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File metadata and controls

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Django Advanced Model Choice Field
2013-01-15 19:57

Django's ModelChoiceField only allows for a string label for each individual choice. While it can be customized to allow for a user to change what that string should look like it is still limited to being just a string.

In my project I wanted to have the choices built out in a more rich way than simply displaying a string label. In order to do this I wanted my template to be able to access the full model object for each choice to aid in rendering.

For choice fields the form.my_field.choices list contains a tuple in the form of (value,label). What I was looking for was (value,label,model). In order to make it available I created a custom field type based on ModelChoiceField called AdvancedModelChoiceField.

This is the solution I came up with:

from django.forms import models
from django.forms.fields import ChoiceField

class AdvancedModelChoiceIterator(models.ModelChoiceIterator):
    def choice(self, obj):
        return (self.field.prepare_value(obj), self.field.label_from_instance(obj), obj)

class AdvancedModelChoiceField(models.ModelChoiceField):
    def _get_choices(self):
        if hasattr(self, '_choices'):
            return self._choices

        return AdvancedModelChoiceIterator(self)

    choices = property(_get_choices, ChoiceField._set_choices)

This changes the choice tuple to (value,label,model) while hopefully leaving the rest of the object's behavior intact. It seems to work so far and I have not seen any weird side effects yet.

The original ModelChoiceIterator was extended to simply add the object to the end of the choice tuple. The original ModelChoiceField needed to be updated to return an instance of AdvancedModelChoiceIterator instead of the original ModelChoiceIterator.

I learned something new about Python in the process. property is a strange little thing. I could not simply redefine _get_choices, I actually needed to redefine the property itself.

An simple example of a template leveraging this change:

{% verbatim %}<fieldset>
    <legend>Package <small>how your account will be billed</small></legend>
    <div class="control-group {% if form.package.errors %}error{% endif %}">
        <label class="control-label">{{ form.package.label }}</label>
        <div class="controls">
                {% for choice in form.package.field.choices %}
                        <input type="radio"
                               name="{{ }}"
                               value="{{ choice.0 }}"
                               {% if form.package.value"|safe == choice.0|safe %}
                               {% endif %}
                        <strong>{{ }}</strong>
                        <span class="price">{{ choice.2.price }}</span>
                {% endfor %}
            {% if form.package.errors %}
                <span class="help-block">{{ form.package.errors }}</span>
            {% endif %}
</fieldset>{% endverbatim %}

This renders a <ul> with a radio <input> for each choice along with some additional data like the choice's name and the choice's price. This could easily also be attached media or any other bits of metadata accessible via the model.

I had people suggest to "do it in a widget" but as far as I can tell the widgets get the same amount of data. In this case I'd still only end up with the value and the string label.

I prefer building my forms in templates anyway. Maybe I'll get the hang of widgets at some point but until then I'm happy with the amount of control this gives me.

I'm still pretty new to Django so there very well may be a better way to accomplish the same thing. Please share if you know something better. :)