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Grapesjs Directus Storage

Directus as a backend for GrapesJS

/!\ This code uses an outdated SDK from directus project

This code is part of a bigger project: about Silex v3

Screenshot from the plugin in grapesjs demo


The plugin currently has these features

  • Authentication commands using Directus API to login/logout the user
  • Custom StorageManager to store the website data in a Directus collection
  • Custom AssetManager which integrates with Directus assets
  • This plugin provides easy versioning of the website data and assets
  • The JSON data of the website and the assets are readable and editable in Directus
  • Directus provides no-code flow automations

Here is grapesjs data in directus

grapesjs  data in directus


<link href="" rel="stylesheet">
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>

<div id="gjs"></div>


const editor = grapesjs.init({
  container: '#gjs',
  height: '100%',
  fromElement: true,
  storageManager: {
    type: 'directus',
    autoload: false,
  plugins: ['@silexlabs/grapesjs-directus-storage'],
  pluginsOpts: {
    '@silexlabs/grapesjs-directus-storage': {
      directusUrl: prompt('You need a Directus server to test this plugin. Directus server URL', 'http://localhost:8055')


body, html {
  margin: 0;
  height: 100%;

Directus settings

On the Directus side, you need

  1. A collection to store your website data (has to be a list, singleton not yet supported)
  2. A user with access right to the collection and to the collection directus_files

The collection to store your data needs to have these fields

  • pages
  • styles
  • fonts (optional, for use with @silexlabs/grapesjs-fonts)
  • symbols (optional, for use with @silexlabs/grapesjs-symbols)

These fields can be code fields of type JSON so that the UI is adequat, or they can be simple text fields

As the plugin needs to connect to your Directus server, you need to handle CORS on the server, read Directus docs on CORS

Directus data model


Option Description Default
directusUrl Directus URL Required
collection Name of the directus collection to hold silex website data silex
assets Path to directus assets folder, relative to the server root /assets
formClassName CSS classes to add to the login form directus__login
styles CSS Styles to apply to the login form See source code
userCreated Wether to update the user_created field true
userUpdated Wether to update the user_updated field true


Action Description
login Show the login form and login
logout Log out the user
relogin Log out and login immediately again


Event Description Params
login:start Show login form to start loging in -
login:success The user is logged in An object with 2 methods: getUser() and getToken()
login:error An error occured while login, e.g. wrong password The error object, with a message field
logout:success The user is logged out -


  • CDN
  • NPM
    • npm i @silexlabs/grapesjs-directus-storage
  • GIT
    • git clone


Directly in the browser

<link href="" rel="stylesheet"/>
<script src=""></script>
<script src="path/to/grapesjs-directus-storage.min.js"></script>

<div id="gjs"></div>

<script type="text/javascript">
  var editor = grapesjs.init({
      container: '#gjs',
      // ...
      plugins: ['grapesjs-directus-storage'],
      pluginsOpts: {
        'grapesjs-directus-storage': { /* options */ }

Modern javascript

import grapesjs from 'grapesjs';
import plugin from '@silexlabs/grapesjs-directus-storage';
import 'grapesjs/dist/css/grapes.min.css';

const editor = grapesjs.init({
  container : '#gjs',
  // ...
  plugins: [plugin],
  pluginsOpts: {
    [plugin]: { /* options */ }
  // or
  plugins: [
    editor => plugin(editor, { /* options */ }),


Clone the repository

$ git clone
$ cd grapesjs-directus-storage

Install dependencies

$ npm i

Start the dev server

$ npm start

Build the source

$ npm run build
