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File metadata and controls

156 lines (99 loc) · 7.82 KB


This repo is associated with the following article:

Smeele, S. Q., Tyndel, S. A., Klump,B. C., Alarcón-Nieto, G., & Aplin, L. M. (2024). callsync: An Rpackage for alignment and analysis of multi-microphoneanimal recordings. Ecology and Evolution, 14, e11384.

The source code of callsync and a vignette can be found in this repository.


R version 4.1.0 or later. Earlier versions might work if you replace the |> function with %>%.

Required packages are loaded in the ANALYSIS/CODE/00_set_up.R script.

The GitHub repository is not complete. Data files and intermediate results are too large and are shared on Edmond. If you want to reproduce the results download the data here ( If you want to run on your own data create the following directories:

  • ANALYSIS/DATA with the data (can be any subdirectory structure within)
  • ANALYSIS/RESULTS/performance


The DATA and RESULTS folders need to be downloaded from the Edmond repository ( Once these are place in the ANALYSIS folder everything should work.

Make sure your working directory is the main repo folder. This is automatically the case if you open the project.Rproj file and run everything from there.

All steps can be sourced individually using the source button in RStudio or by just running all the lines. ANALYSIS/CODE/00_set_up.R gets sourced from within all other scripts and takes care of the set-up. If you want to run the full pipeline you can also run:

files = list.files('ANALYSIS/CODE', pattern = '*R', full.names = T)
for(file in files) source(file)

This will source all scripts in the correct order. Some of the steps do take several hours, so it might be better to run steps individually at first.

Meta data

The DATA and RESULTS folders need to be downloaded from the Edmond repository (LINK). Once these are place in the ANALYSIS folder everything should work.

All analysis related files are in ANALYSIS.

All scripts are in ANALYSIS/CODE:

  • 00_set_up.R

    • installs libraries if not already installed
    • loads libraries
    • cleans all objects from the global environment
    • loads all paths as objects
    • loads custom colours
  • 01_major_alignment.R runs the align function to load the raw data, and write aligned segments/chunks to the ANALYSIS/RESULTS/chunks folder

  • 02_call_detection_and_assignment.R runs the detect.and.assign function to load the chunks of the previous steps, detect calls, filter out the calls from the focal individual for each chunk and save the calls as seperate files in the ANALYSIS/RESULTS/calls folder

  • 03_trace_fundamental.R

    • loads the calls using the load.wave function
    • detect start and end times more precisely using the call.detect function
    • traces the fundamental frequency using the function
    • takes several measurements on the traces using the measure.trace.multiple function
    • filters out noise based on the measurements
    • saves the traces and measurements to the ANALYSIS/RESULTS/traces folder
  • 04_SPCC.R

    • reloads the calls that appear in the measurements (filtered for noise)
    • runs spectrographic cross correlation using the run.spcc function
    • saves the resulting distance matrix in the ANALYSIS/RESULTS/SPCC folder
  • 05_final_figures.R plots the figures used in the manuscript

  • 06_performance.R

    • reruns detect.and.assign on a few chunks
    • loads the ground truth using the load.selection.tables.audacity function
    • calculates the performance using the calc.perf function
    • prints the results to the ANALYSIS/RESULTS/performance folder

All data is in ANALYSIS/DATA:

  • July_15, July_16, 2022 contain the raw recordings

    • filenames in the folder are of the format: group_bird_xx_irrelevant_info_(date-time)_micid.wav
  • xxx_labels.txt are the ground truth tables from Audacity

    • odd numbered rows contain: start time (s) - end time (s) - file name
    • even numbered rows contain irrelevant information and are discarded when read with the function load.selection.tables.audacity

All results can be found in ANALYSIS/RESULTS:

  • calls contains the pdfs with call detections and wav files with individual calls (and also noise)

  • chunks contains the pdfs with alignment, the individual chunks and a log file recording the alignment. The log file has the following columns:

    • rec contains the recording key
    • file contains the relative path to the file
    • chunk contains the start time within the raw recording that was used to align all other chunks (minutes)
    • from contains the start time within this raw recording (minutes)
    • to contains the end time within this raw recording (minutes)
    • offset contains the difference between this chunk and the chunk that was used to align (difference between from and chunk)
  • figures contains the final figures for the manuscript and some log files generated by callsync when plotting the figures that have no relevance for the manuscript

  • performance contains a txt with the performance output:

    • tp are the rownumbers (in the detection output) for the true positives
    • fp are the rownumbers (in the detection output) for the false positives
    • fn are the rownumber (in the ground truth) for the false negatives
    • fp_rate is the false positive rate (number false positives devided by all detections)
    • tp_rate is the true positive rate (number true positives devided by all detections)
    • fn_rate is the false negative rate (number false negatives devided by all ground truths)
  • SPCC/spcc_results.RData contains the results from spectrographic cross correlation, when loaded the environment contains a named matrix m with rownames and columnnames being the file names of the small wav file in calls and the entries being the acoustic distances between calls

  • traces contains the results of the tracing and measurement steps, when loaded the environment contains a named list with names being the file names of the small wav file in calls and each item in the list being a data.frame with the following structure:

    • time contains the time in seconds
    • fund contains the fundamental frequency in Hz
    • missing contains a bolean stating whether or not that value was imputed (TRUE) or not (FALSE)

Other than the ANALYSIS folder the main folder also contains:

  • bibliography.bib contains all the reference in bibtex format

  • contains the copy right information in markdown format

  • contains the manuscript in markdown format, if opened in GitHub the formatting isn't working, should be compiled in RStudio to produce the pdf

  • manuscript.pdf the manuscript as pdf

  • manuscript.docx the manuscript as Word document

  • the file you are reading now, should explain everything you need to know

  • project.Rproj open a new R Project from which all code can be run

  • .gitignore text file that contains all paths of files/folders that should not be tracked by git, these are DATA and RESULTS and some hidden files

Session info

R version 4.3.0 (2023-04-21)

Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin20 (64-bit)

Running under: macOS Monterey 12.3.1

Packages: parallel, stats, graphic, grDevice, utils, datasets, methods, base, umap_0.2.10.0, callsync_0.1.0 scales_1.2.1, dplyr_1.1.3, stringr_1.5.0, tuneR_1.4.5, seewave_2.2.2

Maintainers and contact

Please contact Simeon Q. Smeele,, if you have any questions or suggestions.