipykernel
ipython kernel install --user --name=tutorial

That's about it. Let's move on!

Run a convergence workflow

It's quite easy to run a convergence workflow using aiida-siesta. You can find detailed information about it in this notebook <data_icn2_2020/Iterators presentation.ipynb>

However, as a quick summary you can do:

from aiida_siesta.workflows.converge import SiestaSequentialConverger
from aiida.engine import run



                {"kpoints_0": [4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15]},
                {"kpoints_1": [4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15]}

                'pseudo_family': Str('nc-sr-04_pbe_standard-psf')
                'structure': calc_node.inputs.structure,
                'parameters': Dict(),
                'options': {'resources': {'num_machines': 1, "num_mpiprocs_per_machine": 1},"max_wallclock_seconds": 3600}
                'batch_size': Int(3)


to converge your structure's kpoints (first and second components), running three simulations at a time.

Create a WorkChain

In this section, we will guide you through your first steps at creating workchains.

Please download this zip file <data_icn2_2020/> where you will find all the contents for the section. Then unzip it and enter the directory:

cd first_workchain

Once you are inside, launch jupyter:

jupyter notebook

and open the First workchain.ipynb notebook. From here, just follow the instructions on the notebook :)

Setting up the hpcq

We already set up a computer and code in the Computer and code setup section. Remote computers, and therefore HPCQ, are no different. To set them up, you need to follow the same steps. There's just one difference, you need to generate the ssh keys so that aiida can login to the remote computer in your behalf without needing the password.

You can generate them with:

ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -m PEM

And then register them to the hpcq so that it allows you to access:

ssh-copy-id <username>@

Just with that, you would be able to access like ssh <username>@, but aiida wants to access without knowing your username (ssh For this, you need to: :

vi ~/.ssh/config

And include the following lines to the file (with one empty line before and after):

  User <username>

With this, you are all good to go! We just need to setup the computer and the code.

There's a small gotcha though with the hpcq: Each farm needs to be setup as a different computer, as it has a different architecture and it runs a different compilation of the code.

Therefore for each farm we will need to setup a computer with this configuration:

label: "hpcq-farm<farm name>"
hostname: "" 
description: "hpcq farm <farm name>"
shebang: "#!/bin/bash"
transport: "ssh"
scheduler: "slurm"
work_dir: "/home/ICN2/{username}/.aiida"
mpirun_command: "mpirun -np {tot_num_mpiprocs}"
mpiprocs_per_machine: <num cores per node of the farm>

where <farm name> and <num cores per node of the farm> need to be replaced by the appropiate values for each farm.

Correspondingly, we need to setup a code with this configuration:

label: "siesta_farm<farm name>"
description: "Siesta compilation to run in hpcq-farm<farm name>"
input_plugin: "siesta.siesta"
on_computer: true
remote_abs_path: <path_to_siesta>
computer: "hpcq-farm<farm name>"
prepend_text: |
        <load all modules that you need here>

        ulimit -l unlimited
        ulimit -s 51200
        ulimit -n 51200
custom_scheduler_commands:  "#SBATCH -p <farm name>"

We know this is a cumbersome process, therefore you can download all the config files from here<data_icn2_2020/>.

Unzip the downloaded zip and enter the directory to check what you have there:

cd aiida-hpcq-config

You still need to go through each of them manually. So, enter the Computers directory and setup the ones you want by running the following command:

verdi computer setup --config hpcq-farm<farm name>.yml

and then configure it:

verdi computer configure ssh hpcq-farm<farm name>

You can (should) test it to check that everything is ok:

verdi computer test hpcq-farm<farm name>

Then, for each farm that you set up, we need to set up its code. With the downloaded zip, you are provided some binaries for each farm in <siesta-binaries>. For a quick test, you can copy the siesta-binaries folder to your hpcq home, and then use the config files in the Codes directory:

verdi code setup --config siesta-farm<farm name>.yml

Now you will be able to submit calculations to the hpcq by setting the code input to the siesta@hpcq-farm<farm name> :)