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Javascipt SVG Utilities

K2 Javascript Utilities offers several utilities packages. The SVG package privide several methods to assist dynamically creating svg elements.


npm install @k2_tools/utils


import {svg} from "@k2_tools/utils";


K2_tools SVG utilities offers a the following methods.

  1. viewBox
  2. offset
  3. cartesian2svg
  4. describePath
  5. describeArc


The viewBox(xMin, yMin, width, height) method accepts the same arguments as used to set the viewBox property of an <svg /> element.

It returns a viewBox objectwhich can be used to set the <svg> viewBox attribute and as arguments to other svg utility functions.

const vb = viewBox(-50, -50, 100, 100);

return <svg viewBox={vb.svg}>

sets the viewBox attribute of the <svg> to -50 -50 100 100


The offset(viewBox, origin : string) method accepts a viewBox as its first agrument as created by viewBox(...) and string identifying the location of the origin. The origin parameter can be one of. 'bottom-left'|'top-left'|'center'.

Its returns an offset object which can be used with the given viewBox in other <svg> support functions to convert the given arguments to the function from catresian co-ordinates at the given origin to co-ordinates in the svg's viewBox.

  1. origin = 'top-left' sets the origin of the cartesian axis to the top left corner of the svg canvas.
  2. origin = 'bottom-left' sets the origin of the cartesian axis to the bottom left corner of the svg canvas.
  3. origin = 'center' sets the origin of the cartesian axis to center of the svg canvas.

using viewBox and offset allows points to be given in natural cartesian co-ordinates (y up) and converted to svg co-ordinates (y down) centered around the configured cartesian origin accounting for the location of the svg origin as defined by viewBox.

const vb = viewBox(0, 0, 100, 100);
const oSet = offset(vb, 'center');

Produces an offset which locates the cartesian origin at the center of the svg canvas.


The cartesian2svg(x, y, viewBox, offset) accepts an x,y co-ordinate with a viewBox and optional offset. It returns an x,y co-ordinate on the svg axis as defined by the viewBox for cartesian axis as defined by the offset. If no offset is given it defaults to 'top-left'.

const vb = viewBox(0, 0, 100, 100);
const oSet = offset(vb, 'center');

console.log(JSON.stringify(cartesian2svg(25, -25, vb, oSet)));

Produces the following output

{x: 75, y: 75}

being 25 points to the right of the center and 25 points below the center of the viewBox.


The describePath(points : [{x,y}], viewBox, offset) method method accepts an array of x,y co-ordinates and an optional viewBox and offset and converts the array of x,y co-ordinates into the descritption of a continuous svg <path> element.

const vb = viewBox(0, 0, 100, 100);
const oSet = offset(vb, 'center');

return <svg viewBox={vb.svg}>
    <path d={describePath([{x:0,y:10},{x:10,y:0},{x:0,y:-10},{x:-10,y:0}], vb, oSet) + " Z"} />

renders a diamond 20 points wide and 20 points high at the center of the <svg> canvas irrespective of the definion of the viewBox.


The describeArc(rx, ry, rotation, largeArc, sweep, x, y, viewBox, offset) method method accepts the parameters required to add an arc to an svg <path> element and an optional viewBox and offset and returns the descirption of the arc.

If viewBox and offset are given then the x and y co-ordinates are recieved in the cartesian axis and the arc is described in the svg axis.

const vb = viewBox(0, 0, 100, 100);
const oSet = offset(vb, 'center');

return <svg viewBox={vb.svg}>
    <path d={"M 50 25 " + describeArc(25, 25, 0, 1, 0, vb, oSet)} />

renders a quater arc around the center of the <svg> canvas with a radius of 25 in the top-right quadrant.