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Releases: simjanos-dev/LinguaCafe


21 Jan 11:44
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The docker installation process has been improved since the last version. All the known issues with it has been fixed, and the requirement for users to create their folders manually and to modify the docker-compose.yml file has also been removed.

There were several issues with Jellyfin integration. Now it should work properly with every language and video type.
Also added information about subtitle file naming to the readme file.

Lemma modifications only apply to new words that haven't been imported yet. There will be an option in the future, to
overwrite already existing lemmas.

New features:

  • Added support for new languages: Czech and Welsh.
  • Added Kengdic dictionary support for Korean.
  • Added CC-CEDICT dictionary support for Chinese.
  • Added Eurfa dictionary support for Welsh.
  • Added pinyin support for Chinese.
  • Added furigana support for Japanese.

Bug fixes:

  • Removed empty and duplicated records from dictionary search results.
  • Added Chinese font type. Now every Chinese and Japanese text should be displayed with NotoSansSC and NotoSansJP font types.
  • Removed word spacing from Chinese texts.
  • Removed '+' symbol from Korean lemmas.
  • Removed 'die/der/das' from the beginning of German search terms for better results.
  • Fixed an issue with the Media player that only allowed TV Show subtitles to be displayed from Jellyfin. Now every video type is playable.
  • Fixed an issue with the Media player that caused every language to be handled as Japanese.
  • Fixed an issue related to Media player missing language support, now all languages work with it.
  • Fixed an issue on the vocabulary search page, that caused phrases to be displayed with commas between the words, or with no spaces between them. It will still need further improvement for non Japanese and Chinese languages.
  • Fixed an error that broke the Kanji page if you had no known Kanji yet from every category.
  • Fixed dark theme style on color picker.
  • Added a missing label to text reader's settings dialog.

Other changes:

  • Moved the dictionary search to the main section of the popup vocabulary.
  • Removed all online dependencies.
  • Updated language selection dialog design, and the supported languages information in the readme.
  • Changed chapter size from 9000 to 4000 characters for importing e-books due to performance issues. There will be an option to edit this limit soon.
  • Unified text reader and subtitle reader settings. Users don't have to modify settings at both places separately anymore.
  • Added dynamic subtitle rendering for Media player, which increased performance significantly. For this I had to remove customizable spacing between subtitles, due to a bug that moved the vocabulary box around. This will be fixed in the future.

Thank you for everyone who contributed for the release!


15 Jan 16:18
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New features:

  • German lemmatization for nouns and separable verbs have been improved.
  • Importing dictionaries have been simplified, and has a new UI page to manage them.
  • Information popups for different features have been added.

Bug fixes:

  • Added missing toolbar titles on the review page.
  • Added missing dialog close buttons.
  • Auto generated lemmas sometimes had uppercase letters. It has been changed to only contain lowercase letters.

Other changes:

  • Docker images are now published on the GitHub Container Registry, and there is a much simpler installation and update process.
  • Changed version number format.
  • Updated MySQL image to 8.0.

Thank you for everyone who contributed for the release!


12 Jan 01:28
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New features:

  • Added partial support for new languages: Russian, Swedish and Ukrainian.
  • Docker installation and update process has been reworked and made simpler.
  • The "Highlight words" option in the text and subtitle reader settings dialog has been split into 2 options: "Hide all highlighting" and "Hide new word highlighting". This makes it possible to hide only the yellow new word highlighting.

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed all issues with "Plain text mode".
  • Fixed a bug that caused words to only have top and bottom border without background when "Highlight words" option was turned off, and the user hovered over them.
  • Missing toolbar titles have been added to text reader.
  • There was a non-standard scroll function used that caused issues in some browsers. It has been fixed, and it was added as an option for text and subtitle reader.
  • An issue has been fixed that caused white space characters being displayed as clickable words on the text reader page, and it broke the software if the user clicked on them.

Other changes:

  • The "/storage/app/dictionaries" folder has been created in the repository, and won't have to be created manually.
  • All tokenizer models have been replaced with smaller sized ones due to possible performance issues. They will be replaced with larger models for specific languages if it causes word tagging accuracy issues.

Thank you for everyone who contributed for the release!


14 Jan 23:02
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This is a release to store downloadable links for supported dictionaries.


09 Jan 17:29
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New features:
-Added partial support for new languages: Chinese, Dutch, Finnish, French, Italian and Korean.

Bug fixes:
-Fixed a bug that caused DeepL translator to handle all languages as Norwegian.

Other changes:
-The selected language is displayed as capitalized text.


07 Jan 17:45
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Updated readme line breaks