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Advent Of Code 2020

Advent of Code : a yearly programming competition.

Day 14 Docking Data

Build a binary processor that works with values and applies masks.

Day 13 Shuttle Search

Periods and cycles. Part 1 straight forward, part 2 needs a clever solution. The subreddit suggested Chinese Remainder Theorem, but my maths isn't up to it. However, other examples suggested periodicity, and I translated an algorithm which then made sense.

Day 12 Rain Risk

Straightforward example of moving a ship around following directions, first absolutely, and then in relation to a waypoint that also moves.

Day 11 Seating System

A nice little cellular automata. Seats on the ferry fill up or empty depending on (part 1) who is sitting next to you or (part 2) who you can see. Wrote a couple of versions of Life recently so nice and quick.

Day 10 Adapter Array

Give a list of adapters, that can connect to certain other adapters, how many ways can I get through the adapters to the end. A really challenging one in that a simple recursive solution worked fine for the small dataset, but the big dataset had 97 adapters, which gave over 3 trillion solutions and recursion died. So I borrowed a Dynamic Programming / Memoisation idea from the subreddit and it worked fine. The subreddit had many solutions, some of which make no sense.

Day 9 Encoding Error

Given a stream of numbers, find the first one that isn't the sum of a pair within the previous 25; then the sum of some other numbers determined by that value. Straightforward.

Day 8 Handheld Halting

Build a little 3 instruction processor, debug a program to find the infinite loop and then figure out which instruction is wrong to allow it to terminate. Nice.

Day 7 Handy Haversacks

Recursive objects, bags holding bags. Nice.

Day 6 Custom Customs

Set manipulation. Disappointingly easy.

Day 5 Binary Boarding

You're given a string of chars that identifies a specific seat on a plan using binary space partitioning; decode each string e.g. FBFBBFFRLR to work out which row and column you are in. Then from the list, find the missing entry.

Day 4 Passport Processing

Parse a list of strings which have key-value pairs to make up 'passports' and find out with validation rules which are valid or not. e.g.

ecl:gry pid:860033327 eyr:2020 hcl:#fffffd
byr:1937 iyr:2017 cid:147 hgt:183cm

Day 3 Toboggan Trajectory

Definitely cute : a map of a hillside with trees, given a certain angle to ride the toboggan down, how many trees do you hit ? The trees repeat in patterns out to the right.


Day 2 Password Philosophy

Parse strings to find out which follow specified rules.

Day 1 Report Repair

A list of 200 numbers, first part is to find a combination of 2 that adds up to 2020 and then multiply them together; second part was same thing but for 3 numbers.

Simon Garton