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Sift Protobuf Installation for Go

Before proceeding with installation, you will need to ensure that you have the buf CLI installed.

If $ which buf generates a path to the executable, you may proceed to the installation steps.

To install Sift protobufs in your project:

  1. Clone this repository onto your local machine and cd into it:
$ git clone
$ cd sift
  1. Assuming the path to the root of your Go project is $PROJECT_DIR, run the following command in the sift directory that you just cloned:
$ buf export protos --output=$PROJECT_DIR/protos --config protos/buf.yaml

The Sift protos can and its imports can now be found in your $PROJECT_DIR/protos directory.

  1. Copy the buf template for Go to your project directory:
$ cp buf_templates/buf.gen.go.yaml $PROJECT_DIR/buf.gen.yaml
  1. cd into your Go project at $PROJECT_DIR.

  2. Once inside of your Go project, you'll need to modify the managed.enabled.go_package_prefix.default value of your buf.gen.yaml file to have the package prefix named after your Go module. If our Go module's name, for example, is, then change the buf.gen.yaml to Your buf.gen.yaml should now look like the following:

version: v1
  enabled: true
    default: ""
  - plugin:
    out: gen/protos/go
    opt: paths=source_relative
  - plugin: go-vtproto
    out: gen/protos/go
    opt: paths=source_relative
  - plugin:
    out: gen/protos/go
    opt: paths=source_relative

Refer to your go.mod file for the name of your Go module.

  1. Inside of the root of your project directory you may now compile your protobufs:
$ buf generate protos

Your project up to this point should look like the following (full depth not shown):

 ├─ buf.gen.yaml
 ├─ gen
 │  └─ protos
 │     └─ go
 ├─ go.sum
 ├─ go.mod
 └─ protos
    ├─ protoc-gen-openapiv2
    │  └─ options
    ├─ google
    │  └─ api
    └─ sift
       ├─ runs
       ├─ notifications
       ├─ annotations
       ├─ users
       ├─ common
       ├─ assets
       ├─ tags
       └─ annotation_logs
  1. Install any dependencies you might be missing that the generated code requires:
$ go get -d ./...
  1. Now your project should be ready to use the generated Go code to interact with Sift's gRPC API. Please refer to the example code for usage.