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Gutter Helper

Gutter helper is a scss tool designer to quickly generate helpers classes for margin and padding.

Get started

Gutter helper is available via bower with the following command

bower install silverhold-gutter


Gutter Helper is based on one single value (the $gh-gutter variable located into the _parameters.scss file) declinated through multipliers, properties (margin and padding), directions and responsive breakpoints and compiled as css classes.


Generate the code

The idea behind Gutter Helper is to fit perfectly to your needs and not generate too much useless css classes. For it you have a bunch of scss variables to set :


As mentioned previously, this is the base value for all the helper classes generated.

$gh-gutter: 30px !default;


A scss list that will regroup all the coefficient used to be multiplied to $gh-gutter, the scss will loop through this list to generate multiplied helpers. Multplier can not be more than 9.9, only one digit behind the decimal point.

$gh-multipliers: (.5, 1, 2) !default;


A scss list that will regroup the kind of property that could be generated. The list can only contain 'margin' and/or 'padding'. If you are using px units, the decimal for multiplied number will be rounded.

$gh-properties: ('margin', 'padding') !default;


A scss list that will regroup all the direction that can be generated. For example 'top' will generate class for the specific top direction will property as margin-top or padding-top. The only accepted value in this list are:

  • 'a': for all, will generate for example margin or padding property (without specific direction)
  • 'x': shortcut for left & right
  • 'y': shortcut for top & bottom
  • 'top', 'right', 'bottom' and/or 'left'
$gh-directions: ('a', 'x', 'y', 'top', 'right', 'bottom', 'left') !default;


A scss boolean that will generate (if true), responsive helper class based on the responsive-helper breakpoints.

$gh-responsive: true !default;

Deprecated variables

All the listed variables below are deprecated and replaced by its equivalent referenced. Don't panic, this is just some naming convention fixes, so there is no changes excepted the name of the variable, no feature change.

  • $gutter-helper--gutter is deprecated and replaced by the $gh-gutter
  • $gutter-helper--multipliers is deprecated and replaced by the $gh-multipliers
  • $gutter-helper--properties is deprecated and replaced by the $gh-properties
  • $gutter-helper--directions is deprecated and replaced by the $gh-directions
  • $gutter-helper-responsive is deprecated and replaced by the $gh-responsive

Use the code

Once you have set your variable, you are ready to go and use your classes ! You have follow the pattern below:

<div class="gutter-{property}-{direction}-{multiplier}x-{breakpoint}"></div>

Some observation :

  • In order to have not to heavy class names, padding and margin have respective p and m aliases instead. gutter-padding-... will not work
  • For all direction, use a like gutter-p-a-xs
  • For left and right direction, use x like gutter-p-x-2x-xs
  • For top and bottom direction, use y like gutter-p-y-2x-xs
  • If you want to use an helper class with 1 as multiplier just don't put any mutliplier in your class name like gutter-p-a
  • If you want to use a decimal multiplier, remove the decimal point like gutter-p-a-15x-xs
  • If your decimal multiplier is less than 0, put a 0 in your class. For example a .5 mutlplier class must be gutter-p-a-05x-xs
  • You can not write any breakpoint descriminator in your helper class for avoid media queries like gutter-p-a-15x.

The get-gutter() function

You can use the get-gutter() function that will return a value for depending of the parameter will pass (default value is 1). This parameter must be a number that is indexed into the the $gh-multipliers map.

$gh-gutter: 30px;
$gh-multipliers: (.5, 1, 2);

html {
    padding-top: get-gutter(2);

// Will compile
html {
    padding-top: 60px;

Using Gutter Helper with performance

Gutter Helper can generates a lot of css, and it could be very costly on a performance perspective. In order to fully enjoy gutter helper without any generated classes unused we recommand the usage of unscss